Questions for when you get THE CALL
Today's date:
Today's time:
Name of caller:

What is her full Chinese name?
What does her name mean?
When is her birthdate?
She is how old? (in case your mind has gone blank)

What is the full name of her orphange?
In which province?
In which city?
Have you had referrals from this orphange before?
If not, do have information on this orphange?
Was she in foster care?
If so, how long and with whom?

How is her overall health?
Height __________ weight_________
Measurements taken when?
Any other information regarding health.
Will we get updated medical information?

Were other families from our agency referred children from this orphange?
If so, how many?
How many other families will be traveling in our group?
Names of other families.

Can you email us her picture?
When will we receive the Fed EX package?
What will the package contain?
(i.e., picture, health report, etc.)
Fed ex tracking number for our package is?

What is the process from here?
How do we accept the referral?
How soon do you need the signed papers back?
Any estimates on when we will travel?
Can we send a package do our daughter's orphange?

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