This past July I went with St. Mark's Catholic Church of Plano youth group on one of the most amazing and wonderful experiences of my life.  Traveling to the city of Matamoros, Mexico, right across the border from Brownsville, Texas, I spent a week helping to "build" a mission in the outskirts of the city. 
Andrea Cantello and Lauren Sciba pose for a picture at another mission site we visited. more baseball??  Yeah, those kids LOVED much, it's all we ever played....
Alot of this trip ended up being ministering to the children from the village.  I loved it a lot.  Here, it's Fester (Greg..haha) in the background, Daniel, Angel, Jennifer, and Mary....
And did I mention these kids LOVED baseball?  Here's the St. Mark's youth minister, Steve Nasche, along with Jeremy Nelson, hangin' with the kids after a game in the HOOOOT sun.  Look at Junior in the bottom right corner...isn't he precious?!?!?!
So, Jeremy, where did you get that ring trick from?  Oh, yeah, I remember now...was it...Youth Week '00?  From a certain Tony Simonetta?  This trick was a HIT with the kids...ask me to do it and I'll show it to ya!
Angel and Fester were running around the mission stuff.  Pretty soon, everyone wanted piggy back rides and stuff. 
The other mission site was a lot further along than the one that we were working on...but this one still had a long way to go also.
Got more stuff...tons more stuff...I've got lots of stuff comin'...I just got more of these pictures get excited, get very excited!!!  Get ready for a WHOLE entire page or two more of this stuff, and more stories to go along with them!
Yo quiero mi casa!!!!  (Send me back home!)