As I walk down the streets and peer out my vail, I look at the people and wonder?
"What do they think of me?"
"Do their minds aknowledge my pressance?"
"Do they want to know me?"
"Are they like me?"
"Are they lost souls as me?"
I see the fear in some of their faces, in their eyes, fear of what?
"Of me?"
"Of thier lives?"
"Of thier hearts?"
"Or is it just me and this vail that covers me?"

The Unknown
I walk through the city of lovers,
I walk through the merchants tents,
with me feet and arms in chains,
when shall I be set free?
Who shall they confide in? Me?
Who deserves to die?
Pre-pare your-selves for your aching
loves, pre-pare you-selves for death.
For now I shall be set free, to throw my hands up in estasy and dance in the tents of the desart sand.
For now I see death, for now I am
I tell you how I feel,
But you don't care..
I say "tell me the truth,"
But you don't dare....
You say "love is a hell you can not bare"..
I say " give me mine back, and go there, for all I care".....
Don't make a big deal,Don't be so sensitive
Were not playing games any more, you don't have to be so defensive.
Don't you plead me your case, don't even bother to explain.
Don't even show me your face, cause it's a crying shame.
Just go back to the rock from under, which you came...
Take the sorrow you gave and the stakes you clamed.
And  don't don't forget the blame....
Page 3 of art and poems

Tisserand de Lumiere
Je voudrais te recuperer...
Comme une vague,
Tu m'echappes,
Comme une poignee d'eau
Que je ne peux retenir...
Comme les mots,
qui a peine entendus,
s'en vont laissant place a d'autres...
Tu cours plus vite que le temps
Tesserand de lumiere.....
Vetu d'un manteau d'or et d'argent.
Tes fils scintillants
Et renaissent dans mes espaces blancs...
Harmonieux ruissellement de Lumiere
Tu coulers invisible,
Hymne evocateur,
Ta riche poesie
M'exalte a la folie.
Lumiere tourbillonnante,
Ta musique
Traverse le silence de mon ame
Ton message
Fait jaillir des graines d'amour
Qui fleuriraient les deserts de l'univers.
Astre ensorcelant
semant la vie,
la joie, la grace,
l'espoir et l'amour...
tes rayons palpitants
activent les battements
de mon coeur
chaque matin
dans nos rencontres
c'est l'eternel refrain:
A ce soir! ou demain!