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                    THE BILL OF RIGHTS


So The Constitution kicked off to great huzzahs and cheers,

-- Though some were still wary, still had worries and fears.

That this new government, given charge of us all,

Might step past its limits, if not held back by the law.


Sharp voices did warn to keep our leaders in line,

And make sure PeopleÕs rights do not slip their mind.

They wanted it written that rights are respected,

So at a glance all could tell which ones are protected.


So they pleaded and prodded and debated all comers,

At home and at work, and at the beach in the summers.

ŌTil at last they convinced the thoughtful James Madison

To add a Bill of Rights to the terms of their union.


A list folks could wave as proof of their claims,

Should the powers-that-be go astray in their aims.

-- Indeed, such a promise had been offered to states,

To get them to ratify and sign on with their mates.


And thus to make clear where no laws may trespass,

Our first ten amendments were debated and passed.

So to each and to every American citizen

The Constitution confirms that Nature has given


The right to speak freely, to meet, and protest,

To keep and bear arms, and oneÕs religion practice.

And to have a fair trial if accused of a crime,

And be judged by a jury in a proper good time.


And the right to be free from a search by police

--Unless thereÕs a reason youÕre a threat to the peace.

As well as all others so clearly marked down,

-- Which is not to say there arenÕt more to be found!


Amendment Nine tells it plain: this group is not all,

Still more rights belong to the individual.

But itÕs a good place to start, to know where you stand,

In the scheme of our country, this brave and free land.