Dr. Max Wieldruk and Jose Randy


Mail 6: another 400-word letter from Jose, trying to win Max's confidence and to get him on the phone...

Subject: Max pls call me.

Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 10:07:39 -0500
From Jose Randy to Max Wieldruk

Dear Max Wieldruk ,

Thank you once again for your prompt respond to my mail,this once again further restore great confidence in your ability to successful conclude this project to a logical conclusion and i pray that the good lord will lead us to a success.

I most appreciate your reply and the context of your mail was well understood as i earlier stated in my mail to you that there should be room for experimental error at a particular time in once lifetime and this great opportunity i believe should be properly utilise.

By the virtue of your exalted occupational position,i am most confidence that this fund will be well protected,though as you stated that you run a certain risk on procedure,i want to further assure you that this project is risk free as i have taken every necessary precution all this year to safeguard all expectance as to avoid any anticipated errors and problems that will be associated with this project and as i stated in my mail yesterday being still under the employment of the aforementioned organisation your interest and protection will be my outmost priority,so you have nothing to fear or worry about as all will move on smootly.

I still believe that the 20% that i offered for your involvement should be ok,because i am greatly indebted down here as a result of the huge financial commitment that i have invested in this project this past years and i will have to pay back with interest upon conclusion of this project,that have been carefully calculated before i offered you the 20% as we need to have a very good understanding before proceeding and i also hope to establish a good working relationship with as we need to follow up this project with one mind and spirit.

Upon your considerable understanding of all this point made above and your acceptance of the percentage offered,then i can proceed but i will most appreciate to have a verbal discussion with you as to further seal our union and interest as to establish trust and confidence.

If it will be most convinient to you,i will await to speak to you on telephone as to discuss other formalities that will enable us proceed.

My telephone number remain +2289211077 and i will expect to hear from you late today.


jose .