Worksheet # 46 Questions                   Home


Capitol Hill            Bill             Filibuster             Treaty           Coin  

Impeach               Term          Committee          Senate         District


1)  Proposal in Congress for a new law:_______________.

2)  The attempt to stop a vote on a proposed law by making a continuous,

           unending speech:__________________.

3)  A piece of money or the act of producing money:_____________.

4)  A small group of Congressmen who meet to discuss a certain

           topic or proposal of law:________________.

5)  The amount of time each person elected to office may serve:___________.

6)  The part of Washington, D.C. where our government does its work:__________.

7)  An agreement between two or more separate nations:_______________.

8)  An area whose people get to vote for leaders to represent them:____________.

9)  A word meaning to accuse of a crime with official charges:______________.

10)  The name of the upper house of the Congress. It has 2 members for

             each of the fifty states:________________.


Thought Question:  As the United States population grows and grows, should there

             be an increase in the number of representatives in Congress? Discuss.