<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/mayaguzmansantos/sonicflood_icouldsing2.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
my home page
Greetings to everyone!

My name is
Maya Santos, from Manila, Philippines, a Mother of two and a wife.. I'm a Christian and my Church's name is Words of Life Christian Ministries. I work for The Professional Financial Plans, A Pre-need Industry in Manila and was tasked to handle the Customer Relations Office, both Communications and Frontliners. I used to work with other companies and was in Sales, Marketing, Customer Service as well as backroom services.

I'm the author of this website named Life & Poetry and I'm proud to be hosted by
Yahoo's Geocities Web Hosting. I have wanted to know how I would serve God in a different way using the talents He has given in all of us. I prayed to God to give me wisdom and knowledge as to how I'll be creating this website for His glory.

I have surfed on the net and have found many Christian websites that has actually inspired me, spreading the Word through the net. There are services for healing, prayers, Christian graphics for the use of churches, evangelism and most of all, inspirational articles and testimonies about God.

This website is all about life in general, in love, laughter and tears. When I made this site, my life was actually in a shaking period and felt that a spiritual warfare in my life has been kind of tough and quivering.

Nevertheless, I am still thankful to our God. I thought that this is exactly the best time to do this ministry. God has permitted me to do so because at the time of distress and afflictions, that's when the time you see His faithfulness. God is so committed to His people that He wants us to be like Him. In Ephesians 5:2 (NLT) it says, "Live a life filled with love for others, following the example of Christ." It doesn't mean that when we became Christians and was born again in the Spirit, our purpose in life is done. It has just actually begun. You realize through His spirit that you become one of His ambassadors, to be able to spread the good news and bring more souls to Him. It is not all about us, but all about Him. We live for His purpose and for His pleasure, not ours, not because He is a self-centered God.

When God is so committed to you, that's also the time when the enemy strikes hard to lose your faith and trust in Him. I even wonder before why is it that the unbelievers are somewhat untouchable and yet they don't know the truth and haven't received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Then I found out  that the enemy hates more those who are with God, of course, why wouldn't he? Your soul isn't going with him in hell anymore! He's trying all his best to get you back from Christ doing all kinds of life's ordeals that's why God teaches us to hold on, to hang on and trust Him, for Jesus said, ". 21Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh... 23 Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven..." (Luke 6:21;23 NIV)

I purposely added on some articles that dealt with much faith and trust in God so that people with the same experiences may discover that God is always there carrying the cross for you. To let all the people in the world know that he has paid for our sins 2000 years ago and all we have to do is accept Him in our hearts and repent, admit that we have sinned.

May you enjoy this simple website I made specially to all the mothers around the world and I really hope you would e-mail me to share your own testimonies and place them on this website and to encourage everyone to know Him and to let them know that God loves us. Please join me in this short
prayer before you read all the contents in this site...

"Lord, thank you so much for letting me surf into this site. I know that it is Your will that I have come to see this website to read all your goodness and to be able to know your goodness into my own life. Please help me to open my heart and my mind in whatever message You might want to tell me. I would like to ask Your help to disable the plans of the enemy for me not to have breakthroughs and revelations posted on this website. Show me Your way and I would really like to know the directions on how to go to the eternal life with You... Please also bless the author of this website as well as all the readers and surfers reading this. Thank You so much Lord for Your guidance and we give back all the glory and honor to You, in Jesus name we pray, amen..."

Thank you once again my dear friends and I hope you and I enjoy this journey together!

God bless you all!!!

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Playing Midi: "I Could Sing of Your Love Forever"