Our Choice

Stone by stone, brick by brick

We dismantle our inheritance
Hand over our home
To the "no people" assigned to plague us
The chosen vessel of our rebuke
Outposts declared illegal, settlements unsafe
Stage by stage
Turning away from our Gd, our heritage, ourselves
In favor of the other
For the favor of the world
We’re surprised by distant echoes
Of clattering cattle cars to Auschwitz
Of mocking laughter of Amalek
Of taunting gloats of Edom
"Tear it down, tear it down!"
We sink lower than the Nations
Even lower than their animals
Becoming a hissing to the world we loved
A byword to the Nations we adored
As our glory turns to ashes
With our choice of the curse over the blessing

7 March, 2000 / 30 Adar I, 5760

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