"Words said can never be recalled.  So it is best, oftimes, not to speak quickly.  Yet words left unsaid are worse.  We wear them like weights around our hearts..."
                                                                               ~Wolf by the Ears by Ann Rinaldi

"When you're shiny, everyone wants to stand next to you."
             -Callum Keith Rennie (contributed by Jeannie from other sources)

 "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."

                                                             -Callum Keith Rennie (contributed by Jeannie from other sources)

"Why do people only feel comfortable if they're filling the air with words?"
                                                             -from the movie Tuesdays With Morrie

"You better forget about everything else.  I have friends in the Columbian government."
"I don't care about your friends in the Columbian government.  This is Venezuela."
                                                            ~A-Team (it was funnier on the show)

". . .Well, kindness is not freedom.  And security is not freedom.  Freedom is often lonely.  Nobody takes care of you.  You take care of yourself.  You think for yourself.  You do dim-witted things and you are sorry for them.  You pay for them.  But there is no feeling in the world like freedom."
                                                                            ~Wolf by the Ears  by Ann Rinaldi

"...The burden of being a mother is that we can't follow our children when they're grown and it's time for them to fly.  All mothers know that burden...But we also know that our children take part of us with them.  And you know what else we know, to lighten the burden?...the part of us they take with them is the best part..."
                                            ~Wolf by the Ears by Ann Rinaldi

"...Or is your mind closed?  A man with a good mind always listens."
 -Wolf by the Ears  by Ann Rinaldi

People can't live lies.  Oh, they can for a few days, a few weeks.  Maybe a few months even.  But soon the lies take over and squeeze all the life out of you so you can't  breathe anymore.  So you can't sleep.  So you can't even talk ot people because you don't know what words are truth anymore, and what words are lies.
                                                    ~Wolf by the Ears by Ann Rinaldi

Wisdom...the wisdom in those eyes allows the peace to dwell in them, too.  But there was sadness also...As if all his peace and wisdom had been purchased at a heavy price.
                                                         ~Wolf by the Ears by Ann Rinaldi

For this man uses innocence as a weapon.  He uses silence as a shield.  He rules by kindness.

                    ~Wolf by the Ears by Ann Rinaldi (it's a historical fiction book about the daughter of Sally Hemmings,  who supposedly had an affair with Thomas Jefferson, that quote was about him).

"Write down what you feel... It eases the heart...Writing cures the useless hours of their boredom.
                                                                                    ~Wolf by the Ears by Ann Rinaldi

"Letters give us great pleasure..In their contents are those truths, though not doubted, we love to hear repeated.  They serve as gleams of light, to cheer a dreary scene where envy, hatred, malice, revenge, and all the worse passions of men are marshalled to make one another as miserable as possible."
                                                                         ~Wolf by the Ears by Ann Rinaldi

It's not what you don't know what gets you in trouble.
It's what you know for sure that ain't so.
                                                    -Mark Twain

It's a rule of life, in my opinion, that when you're looking for something, it's always
at the bottom of the box or the back of the shelf.
                                                        -Danger.com 2// Firestorm by Jordan Cray

"We are always equal to what we undertake with resolution..."
                                                                ~Wolf by the Ears by Ann Rinaldi

"Nobody likes to be talked to,  but nobody can resist the eloquence of unconscious preaching."
                                                    ~An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott

...for, though nothing very wise or witty was said, many things were suggested, and every one knows that persuasive influences are better than any amount of moralizing.
                                                                        ~An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott

"...beware of popularity; it is a delusion and a snare; it puffeth up the heart of man, and especially of woman; it blindeth the eyes to faults; it exalteth unduly the humble powers of the victim; it is apt to be capricious, and just as one gets to liking the taste of this intoxicating draught, it suddenly faileth and one is left gasping, like a fish out of water."
                                                    ~An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott

"..poverty was an old friend, and she had learned long ago not to fear it, but to take its bitter and its sweet, and make the best of both."
                                                                            ~An Old-Fashioned Girl by Louisa May Alcott

Poems make you wonder about the way people are and the way the world is.
                        ~Under a Different Sky by Deborah Savage

"All I know is if I die tomorrow, I have lived for four years."
     ~Callum Keith Rennie (contributed by Jeannie), 4 years after he stopped drinking

"I don't know the truth of my past, what it was that was driving me to destroy me."
                                                         ~Callum Keith Rennie (contributed by Jeannie)

"Alcohol seemed to be the solution but I am not sure if I have fixed the problem.  That is
my greatest fear."
                                             ~Callum Keith Rennie (contributed by Jeannie)


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