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Go to My Page about a Pagoda

Hello! I am Mayumi, and I'm from Japan.

Now, I am learning English in the United States after I graduated my university in my country. My major was Japanese Religion because I like to visit historic spots like temples and shrines and to read classical literature.

Boy I have two sisters. They are married and have babies, they are so cute! Because I have been here, I have not seen the baby who was born after I left Japan. I am missing them. This is the boy who was born before I came here.

Horyuji, Goju no Tou (Five-Level Pagoda in Horyuji-Temple)
This is in Nara and is the oldest Pagoda in Japan.
My hobby is traveling, and the best place to me is Nara, which is one of the oldest cities in Japan, the city has a lot of beautiful historic spots and scenes. The place I have visited the most is Horyu-ji Temple. It is very quiet and sacred there as if time has stopped forever. I like to visit there and spend all day thinking.

There are so many place to visit in my country, not only historic spots but also museums. I like to go to museums to see sculptures and pictures, and I study them and think about the people who made them and the people who lived during that time.

In addition, I like to go to the sea, not only to swim, but also just to see. I have seen a number of scenes beside the ocean and swum in some of them. All of them have beautiful scenes, but the most impressive seas I have ever seen are in Okinawa and in Hawaii. In Okinawa, Japan, there is a great deal of beautiful colored fish and coral reefs, and in Hawaii, the sea water is clear and the color of the ocean is incredibly beautiful.

This is one of the oldest castles in Japan.
And when I visited Hawaii, I found how important it is for me to be able to communicate in English. Then, I decided to study English.

In the future, I would like to have a job dealing with Japanese culture.

In Japan, we have so many beautiful scenes all over the country, and I especially like Temples. In my page, I am introducing a Pagoda in a temple because it is representing the excellence of Japanese Architecture and techniques of the people who built it.

Go to My Page about a Pagoda

First Created : Jan/18/2002
Last Updated : Mar/12/2002