Class notes for Sept. 26, 2002
1.  Test #1 on Chapters 1 and 4

2. Discussed  both the video we watched last week ( "Ladybird, Ladybird") and the test questions.

3.  Handout: Outline of the group project assignment. We listed all the topics in Human Services that we could think of that people were interested in. Then the class was randomly divided up into groups of five. These groups are 'permanent'; you cannot switch groups or opt out of working with the group members. In this exercise, you will be learning a range of things about human service work; one important aspect is, of course, the information about the topic you will research, but, even more importantly, how to work within a group setting, who you are in the context of a group, leadership skills and risk-taking, responsibility in contributing to the group effort, skills in researching a topic, creativity in figuring out how to present the material to the class, and presentation/public speaking skills. We will be using part of each class period to work on this project, and the groups will each do a 45 minute presentation during the last classes of the semester.

4. The remainder of the class was spent in the groups, getting to know each other and exchanging contact information, deciding the leadership roles, picking the topic for the project and dividing up the tasks to be done before the next meeting.

Assignment:    Read and outline Chapter 2, "The Changing Nature of the Helping Process". 
Start research for group topics. 
(IF YOU OWE ANY PAST ASSIGNMENTS, GET IT TO MY OFFICE BEFORE NEXT WEEK'S CLASS AND I WILL STILL COUNT IT.     But from now on, missing an assignment or handing it in late will hurt your grade...)