When an eagle comes to about the age of 50, his beak begins
to freeze shut, and he can no longer eat.
Some give up and die, but some find a cave or
cleft in the rock where there is water.
The old eagle goes into the cave
and beats his beak on a rock until it is broken off.
The eagle drinks water for 40 days until it grows a new beak.
The eagle then pulls its old feathers
out and an oil sack grows and is filled
with oil (over the heart). The eagle breaks the oil sack
with the new beak and spreads the oil over his body.
Beautiful new golden feathers grow in, and the eagle is renewed.
The eagle's body is strengthened through this process.
The regenerated eagle is then able to fly higher
than it ever could before and see better
than it could before.


Youths may grow faint and weary,
And young men stumble and fall;
But they who trust in the L-rd shall renew their strength
As eagles grow new plumes:
They shall run and not grown weary,
They shall march and not grow faint.
Is. 40:30-31

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