Terms of Usage

I'm actually not very good at typing these type of things, so I'm going to keep this short as possible if you use anything from this site, these are all that you need to do...

1)Please don't take part of my dolls or bases and claim them as your own, Frakendolling is a big no no in the dolling community, and though I doubt anyone'd frakendoll my stuff anyhow...I'm writing this as a precaution just in case ^^;

2) If you adopt my dolls, please link back to this site, though please don't adopt the unadoptable dolls, You'll know which one's unadoptable when you see it(and if you don't there's another note in the dolls section)

3)Feel free to edit anything that you want on my base, faces, gender, poses, skintones, etc.as long as you give me credit by linking back to this site somewhere on your page, Those bases, no matter how weird looking they are, were created through hardwork, sweat, blood and tears, and I'd at least like some acknowledgement for making them.

4)If you made an edit and want to share it please don't post the edits on your site, just e-mail it to me along with your link and I'll post them here.

and that's just it, simple no? If you have any other questions, then just feel free to tag me or send me an e-mail. ^^