The Coffee Bar

The Highlights
  • Espresso Machine: Vibiemme Domobar Manual
  • Grinder: La San Marco
  • Drip Brewer: Technivorm
I know people sometimes think it's a bit recluse or eccentric to focus so much on making the best espresso in your home, and in a slight way I share that mentality. Part of the coffee experience is the social element, atmosphere, and coffee...pending it's made with skill and passion. However, on my coffee journey, I have often been disappointed. As a result, I have endeavored to pursue personal development of such skills on top of the passion I've had for coffee the past fifteen years.

Image Archives
We moved recently, but this is from our last place. My wife and I painted the walls ourselves, using 'Radiant Red' from Lowes hardware. I really liked that color.
Same place, but my bar underwent a major change, May 2006, when I upgraded my espresso machine.