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English ~ Literature ~ By Author

Individual Authors

  • Angelou, Maya(EducETH)
  • Blake, William
  • The Brontė Sisters - Cecilia Falk
  • Cather, Willa -The Song of the Lark
  • Chaucer - Jane Zatta - Chaucer & Links
  • Chopin, Kate - Desiree's Baby
  • Coleridge, Sameul Taylor - University of Virginaia - eText Center
  • Dickens, Charles
  • Dickens, Charles - Gad's Hill Place
  • Dickens, Charles - An Overview
  • Dickens, Charles - Ritva Raesmaa's Dickens Site
  • Dickinson, Emily - Renee Evans' The Mysterious Woman in White
  • Eliot, T. S. - What the Thunder Said
  • Faulkner, William - On the Web
  • Franklin, Benjamin
  • Hughes, Langston - Cora Unashamed
  • James, Henry - The American
  • Jefferson, Thomas - University of Virginia - Electronic Text Center
  • Joyce, James - The Brazen Head
  • London, Jack - Collection (DL SunSITE)
  • Milton, John (1608-1674)
  • Milton, John - The Milton-L Home Page
  • Orwell, George - DuPage - English 103 Notes & Study Questions for 1984
  • Parker, Dorothy
  • Poe, Edgar Allen - Commemoration Of The Sesquicentennial Of His Death
  • Poe, Edgar Allan - House of Usher
  • Poe, Edgar Allen - The Poe Decoder
  • Poe, Edgar Allen - Poe's Valentine Greeting
  • Porter, Katherine Ann
  • Sanchez, Alicia
  • Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein Exhibit
  • Shelley, Mary - A Frankenstein Study Anatomy of a Story
  • Shelley, Mary - The Frankenstein Mail Art Gallery.
  • Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein - The Making of a Monster - Related Resources
  • Shelley, Mary - Shelley's Frankenstein
  • Spenser, Edmund
  • Tennyson, Alfred Lord - The Tennyson Page
  • Twain, Mark - Twain in His Times
  • Twain, Mark - Letters
  • Welty, Eudora - The Ponder Heart

    English ~ Literature ~ By Authors

    Many Authors

  • American Collection
  • AmericanWritingGateway - NCTE
  • Barnes & Noble - Author Chat Transcripts
  • Bartleby.com - Great Books Online
  • Bibliomania - Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
  • Bibliomania - Fiction Library
  • Bob's World Literature
  • BookBrowser - Author Pseudonyms
  • BookLover's - Great Writers & Poets
  • BooksOnline - Literature
  • Contemporary British Authors
  • Educeth - Literature for Secondary Students
  • Eldritch Press
  • English Pavilion - Children & Young Adult Lit Authors
  • English Server Fiction Collection
  • Lit Cafe (Thinkquest)
  • LitLinks (Bedford/St Martin's) - Authors
  • Literary Locales
  • Litrix Reading Room
  • LookSmart
  • LSU Webliography
  • Michael Groves - Names Index
  • On the Web for Secondary Students
  • On the WWW
  • Paul P. Reuben, PAL - American Authors
  • Peter Rasmussen - Historians & Philosophers
  • Petri Liukkonen - Authors & Bio's
  • Resources for Creative Writers
  • Romantic Circles High School - Romantic Authors
  • The San Antonio College LitWeb American Literature II Index
  • S.C.O.R.E. CyberGuides
  • Study Guides for Various Works
  • StudyWeb - Classical
  • StudyWeb - Women's Literature
  • TeachersFirst - American Literature
  • WebEnglishTeacher Lit Resources
  • Webliography
  • World Book - Novelists
  • Yahoo! Arts/Humanities/Literature/Genres/Literary Fiction/Authors
  • Yahoo! Arts/Humanities/Literature/Genres/Nonfiction/Authors
  • Yahoo! Arts/Humanities/Philosophy /Philosophers
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    Maureen Roszkowski, maurirz@yahoo.com
    with Michael Roszkowski
    Copyright Maureen Roszkowski all rights reserved