"ITVR: Chapter 16"

By Jadedoll, Penumbren, & Raising Kane

Milky Way bar

Shit, shit, shit.

He'd never heard Shawn this angry before, not even at Vince. Not even when the doctors had said he'd never wrestle again. That had been a fury born from despair and loss rather than pure rage. For all his passion in the ring, Shawn just didn't get that angry with people in the real world. Frustrated...sure, kicking a locker when your friend is fired... definitely. But not this kinda angry. So great that Hunter could practically feel the heat through the door.

OK Hunt, c'mon be a man. Let him in, it looks like he hates your guts so it's not like you're in any real trouble. Once more looking around the room, he forced the embarrassed flush from his cheeks and straightened his spine. He could out-game anyone... even Shawn. He'd done it last night he could do it again. Reaching out, he turned the handle and quickly backed across the room. He wasn't retreating, he was just getting some personal space. Time to play 'disgusting playboy' Hunt.

He'd never graced Shawn with his 'I am the man' routine. Mostly because the blond would have just laughed in his face. After all Shawn was 'the man' way before Hunter became 'the Game'. But then, even the great HBK had never worked the system like Hunter. No one had.

Time to put his game face on.


Chris was just drifting. Kind of like flying, or floating down from a cliff, light as a feather. Like Wile E. Coyote pressed flat by a stream roller, so he swung from side to side as he fell. No gravity, no impact. Adam was his steamroller now and God the man could drive! Chris' muscles were almost sore, but the sweet, peaceful lassitude engulfing him was better than any drug. He'd just had the best orgasm of his adult life.

CJ was feeling no pain.

Reality eventually penetrated his happy little zone out. Adam's name still on his lips and his lover's growling, broken voice in his ears.

beyond anything I ever dreamed

Blinking slowly, Chris looked back into Adam's face, seeing the affection there as well as the satisfaction. It registered that Adam had planted a pretty awesome kiss on him just five seconds ago, but CJ had been so high, he hadn't noticed. In contrast to his earlier babble he was remarkable unable to come up with anything to say. The Buffy reference of "Fire Bad...Adam Pretty" was about as much as the mush his brain had become could handle.

Some, small irritating part of his mind mentioned the whole after sex business that should be taken care of...but Chris really couldn't bring himself to give a fuck.

"Adam... Babe... that was wow... just... wow... with an exclamation mark and everything." Hating the loss, Chris lifted himself from Adam's still half-hard shaft and collapsed on the bed beside him. Keeping his foot and palm in contact with Adam's skin, CJ gave a great exaggerated sigh and smiled goofily up into glorious green eyes. "Still tripping on the afterglow Babe.... wow."

Chris felt like humming...so he did.


His fingers almost tapping on the wood underneath them, Shawn glared at the door, waiting for Hunter to open it. If he didn't do it, and do it soon, he really would break the damned thing down. No way in hell was Hunt getting out of this conversation... especially not by hiding in his motel room. If nothing else, Shawn was pretty sure that Hunt would rather have this talk in the hotel room rather than on the plane later.

As soon as the door clicked open, Shawn shoved it open with as much force as he could muster, sending it crashing back against the wall. Part of him was disappointed that Hunter hadn't been standing behind it. The other part of him was horrified at the thought, but the anger filling him stomped that little voice down until it quieted again; this was not the time to be feeling soft and sympathetic.

He stalked into the room, barely noticing Dave following him and shutting the door behind them. Casting a quick glance around the room, he couldn't help his eyes widening as he saw the stack of glasses and... whiskey bottles? What the hell? Hunt didn't drink. Finally settling his eyes on the man across the room, he took in the bloodshot eyes, damp hair, and fine lines of pain on his face.


If Hunter felt like shit right now, that meant that he was more likely to give Shawn the truth. Not to mention that it made him feel better, in a nasty little way, knowing that Hunt had been messed up enough last night to drink himself blind. Shawn knew exactly how bad Hunter had to be feeling right now, having drunk himself into oblivion more than once in the past, and whiskey had been a favourite at one point.

Advancing until he was only a few feet in front of Hunter, refusing to give him the space he so obviously desired, he glared at the other man, knowing that every emotion he was feeling was written on his face and not giving a damn. His body was practically quivering, from the growing nervous tension as well as from rage. Hunt could play every mind game he knew; Shawn wasn't about to fall for any of them. He'd seen them before---hell, he'd taught most of them to Hunt, in one way or another.

"Care to tell me the truth, Hunt? Or do I have to beat it out of you?"


Ignoring the pain in his knees, Kevin tilted his head enough not to choke on the water pouring down on them from the shower and slid his hands up to hold Scott's hips still as he lavished attention on the hard shaft in front of him. He used every little trick that he knew Scotty couldn't resist, and smiled to himself at the soft noises that escaped his lover. When he felt the flesh under his tongue swell, he raised his head so he could watch Scott; his lover was beautiful when he came, and Kev never got tired of watching him.

Releasing his restraining grip on Scotty's hips, he expected the sharp thrust that followed and hummed, swallowing Scott's release. Listening to Scotty shout his name made a warm---not to mention smug---tingle go through him. As Scott clutched his shoulders, Kevin slid his hands back up to Scott's waist as he stood up, groaning a little as his knees protested. Holding Scott close, he moved them both back under the shower to rinse off, smiling ruefully as he felt the coolness of the water. He'd just have to wash his hair that evening.

Not moving too quickly yet, he turned the shower off as Scott got out, wishing that his knees weren't so damned creaky these days. He was trying to take it easy on them... of course, going down on Scotty in the shower probably wasn't following doctor's orders for knee care, he admitted to himself with a smirk.

When he was met with a towel and an armful of Scott, his arms instinctively wrapped around his lover, smiling at him. Yeah, it was gonna suck to sit on that plane later, but it was more than worth the discomfort to have moments like they'd just shared. No one else could do for him what Scott did. Scotty was the other half of his soul. Caught by surprise by the thought, Kev swallowed past the unexpected tightening of his throat, his smile lingering as Scott toweled him off. It wasn't often that they were actually that thoughtful of each other, but then, he'd always made an effort to do things like that after he'd taken charge with Scott...

"Love you, Kev."

Dammit, there was that choking up again. Scott was gone before Kev could find his voice, but he knew that Scotty had seen the glimmer in his eyes when he kissed him. He got dressed slowly, thinking about the changes in their relationship. They'd always been touchy-feely and comfortable around each other, but this time... they were more thoughtful, taking the time to do the little things, go the extra step, for each other. Kev knew that on his end, it was because he was so grateful to have Scott back. After being apart for almost two years, he appreciated his lover as he never had before, and he knew that if they were ever apart again, it would kill him. It nearly had last time.

Shaking his head at himself, he brushed out his hair and pulled it back. He was being uncommonly thoughtful this morning. It was probably because of all the discussion he and Scott had shared last night, but still... he needed to get focused. They still had to track down Shawn to find out what the hell had happened the night before, and he knew that Scott wanted him to talk to Hunter today. His mouth twisted briefly at that thought, but he already knew that he'd do it... because Scotty wanted him to. If Scott ever realised just how twisted around his little finger Kevin was... Kevin laughed softly at that thought. His lover undoubtedly did know, and used that knowledge shamelessly. Shrugging a little, he knew that he didn't care. He loved Scott, and trusted him, and knew that those feelings were shared. Neither of them would ever do anything to hurt the other. Not anymore.

Walking out into the main room, he laughed when he saw Scott wearing one of his old "Big Sexy" t-shirts. Running a hand across his back, Kev smirked at him.

"Shouldn't that read, "Property of", sweetheart?" he asked with a broad grin. Ducking the swipe that Scott aimed at him, he sat in the chair across his room and pulled on his socks and shoes before standing up again.

"So, I'm starving. Why don't we grab something to eat downstairs, then come back and pack up before checking out?"


"G...god, I can't believe I let you t...talk me into t...this." Glen's voice trembled slightly as he looked at his lover poised above him.

Sean snickered as he looked down at Glen, his finger trailing through the cold sticky pink mess spread over his lover's chest. "You are such a baby. Don't worry lover, you are going to be thrilled by the time I'm finished. Promise." Sean bent his head, letting his tongue scoop some of the sweet pink treat from the indentation over Glen's breastbone. He trailed his tongue lazily towards a nipple, stopping just before he reached it to pull his tongue back in his mouth and swallowing.

Glen groaned, shivering slightly as Sean's tongue snaked out across his nipple, scooping a tiny piece of black cherry off the tip. Sean was certifiable and Glen figured he must be as well for agreeing to this. Not that he wasn't enjoying the way Sean's tongue was moving over him, but the damn ice cream was fucking cold as hell. He was never letting Sean order room service again. He twitched and moaned as Sean worked his way through the sticky pink goo smeared all over his chest and stomach. Thank god he was almost done.

Sean smiled as he licked off the last bit of the ice cream from Glen's stomach. His lover's skin was flushed pink from both the coldness of the ice cream and undeniable arousal. Glen could hardly deny it, the proof was nestled quite nicely against the cleft of his ass at the moment. Glen's eyes were clenched shut and his hands were wrapped around fistfuls of the blanket and Sean thought he made the perfect picture.

That all changed the moment that Sean shifted so that he was sitting on Glen's thighs. The growly "don't you dare" didn't phase Sean at all and he picked up the spoon from the bowl even as Glen's eyes shot open. The obvious threat Glen was about to make when he opened his mouth was cut off by a howl as Sean tipped the spoon and a huge glob black cherry ice cream landed on Glen's swollen shaft.

"Sean!" Glen's shout was loud enough that it was probably heard in the room at the other end of the hall. Sean grinned from atop his perch before laughing at his lover's obvious distress.


When he heard the click from the door, Dave tensed slightly then watched as Shawn stormed into the room, the loud crash of the door smacking against the wall echoing out into the hallway. Dave shook his head trying to hide the smile that wanted to creep onto his face. Shawn's passion, even born of anger, was an amazing thing to witness. There would be no half steps here...Hunter was in big, big trouble.

Pushing away from the wall, Dave followed Shawn through the door, albeit slower and much more calmly...at least on the outside. Pushing the door shut, he turned back to face the room and once again took up a casual stance, leaning his shoulder against the wall with his hands tucked in the pockets of his slacks. His face expressionless, he scanned the room with his eyes.

He almost raised a brow over the glasses and whiskey bottles sitting in disarray. As long as he'd known Hunter, he had never seen the man take a drink...of any kind. Obviously from the state of the room, he'd had more than just one drink last night: the obvious glasses and bottles, clothes strewn across the floor leading towards the bathroom, and the bed sheets were tangled as if someone had been...no, maybe Hunter was just a restless sleeper. If he'd had a few bad dreams, it was nothing compared to what Shawn had gone through last night. Dave tensed and let his eyes wander over Hunter slowly. From the way Hunter looked, he definitely did not have company last night...at least not that kind of company.

Hunter had showered not too long ago, that much was obvious from the dampness of his hair. Looking closer there was a pinched look at the corner of his eyes. Dave almost grinned...definite signs of one bitch of a hangover headache. He would have felt sorry for Hunter on any other occasion, but after the lies he'd told last night, Dave felt a little less sympathetic than he normally would. The closer Shawn got to him, the more nervous Hunter seemed. Hmmm. Wonder why that might be? Scared he's going to see through your lies if he gets too close, Hunt? It wouldn't be obvious to someone unfamiliar with Hunter, but if you looked into his eyes you could see the slight hint of restlessness there.

Dave wondered for a moment if he should leave the two of them to talk about this alone. Hunter might be more likely to open up to Shawn without him there and this was between the two of them. The tension between the men was a palpable presence in the room and it was for that reason that Dave didn't turn and leave the room right then.

"Care to tell me the truth, Hunt? Or do I have to beat it out of you?"

Oh boy. Dave clenched his fists within his pockets to keep the placid look on his face. His eyes moving to observe Hunter his only noticeable reaction, Dave prepared to step in if necessary.


Looking at the rather goofy smile on Chris' face as he lay beside him, Adam laughed happily. He had wanted to cheer Chris up and it seemed he had, though not in the way he had planned, that was for sure. To his way of thinking this way was infinitely preferable. He vaguely wondered for a moment about the look on Chris' face earlier and who had been the one actually on the receiving end of that look, but pushed it off to the side. There would be no stray thoughts to ruin the happiness he felt right now. Chris was here with him right now and he was going to enjoy it for however long it lasted.

"Still tripping on the afterglow Babe....wow."

Adam grinned in return when Chris started humming. Too incredibly cute...though he wasn't going to risk bodily harm to tell Chris so. Turning on his side, Adam reached up with one hand to play with the ends of Chris' hair, which were splayed across the pillow. His smile softened as he looked at Chris, lazily sprawled against the pillows. He realized that for the first time in a very long time the loneliness that seemed to be his constant nightly companion was missing. The warm glow that had settled in his chest earlier returned and gained a bit in intensity.

Adam withheld a sigh and rolled from the bed with a bounce. If he got too sentimental then Chris would notice and he did not want to risk having him run shrieking from the room. He would take his cues from Chris on how much he should reveal and leave it at that. Walking into the bathroom he washed his hands and wet a cloth with warm water. Adam wasn't sure if they were sticking with the original plan which included a shower, but either way he was sure that Chris would probably appreciate being able to clean up a bit before the food got here.

Snickering quietly as he thought that they probably should have ordered breakfast at this time rather than steak, he walked back into the main room and settled on the bed beside Chris. He ran the warm washcloth over Chris' stomach and was debating the wisdom of letting Chris take care of the other areas he might feel needed cleaned when he was saved having to make the decision by a knock on the door.

"Uh...I'll get that if you want to...." Adam smiled indicating the washcloth before climbing off the bed. He realized that he probably shouldn't answer the door completely naked, not that he was shy but Vince would have a cow over the exposure, pun definitely intended. Adam grabbed his wallet before snagging a towel off the rack in the bathroom. Wrapping the white terrycloth around his waist he tucked the end in at the top and then opened the door, his 'I just got some and you didn't' smile in place.

Pulling a bill for a tip from his wallet, he handed it to the young man pushing the room service cart. "Thanks. I'll take it from here." Adam grabbed the cart, pulled it into the room, and shut the door waving nonchalantly to the startled man. He pushed the cart farther into the room, stopping to let his eyes wander over Chris for a moment.

"I don't know about you, sweetheart, but I'm completely famished. Ready to eat?"


The hand trailing over his back made him smile.

"Shouldn't that read, "Property of", sweetheart?"

Scott growled playfully and turned, taking a swipe at Kevin's head, which Kevin of course ducked. He'd never admit it to Kevin, because the man would be too damn smug, but Scott would gladly wear a shirt proclaiming him Kevin's property... though only in private. Imagine the ramifications if he actually dared to wear one in public. Vince would boot his ass out of the company yet again for making a spectacle of himself and Scott wasn't quite ready to give up on his career just yet. Scott smiled slyly, thinking that he just might have to get a shirt printed up that way sometime as a surprise for his lover.

"Why don't we grab something to eat downstairs...."

Scott pulled on his own socks and boots before turning towards the door. "Sure thing Kev, just don't forget that after breakfast we need to stop by Hunter's room on the way back here." Scott could imagine the grimace on Kev's face, even though he wasn't looking at his lover. "I want to stop and check on Shawn too, but since he had company last night...." Scott trailed off, the implication that he didn't want to disturb Shawn too early just in case Dave had actually 'woke Shawn up a couple times in the night' implicit in his tone.

Opening the door, Scott waited for Kevin to exit the room, making sure he had his keycard with him before closing it. Linking his hand in Kevin's, Scott led him towards the elevator where he could see a couple standing waiting on the doors to open. Scott occasionally had to remind himself that he needed to watch their PDA when it came to the general public. He couldn't wait for the time when both he and Kev had retired and it wouldn't be necessary to keep their relationship quiet, but at the same time he knew that neither he nor Kev were ready to give up the spotlight yet. Noting that it was Benoit and Eddie, Scott kept his hold on Kevin's hand, not worried at all that the two would have a problem with it.

The doors to the elevator opened just as they reached the pair and Scott waved them in first, following behind with Kevin in tow. "You two look like you had a busy night," Scott said with a smirk at the pair. "You heading down for breakfast?" He asked as he slipped his arm around Kevin's waist, his hand brushing across Kevin's ass lightly along the way.


"Aren't you ever going to get up?"

Eddie grinned at the tone of his lover's voice and raised his head, currently propped on his arms crossed behind it, to look at Benoit's face. His lover was standing half-dressed in the middle of their hotel room, looking impatiently at him.

"Sí ese... eventually." He knew that his careless tone would provoke Chris further, and his lover didn't disappoint, narrowing his eyes. Letting his grin widen slightly, he continued, "After the show's over, anyway."

He watched with glee as a dull red spread over Benoit's face, his lover's mouth snapping closed as he turned away, pulling on his shirt with a sharp tug. His grin softened as he watched, knowing that he was an incredibly lucky man. Chris had been with him, originally as a friend, later as a lover, through the worst times of his life, and now, through the best. No one else had ever been willing to put up with his mood swings, his sense of humour, his attitude... but Chris was. Benoit put up with far more than Eddie would ever have been able to.

Almost as if sensing the direction of his thoughts, Benoit turned around, still pink around the edges, but smiling a little now.

"You'd think by now that I'd be past that reaction," he murmured as he sat on the edge of the bed, leaning over Eddie. Chris couldn't help it; he loved to look at the man. They'd been together for years now, in one way or another, and he still never got tired of just looking at him. Eddie was so full of life... there were days when Chris could keep going just by being near him and soaking up some of that energy.

Leaning down further, he brushed a soft kiss against Eddie's lips before standing up. With a smirk, he reached down... and dragged the blankets off the bed, leaving Eddie exposed.

"Chris, what are you doing?" Chris's lips twitched with the effort of holding back his laugh as Eddie sat up, looking offended... and chilly.

"I'm getting you up," he informed him with a straight face. "No puns intended, Eddie. I'm hungry, and we don't have all morning before we have to be at the airport for our flight. So... c'mon, already. Slowpoke."

They continued needling each other as they finished their morning rituals, packing everything and setting their bags by the door as they left, Chris checking to make sure that he had the keycard to get back in.

Eddie had an arm around him, and Chris couldn't quite keep the little smile that brought off his face. Neither of them were big on public displays, but after a week apart, Benoit didn't mind at all if Eddie wanted to touch him. He punched the down button when they reached the elevators, then stood there chatting with Eddie as they waited. Only when two other people stopped next to them did he even realise that they had company.

Nodding at Scott as he and Eddie stepped in, he pushed the button for the first floor as the dark man spoke.

 "You two look like you had a busy night,"

Eddie grinned, seeing Benoit's expression tighten just a little. They'd never made a secret of their relationship, but they'd never been public with it, either, and Chris still had some issues sometimes with other people commenting on it. Eddie didn't care, although he was sensitive to his lover's moods. Tightening his grip on Chris's waist just a little, he nodded at Scott, sharing a look of understanding.

"You heading down for breakfast?"

"Yeah. You too? Want some company, ese? It's been a while since we've seen each other," Eddie said, cocking his head. He'd never been great friends with either of the two men, but he'd been friendly with them when he was sober... and he'd been one of Hall's drinking buddies when neither of them were. Now that they were both clean, he found himself thinking that it would be worth it to turn that casual relationship into an actual friendship. He and Scott had a lot in common... including their senses of humour. He chuckled quietly as he heard his lover heave a long-suffering sigh, not so quietly, into the corner.


Kevin bent his head a little as he tried to hide his smile. Scott was acting much more dominant than he normally did, whether he realised it or not, and Kev was enjoying every moment of it. Their relationship didn't revolve around the question, but it was nice for him to see Scotty so confident again.

"You two look like you had a busy night."

Running a quick glance over the other two men, Kevin had to agree. They were perfectly clean and dressed, but they had a certain look to them... a look that he was sure he and Scotty shared. While Scott and he hadn't been apart for more than a day or two since they'd been back together, last night was the first time in a while that they'd spent that much time alone together. Since the entire Clique had been reunited, there had been far more late nights spent talking with long-missed friends and family than late nights spent having wild sex with his lover.

He followed Scott obediently into the elevator, noting with some amusement Benoit's slight discomfort with Scott's comment. Benny had always been a little uptight; guess some things never changed. And then again... some did, he thought as he looked at Eddie.

He'd had his share of problems with the Latino when he was drinking, not the least of which was his being involved with Scott drinking, but he respected him a hell of a lot for getting sober. He'd never seen Eddie quite so... happy. He seemed more energetic, too. Kevin did smile a little at that; Scott had the same "symptoms"... being sober did wonders for your energy levels and your happiness.

"You heading down for breakfast?"

As Scott's hand brushed over his ass, Kev flinched, even that gentle touch aggravating the marks Scott had left there not that long ago. He bit his lip, casting a sideways look at Scotty as his lover slipped his arm around his waist, and got nothing but a raised eyebrow in return. They'd made love three times in way less than a day... even though his spirit was more than willing, his body just wasn't quite able to respond to the not-so-subtle teasing.

The look in Scott's eyes told him that Scott was feeling the same way... but Kev knew his lover well enough that that didn't mean he wasn't in for some serious teasing that day. The thought of sitting down to eat breakfast in public made him wonder what he'd been thinking to suggest eating downstairs. Even sitting in the chair long enough to pull on his shoes had made his ass ache more than it had to start with. Sitting on a restaurant chair for at least an hour while they ate... with company... Casting another look at Scotty, suspiciously this time, he wondered if that hadn't been why his lover had been so willing to eat downstairs.

Taking a deep breath, Kevin tried his best to ignore the slight throbbing, following Scott out of the elevators once the doors slid open again. He mourned the loss of the arm around his waist, but knew as well as Scotty that they had to watch their PDAs a bit more, with Vince ready to start breathing down their necks for the slightest reason. Last night was probably going to come bite them in the ass---Kev winced a little at that thought---but at least it had been provoked, and even Vince would see that. Hopefully.

Uncharacteristically quiet, Kev followed the others into the restaurant, chatting a little with Benoit, and tried not to wince too obviously at the pain that flashed through him as he slowly sat down in the hard-backed chair. At least he could blame his lack of speed on his knees...


to be continued...

Milky Way bar

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