
I breathe in light.

With each breath in,
I feel the light within and
around me increasing,
until light is radiating from me.

I am becoming radiant with light.

I draw light into the cells of my body.
The light within each cell is growing.

I draw light into my emotions,
filling me with peace and serenity.
I release my cares and concerns.

I go inward,
to the core of my being.

I draw light into my mind.
My thoughts are

expansive, joyful, and creative.

On my out breath,
I release any thoughts
that do not reflect my inner light.

I breathe in more light,
increasing my radiance.

As I fill myself with light,
I call my soul to me.
I imagine it approaching me
in the distance,
coming closer and closer
until it is in front of me.

My soul is magnificent.
It is a being of great love,

and intelligence.

I send my soul love and greetings.

My soul sends me love.
I open to receive its love for me.

My soul sends me joy.
I open to receive its joy.

My soul sends me wisdom.
I open to receive its wisdom.

My soul sends me light.
I open to receive its light.

The light of my soul
lights the way for me.

As I become aware of
and call upon my soul,
it turns more of its attention
toward me and my life.

I now open to receive my soul's energy,

and all of its wonderful qualities.

I open all my CHAKRA'S

The Light is entering and filling my whole body and soul


The Goddess Kwan Yin

St - Germain>

Gift of Roy James Dohne

Homepage of The Goddess of the Indian Ocean


Copyright © Roos - 2000