....makes my momma proud...yeah it does.  Why?  Because it's composed of 50 of the most hella-hype pimp TIGHT freshmen on A&M's campus.  It rocks.  Socials. Hanging out. Service. Leadership opportunities.  And you know the BEST thing?  I got an extra year by being a Counselor for this group this year!!!!!
A-A-A-A-A.....R-R-R-R-R....M-M-M-M-M-M.....Y--yyyy....YELL it Swift Master D, Kara, and Adrianna!!!
Counselor Aaron "Hoshkins" Hoskins, showin' us how it's SUPPOSED to be done...
Okay, so Texas A&M's 125th Anniversary is this year, and we got a holiday for it...on October 4th, at midnight, there were free donuts...they started handing out boxes after a while....Mike was happy.
Monday meetings...woo hoo!  From NEW FLIP t-shirts to Gertrude, the praise...pachyderm, it's been a riot.  The guest speakers have been AWESOME, too.... :)
So, FLIPster Clint Bodien and I went to Dallas this October...and we went to THE COOLEST McDonald's on the face of this earth!!  N64's in the playroom, computerized menus, leather seating....futuristic...and get this....half the building is shaped like a giant happy meal, and you can see it from the highway!!
Ow, ow!!!  Andy "Mr. FLO" Fredericks himself!  Did I mention he's also the BEST small group partner a girl could have??  What can I say, I'm lucky!
Salsa dancing....yeah, salsa dancing....boy, that was fun guys, wasn't it?
Logan, Logan, Logan....a little TOO excited about small groups??  Hmmm....
Dude, you better recognize that FLIP '05 has JUST begun...so that means there will be PLENTY more pictures where that came from!  Muhahahaha.....
There's no place like HOME!!!
<-- Send me HOME, yo!