Zerisoft is a new way of Marketing

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Be daily reminded !

Adding the logo of your Company in our programs, You can offer them as gift to your client users.

Anniversary is not a common program, because different of other programs as games etc, it will never be forgotten on the hard-disk, being this one of its largest advantages, it is daily used.

Being a program of easy use and of great usefulness, it captivates the user every day and it becomes one of his main programs of his computer.

As the program is used daily or whenever the computer be turned on, your logotype will also be exhibited to the users in a quite friendly way.

Your Company will be besides reminded to the user customer, on the most important days for him, for example: on the days of the dear people's birthdays, Christmas, New Year and mainly on the day of his birthday. As everybody be more sensitive on these days, it is important to cite that certainly the User will also always remember all those that cared.

To download our programs see: Zerisoft main page

For more information, contact Zerisoft Programas: mazeprogramas@yahoo.com.br

All Rights Reserved to Zerisoft