Encompass English

English ~ Literature ~ By Period

Literature By Period ~ Greek & Roman

  • Argos - Internet Resources For Classics
  • Bibliomania - Drama, Poetry, & Ancient Classics
  • The Classics Pages - Loxias
  • CyberLatin® Chalice Yehling, Southern HS, Durham, NC
  • Diotima Women & Gender in the Ancient World
  • Encyclopedia Mythica
  • An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology
  • Fred Mench - Fictional Rome
  • Hope Greenberg, Univ. of Vermont - Ovid Project
  • IAM - Search for Information on Ancient Places
  • Litrix Reading Room - Antiquities
  • The Oedipus Game
  • Perseus Project
  • Philomena Meechan's Bookmarks
  • StudyWeb -$-
  • Torrey Philemon - Odyssey Study Guides & Information

    Literature By Period ~ Medieval & Anglo Saxon

  • The Adventures of Beowulf
  • Chaucer MetaPage
  • Luminarium - Anthology of Middle English Literature (1350-1485)
  • Lynch Literary Resources - Medieval
  • Matsuoka - British 600 - 1300
  • Matsuoka - British 1300 - 1500
  • ORB - The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies
  • Paula Marmor - Legends
  • StudyWeb -$-
  • T.E.A.M.S. - Middle English Texts
  • VoS - Anglo-Saxon and Medieval

    Literature By Period ~ 16th Century

  • Luminarium - Renaissance 1485-1603)
  • Lynch Literary Resources - Renaissance
  • Matsuoka - British 1500 - 1600
  • Matsuoka - Renaissance
  • Renaissance Electronic Texts (RET)
  • VoS - Renaissance

    Literature By Period ~ 17th Century

  • Early Modern Literary Studies
  • Luminarium - English Lit Early 17th (1603-1660)
  • Matsuoka - American 1550 - 1750
  • Matsuoka - British 1600 -1700
  • Matsuoka - 17th
  • Paul Reuben, PAL - Early American Literature to 1700
  • Roger Bailey - LitWeb - Restoration & 18th Century
  • VoS - Renaissance & 17th Century

    Literature By Period ~ 18th Century

  • Eighteenth-Century Studies
  • Matsuoka - American 1750 - 1800
  • Matsuoka - British 1700 - 1865
  • Matsuoka - 18th & Restoration
  • Paul Rueben, PAL - Early American Literature1700 -1800
  • VoS - English Literature 18th Century

    Literature By Period ~ 19th Century

  • American Literature on the Web
  • Elements of the Gothic Novel
  • Dictionary of Sensiblities
  • Lynch Literary Resources -- Romantic
  • Lynch Literary Resources - Victorian British
  • Matsuoka - American 1800 - 1850
  • Matsuoka - American 1850 - 1860
  • Matsuoka - American 1860 - 1870
  • Matsuoka - American 1870 - 1880
  • Matsuoka - American 1880 - 1890
  • Matsuoka - American 1890 - 1900
  • Matsuoka - British 1880 - 1890
  • Matsuoka - British 1890 - 1900
  • Matsuoka - British 1865 - 1880
  • Matsuoka - 19th Century British & Irish Authors
  • Matsuoka - 19th Romantic & Victorian
  • Michael Eberle-Sinatra, Victoria University - Romanticism On the Net
  • The Nineteenth Century
  • Paul Reuben, PAL - American Romanticism 19th Century
  • Paul Reuben, PAL - Early 19th American Transcendentalism
  • Paul Reuben, PAL - Late 19th American Naturalism
  • Paul Reuben, PAL - Late 19th American Realism
  • Romantic Circles
  • Stephen Railton - American Lit Since 1865 - Virginia
  • Susan Horton - The City as Hero - Victorian London in Life and Literature
  • U of Michigan - Making of America - Antebellum to Reconstruction Literary Works
  • The Victorian Web - An Overview
  • Victorian Literature Overview
  • VoS - Romantics
  • VoS - Victorian

    Literature By Period ~ 20th Century

  • Allen Ruch - The Libyrinth Entry Tunnel
  • AmDecades
  • American Cultural History - The Twentieth Century
  • Chico HS Library - 20th Century Decades
  • George Landow - Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature An Overview
  • Matsuoka - American 1900 - 1910
  • Matsuoka - American 1910 - 1920
  • Matsuoka - American 1920 - 1930
  • Matsuoka - American 1930 - 1940
  • Matsuoka - American 1940 - 1950
  • Matsuoka - 20th
  • Modernism Timeline 1890 -1940
  • NOTES Plus Doing the Decades
  • Paul Reuben, PAL - Early Twentieth Century American Lit
  • Paul Reuben, PAL - Harlem Renaissance -1919 -1937
  • Paul Reuben, PAL - Late 20th - 1945 - present
  • Salem @ nationalgeographic.com
  • Scottsdale HS Library - Twentieth-Century United States Timesaver
  • USIA - An Outline of American Literature
  • VoS - Contemporary
  • VoS - Modern
  • West Springfield HS Library - American Decades

    Literature By Period ~ 20th Century ~ British

  • Anglophile.org & Britishliterature.com - British Lit & Anglophile Resources
  • Lynch Literary Resources - Twentieth-Century British & Irish
  • Matusoka - British 1900 - 1910
  • Matsuoka - British 1910 - 1920
  • Matsuoka - British 1920 - 1930
  • Matsuoka - British 1930 - 1940
  • Matsuoka - British 1940 - on
  • VoS - Contemporary
  • VoS - Modern

    Literature By Period ~ Litertaure-in-History & Timelines

  • Cambridge History of English and American Literature 1907-21
  • Donna B. Campbell, Gonzaga U - Literary Movements
  • Literary Timeline - American Collection

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    Maureen Roszkowski, maurirz@yahoo.com
    with Michael Roszkowski
    Copyright Maureen Roszkowski all rights reserved