
Upcoming dates and events:
23rd May Car Boot Sale... donations to a committee member at training please.
31st May - Pinic. 12pm in the park next to B+M Gym. Under 16s - sweet, over 17s - savour. Everyone - drinks and games
11th July - AWARDS DO. Details to follow, but you can vote now.

Competiton dates for 2008/2009:
FC Internationals: 4th-5th July, Brighton. All Dance, Stunt and Cheer teams competing.
ICC Nations Best: Individuals, duets and stunt groups competing. 29th August, Loughborough.

Subs :
ALL MEMBERS must pay a membership fee (£20 per member) and return the 2008/2009 Registration form and Release Form. All forms can be downloaded via the website downloads page.
CHEER = Awaiting new term
DANCE = Awaiting new term
STUNT GROUP = Awaiting new term.

A late payment fee of £15 per late category will be issued for any fee payment made late. Cheques payable to Mavericks Cheerleaders Club.

Click Here for Registration Form 2008 - 2009

Click Here for Liability, Medical and Publicity Release Form