Dr. Max Wieldruk and Jose Randy


Mail 51: Max and Jose have another brotherly chat

Subject: Banking problems

Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 10:34:27 +0000 (GMT)
From Max Wieldruk to Jose Randy

Dear Brother Jose,

I discussed our project with my friend the banker Cas te Kort yesterday. You know I asked him to send the 300 USD to the IBA bank. The bank insisted in payment by Western Union, which we don't have here, so Cas sent one of his co-workers all the way to the nearest Western Union office in Denmark. Only after he returned we found out that the Western Union had had a computer problem so the money never arrived with the bank. So Mr. Onno Verwonnen (Cas' co-worker)will be going to Denmark again next monday to see to this payment. It's a bit of a setback, but, well, it's worth the trouble, don't you think? Cas is really doing everything he can to settle this payment.

My wife Lies sends greetings to your wife wishing her all the best. It was very nice of you to promise her an African artefect for her next birthday's present. How do you manage with your two little children, with your wife being in hospital all the time? I feel really sorry for you.

The weather is extremely cold here at the moment. The weather bureau forecast a lot of snow. Extra straw in your clogs keeps the cold out, remember?

Let's hope all will go well with the Western Union payment next monday. Hope to hear from you soon!



Dr. Max Wieldruk

1012 AA Saaftinge, Rottumerplaat