~ Awards~
Thankyou Moira for these two awards (my very first!), much appreciated that you took the time to look at my site and give these to me.

Moira's link is at the bottom of the page, please take a look at her wonderful work, I am becoming a regular visitor to her site lately and I am sure you will too when you view what she has to offer.
If you view my Web site and feel I am eligible for an award from you (TY!!!), please email me or sign my guestbook to let me know, I will get back to you a.s.a.p. I promise :-) or maybe you think I deserve an award... sign and let me know too please, thanks :-)
<< Guestbook >>
Thankyou Vickie for this award. I am honoured.

Please click on the award to visit Vickie's wonderful site.
I have now made some Awards, please click the next button to apply :-)
Thank you to the Phoenix Rising Womens Group that gave me this award... unexpected, but very much appreciated.