"From the Heart of One"

By Raising Kane

Disclaimer: I imply nothing about the sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc. of any of the characters. This is simply a work of fiction produced by my twisted and adventurous mind. Don't own the characters. Don't own the song lyrics either, just borrowing them for a bit of fun.
Distribution: Shadows of the Moon, Camelot, anyone else...if you really want it... just ask first please.
Rating: PG-13 (I think)
Characters: Shawn Chris Jericho/HHH (Hunter), Shawn Michaels/Dave Batista, Mark Calaway (Undertaker), Steve Austin, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Randy Orton, Adam Copeland (Edge).
Content: M/M relationships, angst, silliness, tiny bit of language
Song: "All for Love" as performed by Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart, Sting. Written by Bryan Adams, Mutt Lange, and Michael Kamen. Author's Note: This is the second in the ROL series. No spoilers. Someone suggested a warning for this fic and I've decided it might be appropriate to include it: Do not drink beverages while reading. I'm not responsible for Coke-splattered monitors or burns from hot coffee shooting out of your nose. Drink and read at your own risk. *g*.
Dedication: For Pen...thanks for being the best Beta reader ever. ;)

Milky Way bar

*Chris' POV*

"Shawn...I can't do this."

We're in a karaoke bar somewhere in the Midwest.

Why? It was Shawn's idea.

We're standing at the bar waiting on our first round of drinks. The rest of the guys are already sitting at a table close to the stage. The stage...the one that Shawn wants me to go up on later and sing. You'd think that would be no problem at all for me...The Ayatollah of Rock 'N Rolla. But see there is a problem here...I'm not going to be singing just any song for just any audience. Oh no. This is a special song for a special audience...of one.

"What do you mean you can't do it? Of course you can, Chris. You perform in front of thousands of people on a weekly basis. You have your own band for god's sake. This'll be a cinch." Well thank you HBK. That really helped...not. I shake my head fiercely.

"No...I can't. I think I'm going to throw up."

"The great Chris Jericho with stage fright? I don't believe it." Shut up Shawn! You are not helping. I'm sure the glare I'm sending his way says it all.

"Listen Chris. It's simple. All you have to do is go up there and sing. I'll take care of the rest." Hah! Simple he says. He's not the one that's going to make a fool of himself if the person in question doesn't appreciate my efforts.

I mean come on...he has never given me the slightest clue that he sees me as anything but his best friend's boyfriend's best friend, a co-worker, and the occasional co-conspirator. The only proof I have that he's at all interested in me is the word of his best friend and not even he can guarantee that it's not just a spark of lust. Yet I'm supposed to go out there and expose all my feelings for him and hope things work out? Nuh uh, junior!

"What if you're wrong?"

"I'm not."

"But what if you are?" I hate this.

When it comes to work...I'm as confident as they come. When it comes to my personal life...I'm painfully shy and unsure. Nothing at all like the guy that comes into your living room via the television each and every week.

"If I am then you can reserve the right to smack me...but I'm not wrong. I'm never wrong. I'm..."

"Yeah, yeah...you're HBK." He glares at me because I only call him that when he's in his arrogant ass mode and he knows it. "This is all Dave's fault." I shoot a glare across the room at my 'best friend'. I really want to kill him right now. "I ought to kick him for telling you...at the very least."

"He tells me everything. He just can't help it. All I have to do is look at him with that look and you know he'll spill everything." Smug bastard.

Since he and Dave got together, they have been sickeningly sweet. I've wanted to strangle myself for my part in getting them together more than once. The way that they look at each other sometimes...it's just wrong. Anyone who sees that look from Shawn immediately vacates the vicinity. It's safer for our eyes and ears if we aren't a witness to what's going to follow.

"What are you going to tell him?"

"I'm not going to tell him anything. I'll write a note. Trust me."

My eyebrow shoots up into my blond hairline. I'm not at all sure that I should trust him, but I guess I'm going to have to.

"Fine. Fine, I'll do it. But you had so better be right about this."

*Shawn's POV*

As we carry the drinks back over to the table to join our friends, I can't help but smile. Chris is seriously nervous. I think it's cute, but I don't dare tell him that. He'd probably remove my head from my shoulders. If I could tell him the whole truth then he'd feel better, but if I do then Hunter would remove my head from my shoulders.

This all started about two weeks ago. Chris was working out in the ring with Dave, just goofing around. I had some promo work to do so I didn't get down to the ring as early as I had planned. When I did get there, I found Hunter sitting and watching Dave and Chris. Now normally that wouldn't set off any alarms in my head, but when I tried to get Hunter's attention it took me a good three minutes. I finally shouted in his ear and he turned to glare at me.

I, of course, asked what had him so preoccupied. I'll be damned if he didn't blush. Hunter blushing? Well, hell, call me crazy, but that's not a normal occurrence for my best friend. That's when I noticed exactly what Hunter was focused on...or should I say whom?


"So...exactly how long have you had the hots for Mr. Jericho?"

If looks could kill, I'd have been dead on the spot.

"I'm not...I don't...you're wrong, Shawn."

"Uh huh. That's why your eyes are glued to his ass."

"They are not! I wasn't looking at his ass, I was looking at his..."

Dead, I tell you...I'm so good.

"So, come on Hunt...how long?"

Another blush? My oh my.


As fast as he said that and the way he mumbled it, I'm not quite sure I understood him. So of course I have to clarify it.

"Did you just say...since the angle you worked with Stephanie? But that's been like...5 years."

There's that patented Hunter scowl.

"Shut up, Shawn."


Any time after that that I tried to bring the subject up, he told me to shut up. So I did what any best friend would do...snooped. It turns out that apparently Chris was involved with someone else at the beginning of the infamous 'filthy, dirty, disgusting, brutal, bottom-feeding trashbag ho' storyline. Hunter isn't the type to step on someone else's toes, so of course he wouldn't have said anything. Apparently it didn't last too long after that, so I'm not sure why Hunter hasn't said anything since then, but then again I'm still trying to figure out how the heck Hunter kept this such a secret.

I also tried asking around to find out how Chris felt about Hunter...apparently no one had a clue. So I went to the next best source...no, not Chris. I didn't want Hunter to kill me. I went to Dave. He knows Chris better than anyone and he loves me to pieces so he'll tell me absolutely anything I want to know. It may have been just a bit underhanded of me to ask him in the middle of...never mind. You get the picture. So of course when I found out that Chris has been interested in Hunter for quite awhile as well I just had to help!

They'll thank me later.

*Dave's POV*

I'm not sure what Shawn's up to, but I'm sure it's something he shouldn't be doing. When he and Chris came back to the table, Chris was looking a little green and he was most definitely glaring at me. I have a feeling I know what this is about and I turn to glare at Shawn as well. I still can't believe he tricked me into telling him about how Chris feels about Hunter. I couldn't help it.

Shawn just smiles at me. Now I know he's up to no good. After a few minutes, Chris quietly grabs the attention a few of the guys and leads them over to the other side of the room. I look at the huddle containing Shawn, Chris, Randy, Adam, and Scott with just a bit of trepidation. Chris is leading a discussion, at turns looking both nervous and exasperated. Shawn just keeps nodding his head and smiling.

I look at the rest of the guys still sitting at the table with me to see how they are reacting to this little conference. Kevin and Mark are talking quietly, not having noticed the defection of the others. Steve Austin is doing what he does best...swilling beer and laughing at the guy up on the stage. I'm tempted to laugh as well. The guy sounds like a wounded cow. Hunter...Hunter is staring at the group, no...he's staring at one person in particular and it's not Shawn. I can't help but laugh. I think I've finally figured out exactly what Shawn is up to. Poor Chris.

*Chris' POV*

I'm still terribly nervous. Especially since I have to gain the help of my friends. Not that I think they wouldn't help me, I just don't want to explain why they are helping me. I don't even know for sure if any of them can sing. I still feel like I'm going to be sick.

"I need you guys to come on stage with me and sing this song with me." The guys are in a circle around me and Shawn is trying his best to be supportive.

"But why Chris? I mean, I really don't sing all that well." Okay. I can live with that. One out of the four of them can't sing...no make that two of them. I've already witnessed Shawn's singing and as much as I like the guy I have to say that his singing is just...terrible.

"All you have to do is the background vocals Randy. I wouldn't ask if it weren't important."

"But why is it important?" Thanks Scott. I'd smack him for asking, but I have a feeling I'd have to deal with Kev as well if that happened and I'm just not up to fighting with both of them.

"It just is. I'd ask the other guys, but they'd ask more questions than you guys. Can't you just do it because you池e my friends?"

"You can count me in...as long as you tell us why it's so important at some future date." Gee thanks Adam, you're lots of help.

"I won't have to tell you. I promise if you just do this, then you'll figure out why all on your own."

"Okay then. Count me in. Why isn't Shawn included though?" We all look at Randy like he's nuts, including Shawn.

"So what song is it that we have to sing? I mean what if we don't know the words?" Shawn beats me to rolling my eyes by a full five seconds.

"It's 'All for Love', Scott and I know you know the words so don't worry about it." Thank you, Shawn.

"But that's a love song...ohhhh. Chris has a crush." Shawn beats me to smacking Adam in the back of the head as well.

"Shhh. Shut up. Just go back to the table and wait for the DJ to call you up there. I'll be there in a minute."

With that, Shawn hurries up to talk to the DJ and the rest of us head back to the table. I don't think they really noticed we were gone, except for Dave who is looking at me speculatively. I glare at him because I'm still ticked at him over telling Shawn what he told him. He laughs. I'm seriously rethinking that idea about kicking him.

*Hunter's POV*

I don't know why we're here. It was Shawn's idea for a guy's night out, but considering the fact that Shawn can't sing, I can't quite figure out why he picked this particular place. At least I hope that he's not planning on singing. I shudder as I remember several very long car rides with him. We're on our second round of drinks --with the singing going on tonight I'm surprised we're not on our fourth, it's been that bad-- when I catch Shawn flashing 'the look' at Dave. God help us.

"Christ, Shawn, don't do that in public. There are virgin eyes around right now," Kevin says with a grin while flashing a look at Randy. Randy growls back at Kev. Moxie that boy has, that's for sure. Austin starts laughing like a loon, though he is on his fourth round by now or maybe it's his fourteenth, I've lost track.

"If young Randy there's a virgin, then I'm a..."

"Unless you want to look like a typical redneck with half your teeth missing you won't finish that thought Austin." See...told ya, moxie.

Four of the guys, including Randy, suddenly stand up and head towards the stage. I must have missed the DJ calling their names. I didn't think any of us were actually going to go up and sing tonight. This should be interesting.

As the group hits the stage, Shawn slips a piece of paper in front of me. I look at him curiously, but he's busy staring at Dave again. So I pick up the paper and open it. I read the message, then have to re-read it again.

From the voices of four, but the heart of one. Hope you like it.

It's not signed.

I'm pretty sure I know the answer to the question I'm about to ask, but I'm going to ask it anyway. I poke Shawn in the arm and he turns to look at me, trying to look innocent. It's not working.

"Is this from you? It looks like your handwriting." I'd know it anywhere. I've seen it enough.

Shawn shakes his head furiously at me. "I wrote it, but it's not from me."

"Then who the hell is it from?" Shawn wrote it, but it's not from him? I smell a conspiracy here. I'll bet it's Shawn's idea of a joke. If it is...I'll kill him.

"Shhh. I want to see this," he says, gesturing towards the stage.

Randy, Scott, Adam, and Chris are now at center stage. The music starts playing and I recognize the song immediately. I probably wouldn稚 know it, but I've heard Scott listening to it before...repeatedly. I find that kind of funny since Scott doesn't even have a boyfr...Oh god. I poke Shawn again.

"It's not from Scott is it?"

"What? Why would you think...? Just hush and listen Hunt."

I'm going to kill him.

*Chris' POV*

I've calmed down a bit. The banter at the table kept me from thinking about what I知 going to be doing. Especially the bit between Randy and Steve...too funny. I'd call it UST, unresolved sexual tension, but that's just crazy. Steve is so not Randy's type. In fact, I'm not sure what Randy's type is since I've never seen him with anyone, but I just can't see it being someone like Steve. I see Randy more as the BMW type than the old Ford pickup type.

We've finally figured out who is singing which parts...Scott's going to help me with the main part of the song while Adam and Randy do the background bits. If I remember correctly Scott is pretty decent with a deep, rich voice. I'm getting less nervous now I guess because this is something I'm familiar with. I'm just hoping I don't choke once I look at him sitting at the table. Me choke? Never!

Oh god. The music just started. My hands are sweating. They haven't done that in years.

I hope I don't drop the microphone.

We turn to face the tables and I see him. He flashes an irritated look at Shawn and then looks towards the stage. Oh god.

No, I can do this.

I keep my eyes closed for a few lines before I manage to move up to scanning the crowd. Once I actually look at him, I can't look away. I wonder if he's figured it out yet...

When it's love you give
(I'll be your man of good faith.)
then in love you live.
(I'll make a stand. I won't blink.)
I'll be the rock you can build on,
be there when you're old,
to have and to hold.

*Hunter's POV*

They've started singing. None of them are really looking at me, so I'm still not sure who the note was from. I'm pretty sure it's not Randy. I'm probably the only one that knows about his little crush on a certain growly redneck and finding out was a complete accident. I don't think he'll ever do a thing about it though...he's too insecure. Yeah, that's right...insecure. Hard to believe, but it's true.

I'm also pretty sure from Shawn's slip up that it's not Scott. Not that I don't love Scotty in my own little way, but I have a feeling there is someone that would take my head off if I even thought about looking his way. I'm almost tempted to do it anyway, just to provoke the guy into making a move. I don't understand his reluctance, but then I'm not him.

I really hope it's not Adam. Not that he's not really cute and a nice guy, but the way tall, dark, and growly has been watching him lately, I'd be taking my life in my hands if I show any kind of interest. He's just marking his time until he thinks Adam's ready to be his. I don't think Adam will give in quite that easily, but we'll see.

Which leaves Chris...

When there's love inside
(I swear I'll always be strong.)
and there's a reason why.
(I'll prove to you we belong.)
I'll be the wall that protects you
from the wind and the rain,
from the hurt and pain.

I would give anything for it to be him, but that's mostly wishful thinking. He's never shown the slightest bit of interest towards me in that way, though I've spent a lot of time wishing he would. I could have shown my interest in him, but quite honestly it scares me to death. I have a feeling that being with him would be like nothing I've ever known before and if I take the chance and he turns me down then I won't get another shot. So I've waited...for any tiny little sign that he wouldn't turn me away. I still haven't seen it.

I'd love to grow old with him, build a life with him. I know that he would protect me even now, like he does with his close friends, but I want more. I want to be able to go to him when I'm hurting, when things look bleak, and have his arms wrap around me in comfort. I want to share all of my life...the joy and the pain with him. I want it all.

Let's make it all for one and all for love.
Let the one you hold be the one you want,
the one you need,
'cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
When there's someone that should know
then just let your feelings show
and make it all for one and all for love.

There's still not a single one of them looking at me. Don't you think that they would? I'm thinking seriously about killing Shawn. If this is some kind of joke, then I will. I give him the patented Hunter death stare for a moment or two to let him know I知 not at all happy. He's too busy watching Dave to notice though, damn him.

When I look back at the stage, I fall directly into the prettiest blue eyes that I've ever seen on anyone, male or female. His voice falters for just a second. It's barely noticeable. I probably wouldn't have noticed myself if I weren't used to listening to his voice. I admit it; I'm a Fozzy floozy, though no one else is aware of it, not even him.

I think my heart just skipped a beat. He doesn't look away...I can't.

When it's love you make
(I'll be the fire in your night.)
then it's love you take.
(I will defend, I will fight.)
I'll be there when you need me.
When honor's at stake,
this vow I will make:
that it's all for one and all for love.

My mouth goes dry and I barely notice the shudder that works its way through my body. I reach blindly for the nearest glass. Just thinking about Chris and making love is enough to do me in. My eyes don't leave him even as I take a healthy swig out of the glass. I start hacking immediately. Instead of my innocent glass of beer, I managed to pick up Kevin's rum and coke...minus the coke, heavy on the rum.

I see him smirk as he's looking at me. He would think it was funny. I can feel the other guys at the table looking at me, hear the snorts of laughter, but I'm still too caught up in looking at him to care. My face feels like it's burning...I'm not sure if that's from the coughing or the embarrassment.

Let the one you hold be the one you want,
the one you need,
'cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
When there's someone that should know
then just let your feelings show
and make it all for one and all for love.

...Or the way he's looking at me.

That's when it finally hits me. He's looking at me. He hasn't looked away since our eyes locked. It's like every word that he's singing is meant just for me. If that's true then...my prayers have been answered. Is this...is this his way of letting me know how he feels?

"Figure it out yet Hunt?"

I give a millisecond of thought to sticking my hand in Shawn's face and giving him a hard shove, but then he wouldn't answer my question. I don't look at him while I ask, keeping my eyes right where they are.

"Is it...?"

I swallow harshly. My voice sounds like sandpaper...gruff, scratchy...it's as close to a sign that I'm becoming emotional as I'll allow in public and I知 pretty sure that Shawn knows it. He doesn't make me finish the question.


Don't lay our love to rest
'cause we could stand up to the test.
We got everything and more than we had planned,
more than the rivers that run the land.
We've got it all in our hands.

I want to jump up from the table and dance...but I don't. My hands are shaking so I slip them under the table and into my lap. We are so going to talk once this song is over. I don't care if I have to toss him over my shoulder and drag him out of this hokey bar. If he means even a fraction of the words he's singing, I'll be beyond ecstatic.

To have someone like Chris in my life...would be a miracle. Someone that wouldn't begrudge me the time on the road because he'd be right there with me. Someone that knows the fears we all face from getting hurt to losing favor with the writers. Most of all, someone I wouldn't have to worry about losing to jealousy. Chris just isn't the type to get in a snit if I get yet another run with the title. And I would be so happy to see him have another 5, 10, 20 runs with it. We've both accomplished amazing things in our careers and we're both happy with what we've had.

We really could have it all...if he means it. From the look in his eyes right now...I think...I think he does.

Now it's all for one and all for love.
(It's all for love.)
Let the one you hold be the one you want,
the one you need,
'cause when it's all for one it's one for all.
(It's one for all.)
When there's someone that should know
then just let your feelings show.
When there's someone that you want,
when there's someone that you need
let's make it all, all for one and all for love.

The closer we get to the end of the song, the more nervous I'm getting. I can hear quiet the quiet murmurs between some of the guys at the table. They've finally noticed the eye contact between Chris and I. And some people call me slow? I don't bother looking at any of them though. I have eyes for only one man...the one I hope to call mine very soon.

As the music draws to an end, Chris' lips curve into the cutest smile I've ever seen. It's at once radiant and shy at the same time. I can see the nervousness hidden in the depths of his eyes. I smile in return hoping that it eases his worries. He turns then and hands the microphone back to the DJ. The others return to the table right away, joking and teasing each other. Chris lingers a few steps behind, approaching me almost cautiously as I stand up.

I shove my hands in my pocket to hide the fact that they're still a bit shaky. My hand wraps around the keys to my rental car as I race for an excuse to get us both out of here. The slight digging of the metal into my hand helps me focus.

"I'm actually feeling a bit tired. I think I'll head back to the hotel and sack out in front of the TV for awhile. You...uh...you want to join me?"

Chris smiles. Everyone there has a pretty good idea of why we're going to leave and it has nothing to do with being tired or watching movies...everyone apparently except for Adam. Or it could just be that he's trying to be annoying.

"That doesn't sound like a half bad idea, Hunter. Mind if I..."

I'm not sure who shut him up, and I don't really care. I'm thankful. I nod my head towards the door and Chris and I head towards it at just under a run. I'm not giving any of them a chance to ask for a ride back to the hotel. I know better.

*Chris' POV*

Once I finally find the nerve to look solely at Hunter, I wait. When our eyes lock, I have a sudden inclination to drop the microphone and run. Cowardly I know, but luckily I'm used to performing under stress. I'm pretty sure no one notices the slight wobble in my voice, brief as it was...but I notice. He looks almost stunned and I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Then he reaches for a glass and promptly starts choking on the contents. Hunt isn't a heavy drinker and rarely goes for anything beyond beer. Rum just isn't in his normal repertoire. His reaction is almost predictable, but funny as hell. I can't stop the slight twitch of my lips, not that I would even want to. He turns all pink in the face and it is all I can do not to laugh right in the middle of the song. Then I realize how terribly cute he looks that way, his cheeks all flushed pink...something I will never eeeever tell him.

Truthfully though, I think he looks the cutest when he's doing that shy little smile of his. I haven't seen it often, but when I do...holy hell, it's like the hottest thing ever. The way his mouth tips up just on the one side and he's got his eyelids half closed, peeking from underneath them. Getting off track a bit here...anyway...

That incident kind of breaks through my nervousness and I decide that I should probably make my point...that being that I am terribly interested in him. So I pour my heart and soul into singing this song, my eyes locked on him the entire time. I can almost pinpoint the moment that he realizes this isn't just a chance performance of some song in some bar somewhere in the Midwest...that he is the sole reason behind it. There is such a flood of emotion laid bare in his eyes. If I had to call it one thing, I think I'd call it hope. At least, that's what I'm praying it is.

As we finish the song, I can't help but smile at him. I imitate the smile that I love on him, I can only hope that it looks half as good on me. He smiles back. Thank god. I hand my microphone to the DJ and slowly follow the others back to the table.

My nervousness comes flooding back. Just because he smiled at me does not mean he's ready to ride off into the sunset with me. He could just as easily give me the 'I'm terribly flattered, but not interested - Lets be friends' speech, despite Shawn's reassurances. Or even worse, I could end up on the receiving end of a 'Let's have sex and then forget it ever happened' type of night. No. Hunter's not like that...I know he isn't.

He stands up as I approach the table and damn me if he doesn't give me the exact smile that I was trying to copy earlier. Help! If I were the type, that would be enough to make me throw him down on the table and do him right here and now...but I'm not, so I won't. Damn. Instead, I pray with everything in me that he wants to leave soon...preferably taking me with him. He doesn't disappoint.

"I'm actually feeling a bit tired. I think I'll head back to the hotel and sack out in front of the TV for awhile. You...uh...you want to join me?"

Do I want to...? Oh hell yeah. God help me, I'm quoting Steve. Luckily I didn't actually say it out loud or we'd be stuck here while I argued with Steve over gimmick infringement. He wouldn't really care, but he'd do it just to keep us from leaving. I smile instead. I'm about to verbalize my acceptance with something a bit safer when I hear something that makes me want to cry...really.

"That doesn't sound like a half bad idea, Hunter. Mind if I..."

I'm going to smack him. He's not really that blond, trust me. He's just trying to irritate us both. He's as bad as Steve, honest he is. Luckily for him, someone stops him before he finishes that request. If I had to guess I'd say it was either Mark or Kevin since he's sitting between the two of them. I'll find out who it was and thank him later.

Hunter jerks his head in the direction of the door and we both move towards it quickly. The sooner we get away from the loons, the better. I don't miss the smile of satisfaction on Shawn's face as we pass him. He'll be crowing about this for months.

We make it out to the car, not having spoken a word since his excuse to leave. He's driving, so I slip into the passenger seat and fasten my belt. His hand looks a little shaky as he tries to put the key in the ignition and I'm half tempted to offer to drive. I have no clue what that's all about, but I bite down on my tongue as we pull into traffic and keep my face averted towards the side window.

*Shawn's POV*

It worked. It worked, it worked, it worked. I am so good.

I could have teased Hunter when he asked if it was Chris. I didn't, because I'm pretty sure he would have killed me dead on the spot if I had. The looks between the two of them were hot enough to start a fire. It took long enough for the others to notice them though. Lord, they're all half-dense...except for Dave, of course. He knew that something was up, because I kept trying to distract him.

When the quartet make it back to the table, the comments start flying. The only ones immune to the words flying around are Hunter and Chris. Steve makes some snarky comment to Randy about trying out for one of those reality shows like 'Nashville Star'. Randy retaliates by asking Steve to do an encore of his renditions of 'Kumbaya' and 'We are the Champions' from Smackdown as they were obviously Grammy winning performances.

Mark must have sat on a wild burr and got it lodged somewhere. That's the only reason I can come up with for him telling Scott that he can come by to sing him a lullaby any night. He's now on the receiving end of two glares...one subtle and one not so subtle. I think Scott's lost his mind because he just winked at Mark and blew him a kiss.

Hunter's just suggested that he and Chris head back to the hotel and I have to say that sounds like a great idea. Oh to be a fly on the wall in that hotel room. The electricity flying between Chris and Hunt is amazing. If I reach out, I bet I could touch it and it'd be just like what happens when you shuffle your feet on a carpet and then touch a doorknob. Zap! I'm easily amused, so sue me. Chris is so obviously going to accept the invitation. I can tell by the way that he's smiling, when suddenly...

"That doesn't sound like a half bad idea, Hunter. Mind if I..."

Mark made it to Adam before I did. Slapped a hand right over his mouth...and it's most effective. If looks could kill, Mark would be toast. Not that he cares, he's grinning like a lunatic. Well...make that was grinning...until Adam bit his hand. Nice to know I'm not the only kinky one in this group.

Hunter and Chris bolt for the door before anyone else can stop them or ask to tag along. Dave grabs my hand under the table as I watch them fly out the door.

I fully expect a huge thank you from them both in the morning. If they're smart they'll say it with chocolate.

"And I thought those two were bad? I'm changing your nickname from Heartbreaker to Matchmaker."

I turn to the man of my dreams and give him that look. "Hey, I think they deserve to be just as happy as we are. Don't you?"

"I completely agree. Now lets get the hell out of here."

Like I'm going to argue?

*Hunter's POV*

When we get in the car my hands are still shaking. I'm not quite sure what's up with that. I don't give into this kind of thing. I'm the Game! I'm the Cerebral Assassin! I'm...an emotional train wreck to be honest. This whole thing is too incredibly surreal. I'm waiting for the punchline where Chris turns to me and says, "Ha! Gotcha!"

I shoot a quick glance at him after I pull into traffic. He's staring up at the stars, but he's fidgeting just as much as I am. That makes me feel better for some reason. The silence in the car is driving me insane. Even if it weren't there's something I知 dying to know.

"So...how long have you...?"

I don't have to finish the question. He understands perfectly. He looks at me before focusing his attention on his hands, which are clenched together in his lap.

"A long time."

A long time? Months? Years?

"Chris figured it out before I did. He wasn't mad about it, but he did suggest we see other people. He's a good guy."

I'm stunned. I knew that he and Benoit had split and it had been amicable, but no one ever heard why they went their separate ways. That means that we've been playing cat and mouse for years without even knowing it. Fear kept me from saying anything to him, but I honestly never had even a slight hint that he was interested in me that way.

"So why didn't you ever...?"

He's back to looking out the window again. He plucks at the leg of his jeans and lets out a quiet sigh.

"Didn't think you would care."

We're both obviously too good at hiding things we don't want others to know. That's going to have to stop...at least between the two of us. I reach over and grab the hand that's still plucking at his pant leg. I twine my fingers with his and give his hand a squeeze.

"I would have...even back then."

His head whips around and I can tell he's staring at me even though I've had to turn my eyes back to the road. We're almost to the hotel now and it can't be soon enough for me. I flash another quick look his way. He's smiling and though it's hard to tell in this light, I think he's blushing. His thumbs rubbing slowly against the side of my hand. I'm not sure if he's still nervous or if he's trying to calm me down. If that's his aim, then it's definitely not working.

Where the hell is that hotel?


I pull into a parking spot and we're out of the car in a heartbeat. It's almost a race to the elevator though we both manage to keep from running. That doesn't stop us from getting a few odd looks from the other patrons. We don't have to wait on the elevator and luckily we have the car to ourselves. He hasn't stopped smiling and honestly neither have I. My foot is tapping on the floor of the elevator and I'm counting the floors in my head. Ten floors have never passed so slowly in my life.

Of course my room is at the end of the hall. I follow him out of the elevator and place my hand low on his back - he moves just a little bit faster. A quick swipe of the card through the reader and he follows me into the room. I think I知 starting to get a bit nervous again. I mean it's not like I'm just going to jump on the guy even if that's really what I want to do. I do have a bit more tact then that.

"Did you want to flip through the movie channels or something?" It's a nice offer. "We could order room service or something if you're hungry or we could raid the minibar."

His hand wraps around my bicep and he pulls until I turn around to face him.

"Hunter...will you please shut the hell up..."

My mouth drops open. He's grinning like the Cheshire cat. I cannot believe he just used one of his promo lines on me. I knew this was too good to be true...I just knew it.

"...And just kiss me already."

The End

Milky Way bar

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