Young Guns for Hire
As some of you may and some of you may not know, both Edie and Ricardo are in constant search of a fulfilling job in their chosen trades.

Edie has a bachelor of Arts degree in Conflict Resolution from the University of Winnipeg. She has three years of experience in the field of early years community research and continues to develop her skills through the coordination of an early years project in South Eastern Manitoba.

Ricardo is a certified AutoCAD technician and has 2 years of Civil Technology under his belt. He has worked in various indstries (agricultural, casework & architectural) and continues to develop his skills managing a drafting department for a custom home designer.

Below are links to the resumes of both Edie Smith and Ricardo Martinez. If you wish to contact them regarding possible job openings, you can e-mail them at
Gimme a job
To download a copy of Edie Smith's resume ...
Gimme a job
To download a copy of Ricardo Martinez's resume ...
If you wish to add your resume to our page e-mail us at the link below.
NOTE: You need Winzip to open the resume files. If you do not have resumes follow the link to download a free trial copy of Winzip: