Diseases & Treatments

Please, note that the following list is not exhaustive. If you do not find your condition listed here, do not hesitate to Email me for more information.

Click on the disease category to select.

  • Auto-Immune Problems
  • Cardiovascular
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Gynaecology
  • Joints Diseases
  • Miscellaneaous
  • Paediatrics - Children's Problems
  • Respiratory
  • Skin Conditions
  • Urinary Disorders

  • Auto-immune Cardiovascular
    Disease name Best treated with Disease name Best treated with
    Candida Herbs Internal/Topical Angina Pectoris Acupuncture & Herbs
    Crohn's Disease Herbs Internal Myocarditis Herbs Internal
    Rheumatoid Arthritis Acupuncture & Herbs Pericarditis Herbs Internal
    Poor Circulation Acupuncture & Herbs
    Digestive Disorders Gynaecology
    Disease name Best treated with Disease name Best treated with
    Chronic Diarrheoa Herbs Internal Absence of Period Herbs Internal
    Coeliac Disease Herbs Internal Fibroids Acupuncture & Herbs
    Colitis Herbs & Acupuncture Infertility Herbs Internal
    Diabetes Herbs & Acupuncture Leukorrhea (abnormal discharge) Herbs Internal/topical
    Dysentery Herbs Internal Menopausal syndrome (hot flushes) Acupuncture & Herbs
    Gallstones Acupuncture & Herbs Morning Sickness Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Gastritis Acupuncture & Herbs Painful Periods Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Hepatitis A, B and C Acupuncture & Herbs Post-Natal Depression Acupuncture & Herbs
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome Acupuncture &/or Herbs Pre-Menstrual Syndrome Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Pancreatitis Acupuncture & Herbs Uterine Bleeding Acupuncture & Herbs
    Ulcers Acupuncture & Herbs
    Joints Diseases Miscellaneous
    Disease name Best treated with Disease name Best treated with
    Ankylosing Spondolytis Acupuncture &/or Herbs Alopecia (hair loss) Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Arthritis Acupuncture &/or Herbs Anxiety & Depression Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Gout Acupuncture &/or Herbs Cramps Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Sciatica Acupuncture &/or Herbs Insomnia Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Paediatrics Respiratory
    Disease name Best treated with Disease name Best treated with
    Asthma Acupuncture &/or Herbs Allergic Rhinitis Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Bedwetting Acupuncture &/or Herbs Asthma Acupuncture & Herbs
    Glue Ear Acupuncture &/or Herbs Bronchitis Acupuncture & Herbs
    Poor Digestion Acupuncture &/or Herbs Cough Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Poor Immunity Acupuncture &/or Herbs Lung Abscess Herbs
    Skin Conditions Acupuncture &/or Herbs Sinusitis Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Tonsilitis Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Tracheitis Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Skin Conditions Urinary Disorders
    Disease name Best treated with Disease name Best treated with
    Acne Herbs Internal/Topical Cystitis Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Dermatitis Herbs Internal/Topical Difficulty Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Eczema Herbs Internal/Topical Frequency Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Fungus, Yeast infection and Tinea Herbs Internal/Topical Incontinence Acupuncture &/or Herbs
    Herpes Acupuncture & Herbs Kidney stone Acupuncture & Herbs
    Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Acupuncture &/or Herbs Prostatitis Acupuncture & Herbs
    Psoriasis Herbs Internal/Topical

    © 1999 - 2006 Maurice Lavenant