Hello and welcome to my place on the net. My name is Nate. I am 9 years old and am in 4th grade. I live in Michigan with my parents and my baby sister.
You came here to learn about me. So here goes:
I love to play sports. Right now I am in football and love it. I also bowl once a week on a team. I used to play soccer but got burned out after playing it for so long.
I am in 4H with my horse Buddy. He is an Arabian and pretty cool to ride. I am a beginner rider but I like to ride. I also have a pony named Snickers.
I like school. I like math and science the best. I also enjoy recess but what kid doesn't.
When I grow up, I want to be a farmer and a fireman. I like animals (except chickens) and want to have lots on my farm. I have wanted to be a fireman since I was 3. My dad is one and I think it would be cool to work together.

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