The desires ! - a pre-requisite for existence, drives you along the way in life you intend to live - but the problem is only those of your desires succeed into reality which incidently coincide with what others desires from you !

We solicit your participation in Loving Caring Hearts Home which is conceived with the aim of interleaving accessible knowledge to derive benefits of nature's produce and technological advancements for value added service to desirous humanity through loving caring hearts home that will have education facility for cradle to 25 and loving caring home for 75 to grave.

We solicit your participation. The first project is for realisation of Loving, Caring, Hearts Home comprises an institute of unique nature covering educational facility for age group upto 25 years, natural produce including storage, transport & processing that support life and energy requirement on self sustaining concept, technology park and cultural centre and loving caring hearts old age home for age group above 75. With a humble beginning the first project is likely to have capital investment of the order of US Dollar 50 million or more with world-wide participation. The existing pace of developments and encouragement's received on the subject makes us confident to complete all project development activities by 2011(or earlier depending upon the firming up of the stakeholders)and implementation in subsequent five years with vision for long term growth.

The site selection process has been completed and it will have lake frontage, lush green environment, feasibility of hoovercraft / floating bridge approach in a world famous city. The market survey and techno-economic feasibility report is underway. We believe this proposal elicits merits and you will find your participation an enjoyable and memorable on evergreen basis. Given the opportunity of your involvement our endeavour will be to make optimum utilisation of accessible talent for all time to come. Please be kind enough to spare your valuable time in the thought process and confirm your wilingness at the earliest. Please note that maximum limit of investment per human kind is at present restricted to US $ 4000 / (Four thousand Only). Your expression of interest should highlight confimation of joining with choice on the role of participation i.e. expecting return on investment, offering as grant as service to humanity aspiring to live in synergy with Natural World, looking for place in loving caring hearts home.

It may please be noted that the techno-economic feasibility is being worked outfor viable return on the total investment and the differential of return on investment emerging through grants / offerings shall be allocated for future projects which would be floated on the similar concepts at world wide locations.

Best Wishes
