Join Me!

Want to be on this Archive?

Got a story, some poetry or art that you'd like to display?

Then send it to me! I turn down very little.

But please read these 5 Rules and 5 Notes first.It looks like a lot, but it’s pretty much like other sites’.If you’re a regular to this site, you already know most of what’s here anyway, but please go over it anyway, just in case. J


1) My site.I have COMPLETE discretion over what goes on this site.I probably would give for not accepting your submission but if I don’t, I don’t.My site. JI also decide if a story is going to be listed on the Locked Gates portion of this site (See #6).The exception to all of my rules is if you are an author that I have personally asked to be on the site.

2) Your submission MUST be about at least 1 of the X-Men (Past or Present) of any reality.

The only exception to this is if you've created a character in a previous X-story and now you want to concentrate on that character.

3) All writing MUST be sent with the following 5 items CLEARLY stated. I will not write any of these for you.If you don’t have them, the story won’t go up.

i)Title (could be “Untitled”)

ii) Disclaimer (stating who owns the characters – hint: Marvel should be included and any warnings that should be listed)

iii) Teaser (a short one or two line blurb that gives a hint of what the writing is or is about)

iv) Name (the one you want to be posted on the site – could be “Anonymous”)

v)E-Mail(STATE the address you want posted or if you don’t want one posted)

4) If your story is a crossover with a non-X-Universe related character(s), the X-Men MUST be the PRIMARY characters and/or focus of the story. I'm sorry if this seems harsh, but people come here to read X-MEN stories.

5) If you are doing a re-write of someone else’s story or using a character that someone else invented, I MUST be assured of the original author’s permission before I post.They can contact me if they like.If the story is a sequel, you must state where the original can be found.

6)Language and Adult Situations.Use whatever language you want, but please have some judgment.A clear warning must be at the top of every chapter containing this risky stuff if it just happens to fit into the story somehow.If the whole story is a red flag: BIG HUGE WARNING ON THE FIRST PAGE, stating what kind of “stuff” people are going to find in the story. And/Or if it is just in a certain chapter(s) at the top of the chapter(s). Remember there are young readers on this site too.As for adult situation (a.k.a. sexual situations) they are permitted on the general site if they are not extremely graphic.Again, big huge warning at the top. If the stories center on are extremely graphic in detail or have extremely graphic detail in them, they can be posted on the restricted “Locked Gates” portion of the site.The Locked Gates are for those people who are legally adult in whatever part of the world you are in.

7) The only thing I have to say about pictures is that if it contains graphic nudity or sexual situations, I will still post it, but in the “Locked Gates” section.

These are the basic rules for now. I do reserve the right to change or add to them or reject any story if I feel the situation calls for it.


1)I do not always fully read your stories.Sometimes I only skim them. So if you did not put a warning about the story that you should have, I will not take responsibility for you if someone takes offense.I’ll just point the offended party in your direction. You have been warned.

2) Please do not ask me to critique your stories.DO NOT ask for my opinion on your stories.If I want to give you an opinion, I will do so anyway if I feel like it as any fan would.If you do not hear from me regarding what I think about yours story, please do not take this to mean I that I think your story sucks.THIS IS NOT TRUE.I’m just not good giving critiques and I don’t like to do it.

3) I cannot think of a computer program today that does not have a spelling program.All programs have some kind of SPELL CHECK if not a grammar check.USE IT!!!I will no longer correct your spelling mistakes. I’ll post as-is.If you goof and don’t check and you’re full of obvious mistakes, it’s your embarrassment for all to see, not mine.Take some pride in your work!

4) Again, please make sure to include your e-mail address if it one different from the one that comes with the story so I can get in touch with you if I need to. Let me know if you DO NOT want your e-mail address to be added to your story. Other wise, I will make your name e-mail accessible on your story listing.

5) If you would like me to add your page to my Links page, send that address along as well. (As long as it is an X-Men or comic related page!)

That all said and done, if you can agree to these rules, send your story to me via e-mail (attach it to the mail or write it in the letter itself) at .If your story has more than one chapter, please include all the info from item #3 with the first chapter.Then send each chapter after that to me in its own individual e-mail.You don’t have to repeat the #3 info with each chapter, except for telling me the title; what story this chapter belongs to.

That's all for now!


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