Max "The Banjoman" plays his Washburn D21-S/N - note the Fender Telecaster near him, a 1978 model.


Max The banjoman plays its' 5 string banjo - a Gibson Mastertone RB-800 model, with ebony neck, pearls inlaids
and (sure, it's!) it's gold-plated!!


Max The banjoman plays simultaneosly the Telecaster and Stratocaster!!!


Max The Banjoman plays a very straight bluegrass song....


Max "The banjoman" plays very strictly blues a' la Stevie Ray Vaughan: "An excerpt from Lenny"


You can see: left, a Washburn D21-S/N; right, a Martin D35. I use the Washburn for fingerpicking, and I tune it down
one full step (a C chord in first position gives a Bb chord); sometimes I use to tune it with open tunings, to play some
old country/blues songs, using the bottleneck if necessary.
I use the Martin to play very fast bluegrass pieces, with the flatpicking technique, and it's tuned regularly.
For both the guitars I use Martin strings, medium gauge (.013 - .056). I use extra-heavy picks for both acoustic and
electric guitars.


Here you can see: left: a Stratocaster made in Japan in 1980; right: a Telecaster 1978 pre-CBS.
Note  that the strings on the Stratocaster has gauges .013,.016,.019(plain), .028, .042, .058! The Strato
is tuned down an half-step (an E chord in first position sounds as Eb, that's the preferred tuning of Stevie Ray Vaughan).
The Telecaster is stringed regularly, with a set of .010; I use it to play blues songs in the style of Eric Clapton, for rockabilly/rock'n'roll runs and for many low-down blues a' la John Lee Hooker, Albert King and many more....
For my electric guitars I use GHS strings, always.