July 23, 2004
After much deliberation and days of calling him every name I could find he finally mewed and chose his name.... My lil guy is now called 'Tobey'.
July 15, 2004

Well!  I have a new addition to the Kit Household... A little boy whom I've yet to name...  From stray on doorstep, to MADACC refuge, to Humane Society resident and back on my very doorstep he's had quite an adventurous few weeks!  You can read about his fatefull appearance by clicking on "Lil Stray Appears"

Unfortunately his adventures aren't quite over yet... I was called Thursday morning with news that he was not doing well, contracting the all too common URI from being in the confines of the shelters.  So, being unable to get neutered and all spiffed for me I made an emergency trip to pick him up and get him to a vet.  His vet visit went smashing, he was an excellent patient, and he's now on meds to get those sneezes and tearing eyes under control.  After he recovers I have to still take him back to the HS and his snipping must be done. 
Little Boy weighs a whopping 5lbs 6oz for being a 4 month old and considering my Crystal weighed that at age seven I think I'm in store for quite a big boy! 

Odd for a stray he is extremely loveable and cuddly, and not at all put out with having to be secluded in the den until he recovers from his contagen.  His auntie brought new toys, he's on the best Kitty Food (Nutro: Natural Choice Complete Kitten Care with Anti-Oxidants), he's using his box and eating voraciously, and he drinks plenty of water so overall I think he'll recover very well!  He does seem rather sad that I do not stay to sleep with him, but my gals are not the happiest bunch with the new arrival, and while he may not mind them one bit -they mind him and are very put out over this whole ordeal...   We'll start intermediate visits towards the end of next week when his meds are almost done (and pending his recovery) and after his visit to the snipper he's be free roaming so the gals will hopefully adjust to their new brother :)

I'll be sure to let everyone know when I come up with a name!

Click here for his album!