American Indian Movement
Anna Mae Pictou Aquash
Anna Mae's Cousin Follows the Trail
Myrtle Poor Bear
Leonard Peltier - Political Prisoner
The Village of First Nations
Salish & Kootenai Tribal Council
First Nation Information Page
The Hopi Tribe - Official Site
All Things Cherokee
The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
The Chickasaw Nation Homepage
The Oneida Indian Nation
Haudenosaunee: People Building a Longhouse
American Indian Nation Homepages
Native Nations - Official & Unofficial Tribal Sites
Ableza Native American & Arts Film Institute
Daughters of Native America
Native Web
Native Maps
Gloria Youngdeer Murray (Cherokee)
Waabnong Kwe's Page (Ojibway/Cherokee)
Diane Tells His Name (Lakota)
Deer With Horns Website (Lakota)
Trail of Tears - Rabid Wolf (Choctaw)
Lisa Mitten's Page (Mohawk)
History, Legends and Other Info
WWW Virtual Library - American Indians
Native American Internet Resources
American Indian Library Assoc. & Links
Traditional Herbal & Plant Knowledge Identifications
Other American Indian Websites links are from the Russell Means page
I am not an American Indian, and therefore would never  presume I have the deep knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom that is so much a part of of the
American Indian culture.
I have, however, made some very dear friends via the Net, who are American Indians, and I consider the insight into their lives, the love and joy they have willingly given me, a very special and precious gift.
My intention of including these links is to reflect the respect I have for the
culture and Spirituality of the American Indian people, and in honour of the friends whom have shared so much with me about their lives and culture - the links here reflect the friends I have made from these Nations over my years
surfing and chatting on the Net.
I have endeavoured to place only links in here that are either from official sites,
or from those who identify as being American Indian when putting in their Homepage links.
I must say, I have found this a HUGE task, especially as far as the personal homepages go.  It's amazing how many pages claim to be those of American Indians, but when looking at the content, it's questionable at best.  It has been hard too, because although some people do seem to have a respect for the American Indian people, somehow, amidst their pages is a mix of stuff that's accurate, alongside stuff that diverts from the truth and detracts from what they are trying to convey.  I am more than willing to remove any pages from
this page if they offend in any way, or if they are found not to be an accurate reflection of the American Indian people. 
Please email me if this is the case.

The Cherokee Messenger
Indian Country Today
Char-Koosta News
Wotanging Ikche
Canku Ota
The Spike
Four Winds
Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation