Dorchester Company



 Rev. John White (1575-1648) rector of Holy Trinity and St. Peter's churches in Dorchester, Dorset was one of the most prominent men to promote the Great Migration to New England in the 1630's. Starting in 1620,raising capital, enlisting the support of influential people, and recruiting people to cross an ocean.

Many failures and setbacks occurred in the preceding years of the Great Migration, but by trial and error the problems were solved. 

An official list of some of the supporters of Rev. John White survived. This list of names was taken from the book by Frances Rose-Trou'p. "John White, The Patriarch of Dorchester, Dorset and The Founder of Massachusetts, 1575-1648, With An Account Of The Early Settlements In Massachusetts, 1620-1630", Printed in 1930, 483 pages. We have tried to find as much information as possible to tells us who they were.

Among the uncalendared Proceeding of the Court of Requests of Charles I (Bundle 64, Public Record Office, London), is an of answer", dated 12 Oct. 1634, by Rev. John White of Dorchester, Dorset, to a "bill" against him and his associates in an 'I adventure from 1623 to 1628, to New England, to recover the value of some salt, said to have been seized at Cape Ann, by the agents of the "adventurers In the "answer" Rev. White gives the following list of his associates. There are many connections here to other West Country families who came to New England. Only a few of these people came themselves:

LAWRENCE ADYN of Shrowsbury, Shropshire. Possibly related to William Adyn of Dorchester, whose dau. Cicely Adyn was mother of Morgan Hayne.

CHARLES ADYN of Shrowsbury, Shropshire. Possibly related to William Adyn of Dorchester, whose dau. Cicely Adyn was mother of Morgan Hayne.

MR. ALDEN of London. Robert Alden one of those who sold their right to the Plymouth Planters in 1626.

MARGARET ALLEN of Bloxworth, Dorset (15 m. E of Dorchester), widow.

RICHARD-ALLEN of Ditchet, Devon, (15 m. NW of Tiverton). Rector of Ditcheat, installed 8 Apr. 1608, "celebrated Non-Conformist divine". His son was rector at Batcombe, but was deprived in 1662.

SIR FRANCIS ASHLEY, Knight son of Anthony Ashley, of Damerham, Whiltshire. Magdalen Hall, oxford, 1589; Barrister, Sergeant-at-law; Knighted 1618. Recorder for the Town and M.P. for the Borough of Dorchester, 1614-1625. His daughter Dorothy married Denzil Holles. The original patent of Thomas Purchase was left in his safe keeping.

John BALL of Crewkerne, Somerset, 27 Jan. 1 614, Head' Master of the Chantry of the Holy Trinity a free school. (Ref: Search Series Vol . 12, p. 5). He died 20 Oct. 1639. Will dated 4 June 1639, proved 29 Apr. 1640. (PCC 52 Coventry). Rector of Langton Matrevers, 1618. Cousin of Rev. John White.

WILLIAM BENN rector of All Hallows Church, Dorchester.

RICHARD BERNARD rector of Batcombe, Somerset (1613-1641), son of John Bernard of Epworth, Lincoln, England, b.c. 1567, d. Mar. 1641, Batcombe, Somerset, England. Graduated Christ's College, Cambridge, 1594/95. Vicar of Worksop, Nottingham, (16011613). His son Masakiell Bernard bpt. 27 Sept. 1607, Worksop, Nottingham came to New England with Rev. Joseph Hull a group in 1635.

JOHN BLACHFORD Burgess of the town and Borough of Dorchester (Ref: Dorset Visitation, 1623, P. 3). Woolen Draper. Buried 23 Nov. 1632, Trinity Church, Dorchester. Married Margaret Membury, 6 Oct. 1610, Trinity Church, Dorchester.

DENNIS BOND Woollen Draper, son of John Bond of Lutton in Purbeck, Dorset, and father of John Bond, minister of the Savoy. D. 30 Aug. 1658. Married Alice Samwayes of Tollar Percorum. Burgess of the Borough of Dorchester. M.P. for Dorchester 1640. (Ref: Dorset Visitation, 1623, p.3, p. 16).

When dying in 1658, was in much anxiety of spirit; the vulgar talk was that the Devil came to take away Cromwell, at the same time on his death bed, who was not prepared to go; he gave Bond for his future appearance, and on 3 Sept. made good his promise".

MATTHEW BONGER Baker, bu. 12 Feb. 1637/8. Married Margery Hardy, 24 Sept. 1607, Trinity Church, Dorchester. His shop was near the East end of St. Peter's Church. A Jane Hardy m. Stephen Terry in Symondsbury, Dorset and they came in 1634.

GEORGE BOWDER - Minister of Mapperton, Dorset (2 m. E of Beaminster).

WILLIAM BRADISH, clerk - Doctor of Divinity of Puddletowne, Dorset (5 m. NE of Dorchester). Will dated 7 Oct. 1638. Rector of Puddletowne and Athelhampton, Jan. 1623. His brother Stephen Bradish of Ireland "went beyond seas". There was a Robert Bradish in Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1635.

JOHN BRANKER - of Ilminster, Somerset. New Oxford College, 12 Jan. 1618. School master of Windsor, Conn. He married Abiaail Searle, 13 Jan. 1628, Honiton on Otter, Devon, daughter of Robert Searle. Abigail married (2) Rev. John Warham.

JOHN BROWNE, esq. - Of Frampton, (5 m. NW of Dorchester) b.c. 1582, son of John Browne of Frampton, d. 16 May 1659. Married Elizabeth Trenchard, 13 Nov. 1607 Wolfeton Charminster, Dorset, dau. of Sir George Trenchard and Elizabeth Speake. Magdalen College, Oxford, 1598. M.P. Dorset and Bridport. Father-in-law of Rev.Walter Newburgh and Rev.John Stoughton. His niece Katherine Minterne, daughter of Bridget Brown and John Minterne married Rev. James Stronge, son of Thomas Stronae and Joan Bagge, first cousin of Elder John Stronge. A son Robert Browne is listed in the visitations as a "merchant across the seas". There was a Robert Browne in Cambridge, MA, age 24, who came to New England on the ship "Truelove", 1635. He married Barbara Eden in 1649. (Ref: Dorset Visitation, 1677, pp. 8, 45). John Browne's grandfather John Browne married -Thomazine Warham, daughter of John Warham and.Katherine Soper of Compton Valence. (Ref: Dorset Visitation 1623, p. 20. Search Series Vol. 12, p. 11)

MILES BOWNES - Clerk. B. 1585, D. 1630. Married Eleanor -. Will proved 17 Nov. 1630 (PCC 98 Scrope). Queens College, Oxford. Rector of Hampreston, 1614.

JOHN BURGES - Brother-in-law of Rev. John White, son of John Burges of Petersborough. Married (1) Dorothy_____. (2) Lettice ____. Will dated 12 Sept. 1634, proved 26 Oct. 1635.

His daughter, Priscilla Burges, married (1) Bezaliell Sherman, bu. 9 Oct. 1618, Will dated 7 Oct. 1618, proved 3 Dec. 1618. She married (2) Thomas Fones, his first wife was Ann Winthrop, sister of John Winthrop. Will dated 14 Apr. 1629. She married (3) Rev. Henry Paynter of Exeter, whose first wife was Jane Starr.

Another daughter, Abigail Burges, married Cornelius Burges, son of Robert Burges of Stanton Dew, Somerset. They had a dau. Alice who m. Lt. James Nash of Weymouth, MA and a son John who m. (1) Rebecca (Ruege) who d. 1661, Weymouth, MA. He m. (2) Mary Stearnes, (3) Widow Grisell Gurney, 1667, and (4) Jane Gurney.

WALTER BURGES of Buckland. B.a. 1580. Oriel College, Oxford, Vicar of Buckland Ripers, installed 1608. "Mr. Walter Burges, an able man as minister".Afterwards Preacher at Radipole.

RICHARD BURY of Colleton, Devon. D. bef. 1668. Married Elizabeth Pollard, dau. of Sir Hugh Pollard. There was a Richard Berry in Barnstable, MA in 1643. 

RICHARD BUSHROD - Haberdasher and merchant adventurer, Trader in New England. Son of John Bushrod of Sherborne, Dorset. D. 1 July 1628. Married Dorothy Watts,'sister of John Watts. Burgess of the Town and Borough of Dorchester, 1623. (Ref : Dorset Visitation 1623, p. 3). Bailiff of Dorchester 1621. M.P. for Dorchester, 1625/6.

There was a Thomas Bushrod who came on the ship "Hopewell" in 1635, with Elder John Strong, John Whetcombe and his wife Francis Cogan. Thomas may have been the father of Peter Bushrod of Northampton, MA who married Elizabeth Hannum (b. 1644), daughter of William Hannum of the "Mary & John" and Honor Capen, who lived in Dorchester, Dorset. Thomas may have gone to Virginia with George Ludlow.

ROBERT CHEEKE - B.c. 1572, d. 8 July 1627. Rector of All Saints Church, Dorchester and schoolmaster. Magdalen Hall, Oxford. 

EDWARD CLARKE, REV. - D. 31 Dec. 1630. Married (1) (2) Anne Pelham, 3 May 1621, Fordington, dau. of Herbert Pelham and Elizabeth West, bpt. 22 Mar. 1601/2, Hellingly, Sussex. Will proved 18 Apr. 1631 (PCC 41 St. John). Assistant to John White 1620 - 1625. Removed to Taunton in. 1625.Vicar of St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton,Somerset. Brothers-in-law of John Humphrey, Deputy Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony and Thomas Pelham. (Ref: Dorset Visitation 1677, p. 53)

ROBERT COKER - Goldsmith. B.c. 1579. Bu. 4 Jan. 1654/5, St. Peter's Church, Dorchester. Son of Thomas Coker and Edith Tuberville of Mapounder. He married Thomazine Peter, dau. of William Peter, and (2) Amy Moldford, dau. of John Moldford. His cousin Bridget Coker, dau. of Henry Coker and Anne Stroud, married Sir Edmund Ludlow, uncle of Roger Ludlow and George Ludlow (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 30). His son Robert Coker, may have been the one who came on the "Mary & John" in 1634 and settled in Newbury, MA.

Sir Edmund Ludlow - m. 1) Bridget Coker, dau. of Henry Coker and Ann Stroud of Maypowder, Dorset. Bur. Sept. 1587, Hill Deverhill, Wilts. m. 2) Margaret Manning, Viscountess Howard of Binden, Wid. of Thomas Lord Howard Viscount Binden, dau. of Henry Manning and Katherine Kirkener.

CHRISTOPHER CONANT - Brother of Roger Conant. Grocer of London, 1623. Bpt. 13 June 1568, East Budleigh, Devon. Married Mrs. Anne Wilton 14 Sept. 1619, Shobrook, Devon (2 m. E of Crediton). Came to Plymouth, MA 1623.

JOHN CONANT - Rector of Lymington, Somerset. Bpt. 18 Mar. 1585/6, d. 13 Apr. 1653. Will, dated 8 Apr. 1653, proved 26 Sept. 1653 (PCC 285 Brent), son of Richard Conant of East Budleigh, Devon. Brother of Roger Conant. Rector of Lymington, Somerset, installed 30 Dec. 1619. ROGER CONANT of East Budleigh, Devon. Salter (dealer in salt or one who sells salted meat and fish) of London, 1623. Son of Richard Conant and Agnes Clarke, bpt. 9 Apr. 1592, East Budleigh, Devon. Married Sarah Horton, 11 Nov. 1618, St. Ann Blackfriars, London. First Governor of the Cape Ann Charter. Relieved by Gov. John Endicott.

JOHN COOKE - Mercer . Bu. 26 Apr. 1641, Trinity Church, Dorchester. Will dated 23 Apr. 1641, proved 26 Oct. 1641 (PCC 127 Evelyn).

PATROCLUS COOKE - Beadle of the Freemen of Dorchester 1621. Bu. 18 Jan. 1657/8, Trinity Church, Dorchester. Will dated 3 Jan. 1657/8 (PCC 257 Wooten).

JOSIAS COOTH of Sherborne. Linen Draper.

RICHARD COOTH of Ensom (Edmondsham?), Somerset. There was a John Cooth of Dorchester, will 1634. A Richard Cooth, gentleman, of Sherborne, Dorset, mentioned in 1635.

FRANCIS CROSSING of Exeter, Devon. B.c. 1597 or 1601. Son of Hugh Crossing, Mayor of Exeter. Married Elizabeth Pitt, dau. of Matthew Pitt. Balliol College, Oxford. Will proved 1639 (PCC 101 Harvey). M.P. for St. Michael and for Camelford.

EDMUND DASHWOOD - Clothier. Son of John Dashwood, bpt. 6 July 1588, West Stafford. D. 5 Feb. 1666 abt. 78, bu. 14 Feb. 1666, Trinity Church, Dorchester. Married Thomazine Hennyge, dau. of John Hennyge, of Poxwell, High Sheriff of Dorset1610, and Dorothy Warham. Burgess of the town and Borough of Dorchester, 1623. Dorothy Warham was a cousin of Rev. John Warham who came in 1630. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 3. Search Series Vol. 12, P. 10).

JOHN DAVY of Crediton, Devon, (8 m. NW of Exeter). D. 13 Oct. 1654. Son of John Davie and Margaret Southcott. Married (1) Julyan Strode, dau. of Sir William Strode and Elizabeth Courtney, (2) Isabel Hele. Will proved 7 Aug. 1655 (PCC 101 Aylett). Created Baronet 9 Sept. 1641. Margaret Southcott was a cousin of Capt. Richard Southcott who came in 1630. (Ref: Search Series Vol. 11, p. 34).

His son Humphrey Davie came to Boston, MA. Humphrey married Elizabeth White, dau. of Edmund White, whose nephew was a supporter of Rev. John White. John Davie's dau. Isabel married Walter Yonge, son of Walter Yonge and Jane Perriam. g

ANTHONY DERBY living in France. Son of William Derby of Dorchester.

JOHANE DERBY - Widow of Beaminster, Dorset. Mother of William Derby. Will 9 Aug. 1636 (PCC 62 Pile).

PAWLE DERBY living in France. Son of William Derby of Dorchester.

WILLIAM DERBY of Stirthill, Dorset. Mercer. B.c. 1588, Beaminster, bu. 1649, Trinity Church, Dorchester. Married Mary Bradstock, dau. of Joseph Bradstock and Emma Browneinge of Whithampton (Ref: Dorset Visitation 1623, pp. 3,20). Deputy Recorder of the town and Borough of Dorchester, 1623. Town Clerk of Dorchester 1629-1648. Father of Joseph, Matthew, Paul, and Anthony Derby. They had a dau. Mary Derby, who m. John White, son of Josias White, brother of Rev. John White, and Anne Barlowe.

Christopher Derby and Ann Symonds, dau. of William Symonds and Alice Moone (Mohun) of Exeter (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 40). Had two sons John and Richard Derby come to New England on the ship "Speedwell" with Walter Deane in 1637, brother-in-law of Elder John Stronge. Joan Derby married John Peasinge of Lillington, son of Hugh Peasenge and Dorothy Browne. (Ref: Dorset Visitation 1623, p. 75). Hugh Peasenge's niece, Joan Pysinae, dau. of Richard Pysinge, married Thomas Hull, parents of George Hull.

BENJAMIN DEVENISH - Tailor. Bpt. 20 Sept. 1574, bu. 12 Sept. 1643, Trinity Church, Dorchester, son of Robert Devenish of Bradford Peverel.

There was a Peter Devenish, who d. 1683, Trinity Parish, Dorchester, whose son John Devenish went to Virginia.

THOMAS DEVENISH - Keeper of Dorchester Goal. B.a. 1589.

GEORGE DIER - Weaver. B. 1579, d. 1672. Living in New England. Married Elizabeth (Abigail?).

RICHARD EBURNE - Vicar of Henstridge, near Purse Caundle, Dorset.


GOV. JOHN ENDICOTT - Son of Thomas Endicott of Chagford, Devon and Alice (Westlake?). He married Elizabeth Cogan Gibson, (b. 1607, Chard) dau. of Philobert Cogan and Anne Marshal, brother-in-law of Roger Ludlow. Elizabeth was the sister of Mary Cogan Ludlow. John came in 1629.

CHRISTOPHER ERLE, Esq. - Barrister. B.a. 1590, d. 28 Mar. 1634. Bu. Temple Church 4 Apr. 1634. Second son of Thomas Erle and Dorothy Pole, dau. of Sir William Pole of Shute, brother of Sir Walter Erle. Their sister Elizabeth Erle married Sir Richard Strode.

SIR WALTER ERLE, Knight of Charborough. B. 1586, eldest son of Thomas Earle and Dorothy Poole, dau. of Sir William Poole, bu. 1 Sept. 1665. He married Ann Dymock. Knighted 4 May 1616, M.P. for Poole, Lyme Regis, and Weymouth. Queens College, Oxford. Governor of the New England Plantation. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 37).

EDWARD FRENCHAM - Clerk. B.a. 1570, D. 18 June 1628. Magdalen College, Oxford from Sussex. Rector of Compton Valence, 1604-1628, ancestral home of Rev. John Warham.

WILLIAM FRY Esq. of Yarby, Devon (Yarbery, hamlet of Colyton). B.a. 1590. Bu. I May 1672. Married Mary Yonge, dau. of John Yonge and Alice Steere, of Colliton, Devon (Ref: Devon Visitations 1623, p. 53). Brothers-in-law Walter Yonee. Richard Mallocke, Humphrey Cockerham, Robert Hill of Taunton, and William HILL of Poundsford. (Ref: Search Series Vol. 3, p. 24, Devon Visitation 1620, P. 53). There was a William Fry who married Sarah Hill, sister of William-Hill. This William Fry had four children who came to New England in the 1630's.

THOMAS FULLER - Rector of Broadwindsor and Netherbury, Dorset 1631.

JOHN GALTON of Lulworth. B.c.1580. D. 1662. Son of John Galton of Bere Regis. University College, Oxford. Chaplain of New College. Vicar of East Lulworth, installed 1609. Vicar of Combe Keynes, 1611.

JOHN GARNEY of London.

JOHN GEERING - Grocer. Son of Simon Gearing of Lechlade, Glouchester and Anne Bradshawe. Married (1) Phebe Reeve, dau. of John Reeve, Goldsmith, London, (2) Rebecca Oldfield, dau. of Roger Oldfield and sister of Sarah Oldfield Glover, wife of Jose Glover, and Joseph Oldfield of the Massachusetts Bay Company. Member of the East India Company.

WILLIAM GOLSNEY of Holnest (14 m. N of Dorchester). B.c. 1590. Under Sheriff of Dorset 1630.

EDWARD GOULD of Staverton, Devon. D. 26 Mar. 1628. Son of Edward Gould and Elizabeth Man, brother of William Gould, Henry Gould, nephew of John Gould of Dorchester. Married Julian Irish, dau. of Zachary Irish of Chudleigh. Will dated 5 Mar. 1627/8, proved 16 May 1628 (PCC 37 Barrington). A John Irish came in 1629.

HENRY GOULD of Exeter. D. 4 Sept. 1636. Son of Edward Gould and Elizabeth Man, brother of William Gould, nephew of John Gould of Dorchester. Married Ann Wills, dau. of Zachary Wills of Exeter. Will proved 31 Dec. 1636 (PCC 119 Pile).

JAMES GOULD - Clothier. Son of John Gould of Dorchester, bpt. 21 July 1593, St. Peters Church, Dorchester. Bu. 15 Feb. 1675/6, St. Peters Church. Married Margery Savage, dau. of George Savage of Bloxworth, 1624. Will 29 Oct. 1675.

Nephew of Elizabeth Gould, wife of William Whiteway and father of James Gould M.P. and grandfather of the Countess of Abingdon (Ref: Devon Visitations 1623, p. 26) or he could be the son of John Gould and Johan Benuenue Roy.

JOHAN GOULD, WIDOW - B. 1549, dau. of Leddoze of Wyke Regis. D. 9 Dec. 1630. Widow of James Gould of Fordingham. Will proved 22 Dec. 1630 (PCC 109 Scrope). Cousin of William Whiteway the younger. (Ref: Devon Visitations 1623, p. 26, Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 47).

WILLIAM GOULD of Hayes near Exeter, Devon. D. 23 Mar. 1635, son of Edward Gould of 'Tiverton and Elizabeth Man, dau. of William Man of Broad Hempston, nephew of John Gould of Dorchester. Married Alice Taylor dau. of Robert Taylor of Pinhoe. Will proved 1637 (PCC 99 Goare). His aunt Elizabeth Gould married William Whitewav. (Ref : Devon Visitations 1623, pp. 26,27).

GILES GREEN - Gentleman, of Allington in Corfe Castle and of Motcombe. Bu. 5 Jan. 1655/6, St. Benet Pink, London. Will dated 21 Dec. 1655. Married ' Elisabeth Hill, dau. of William Hill and Jane Yonge, b. 1603. Alderman of the town of Melcomb Regis. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 2). M.P. for Weymouth and Corge Castle. Their dau. Dorothy Green married Walter Yonge. Perhaps related to John Green whose dau. Sara Green married John Hill, son of Roger Hill and Mary Hassard.

JOHN GUY (Gye) of Brianstone, Dorset. His dau. Margaret married Robert Pitt of Blanford, son of Thomas Pitt and Priscilla Searle. (Ref: Dorset Visitation 1677, p. 56) Preached at the funeral of Sir Robert Meller, Sept. 1624.

GEORGE HARDY of Compton Abbas, Dorset (20 m. E of Yeovil), bpt. 1 Jan. 1580/1, bu. 6 Nov. 1654, son of John Hardy. His dau. Hannah Hardy married Bernard Troup. Stephen Terry, the emigrant, married Jane Hardy in Symondsbury, 13 Mar. 1633, and she was probably the dau. of Nicholas and Agnes Hardye, who were married and,lived in Stratton (3 m. NW of Dorchester).

WILLIAM HARVY of Langton Matravers, possibly son of Thomas Harvy and Ann Pyne, dau. of John Pyne of Corry Mallet, Somerset. (Ref : -Dorset Visitations, 1623, p. 52) A William Harvey appeared in Taunton, MA in 1639.

MORGAN HAYNE of New Castle, also of Dorchester, son of Oliver Hayne and Cicely Adyn, dau. of William Adyn of Dorchester. He married Rawlin Dabynott, a. 1617, dau. of Christopher Dabinott of White Stanton, Somerset. A Thomas Dabinott married Agnes Strong, 9 Sept. 1601, Kingsbury Episcopi, dau.of William Stronge and Margaret of Chard, Somerset, Eng. She was the sister to Emma Stronge wife of Vincent Meigs who came to New England. Jane Dabinott dau. of Christopher Dabinott, married Thomas Newberry a. 1619 and in 1634.She m2)Rev. John Warham.

NATHANIEL HEIGHTOMORE (Higmore) of Caundle. B.a. 1585. Rector of Goathill and Caundle Purse, Dorset. Descended f rom Highmoore's of Harbybrow, Cumberland. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1677, P. 94)

JOHN HILL - Ironmonger. B.a. 1589, he was the third son of Roger Hill, gentlman of Poundisford, Pitminster, Somerset. He married Sara Green, dau. of John Greene and Cicily Walrond, of Dorchester. He was a Burgess of the town and Borough of Dorchester, 1623. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, pp. 3, 55)

DENZIL HOLLES - M.P. from Dorchester. Held in Tower of London. Married Dorothy Ashley, dau. of Sir Francis Ashley. Archbishop William Laud was impeached for High Treason on the motion of Denzil Holles and was removed to the tower. Denzil Holles' sister married the Earl of Stafford. The Earl of Stafford was also beheaded.

JOHN HUMPHREY, Esq. of Chaldon Herring, He married (1) Isabel Williams, dau. of Brune Williams and Elizabeth Churchill, (2) Elizabeth Pelham, 4 Sept. 1621, Salisbury, dau. of Herbert Pelham and Elizabeth West, bpt. 27 Apr. 1604, Hellingle, Sussex. Elizabeth died 1 Nov. 1628. Her Aunt Lettice West married Henry Ludlow cousin of Roger Ludlow. He married (3) Susan Fiennes, dau. of Sir Thomas de Clinton, Earl of Lincoln and Elizabeth Knyvett. Treasurer of Dorchester Company, John became Deputy Governor of Massachussetts. John brought servants, John Legge and John King with him. He returned to England 26 Oct.1641. He died 1661, Chaldon Herring, Dorset. His brothers-in-law were Edward Clarke, who married Ann Pelham, Thomas Pelham, Isaac Johnson who married Arabella Fiennes for whom Gov. Winthope named his ship, and John Gorges (b. 1593), son of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Lord of the Province of Maine, and Anne Bell, who married Frances Fiennes. Robert Gorges, his brother (b. 1595), came to New England in 1623 to take up the government of a patent in Massachusetts Bay, MA. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 57, Dorset Visitation 1677, pp. 77,53, History of York Maine, Vol. 1 by Charles Edward Banks)

MICHAEL HUMPHREY of Chalden Herring, d. 3 Apr. 1626, London. Married (1) Dorothy Bawler, and (2) Martha Pride, 4 July 1615. Alderman and magistrate of Dorchester 1625. Clerk to Viscount Bindon. Father of John Humphrey, Esq. 

MARY HUSSEY, widow - Possibly wife of Thomas Hussey of Shapwick, dau. of Thomas Basket and Ursula Larder. They had sons, Thomas who married Elizabeth Hannam, dau. of James Hannam, and Hubert. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 59)

HUMPHRY JOLIFFE - Gentleman. B. 1583. Bu. 27 Dec. 1653. Married Christian Fry, dau. of John Fry. An attorney of Dorchester and Steward of the manors of Sir Edward Lawrence, 1627-1631.

JOHN JOPE - Merchant of Plymouth. Married Elizabeth Davis, 22 Sept. 1573, Trinity Church, Dorchester. Will proved 26 Jan. 1630/1 (PCC 3 St. John). May be the Mr. Jope mentioned in the will of Matthias Nicholles.

THOMAS KETE of Chesselborne (12 m. N of Dorchester). Gentleman, son of Edward Kete and Christian Moore. He married Elizabeth Stoite, dau. of Henry Stoite of Milton. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, P. 61)

BISHOP ARTHUR LAKE New College, succeeded by William Laud, who forced Rev. John Warham from the pulpit in Crewkerne, Somerset in 1627. 

GILBERT LODER - Attorney. B.a. 1590, bu. 5 Dec. 1656, St. Peter's Church, Dorchester. In 1636 he claimed that in 1634 he possessed a cow, a calf, and a steer depasturing in New England, in charge of Nicholas Upsall, a kinsman of George Way. These were taken over and sold by George Way. On 20 May 1636 he sued Nicholas Upsall, for pasturing cattled claimed by him.

WILLIAM LODER son of John Loder, bpt. 20 Apr. 1570, Stinsford. Married (1) Anne Watts, 1 May 1580 and (2) Elizabeth Denit, 28 July 1589. Possibly related to Edward Lodder, Alderman of Melcombe Regis (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 2)

JOHN LONG - Bookseller of Dorchester. D. 10 Dec. 1632. First Governor of the Freemen of Dorchester, 1629. His son John Long carried on the business and sold Rev. John White's works.

JOSEPH LONG - Gentleman of Sidbury, Devon (15 m. E of Exeter), and a few miles from Salcombe Regis He had a son William whose son Joseph Long, married Mary Lane, dau. of William Lane of Beaminster, who came to New England on the ship "Hopewell", 1635. Bill of Derby vs. Long, et al, 29 Sept. 1655--Joseph Long, gent, now deceased settled lands in Broad Magna, Dorset, on his son William Longe. Matthew Derby of Dorchester, gent, claimed William Longe, granted the premises to him before June, 1654. Respondents were William Longe, Richard Savaze and Josiah Terry of Dorchester, habadasher.

HENRY MABER - Clothier. Son of Marshall Maber of Hillfield in Sydling. B. 2 Dec. 1588, Sydling. Bu. St. Peter's Church, Dorchester, "Mr. Henry Maber, magistrate", 2 Oct. 1667. Married Martha Joliffe Derby, widow of Matthew Derby, 4 Aug. 1657.

RICHARD MALLACK (Mallocke) of Axmouth, Devon (5 m. W of Lyme Regis). Bu. 16 Sept. 1644. Son of William Mallock of Axmouth. Married Joan Younge, dau. of John Yonge and Elizabeth Steere of Colliton. Adminstration of his estate to relict Joan 21 Feb. 1644/5. His brothers-in-law were Humphrey Cockeram, Robert Hill of Taunton, William Hill of Poundsford, William Fry of Yarby and Walter Younge. Humphrey Cockerman may be related to William Cockeram brother-in-law of John Miller. (Ref: Devon Visitations 1623, p. 52, Search Series Vol. 12, p. 15).

HENRY MANIFOLD (Manyfold) of Long Burton (8 m. E of Yeovil). Bu. 6 Dec. 1642. Will dated 23 Apr. 1642, proved 20 Nov. 1647 (PCC 240 Fines). His daughter Mary married John Warren of Chiddington. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1677, p. 73)

AMIAS MARTYN of Ireland. Son of Adam Martyn of Scaborough, Somerset.

JOSHUA MARTYN of Yeavell (Yeovil?), Somerset. Mercer.

HENRY MASY of Kendall. B.a. 1589. Of Broadgates Hall, from Devon. Rector of Shaf ton St. Rumbold alias Cann, Dorset 1612-1622. Rector of Templecombe, Somerset 1613-1622.

JAMES MEWS - Of Caundle Purse Manor House, Dorset, son of Ellis Mew, brother of Dr. Peter Mew, Bishop of Winchester.

GILES MILLER (Meller) - Son of Sir John Meller of dame. D. before 1634. Brother of Sir Robert Meller. Giles married (1) Dorothy Basley, and (2) Margaret Freak.

ROBERT MILLER - Clerk - Felt maker. Of Bridport. Bu. 21 Sept. 1626. Married Cicelie . Will 1626 (PCC 145 Hale).


REV. WALTER NEWBURG - This was Rev. Walter Newberry, born 1595, son of Walter Newberry of Netherberry, Dorset. Walter married (1) Katherine Strode of Stoke Abbas. (2) Jane Brown, dau. of John Brown and Elizabeth Trenchard of Frampton, who married Rev.John Stoughton, 18 Jan. 1635/6. Walter Newburg was rector of Symondsbury, Dorset, from 1624 until his death in 1631. He was a close friend of Rev. John White and a cousin of Thomas Newberry who came to Dorchester, MA in 1635, whose wife was Jane Dabinott, dau. of Christopher Dabinott (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1677, pp. 8, 51).

MATTHIAS NICHOLLES - B. 1586. D. 15 Aug. 1631. Will proved 10 Oct. 1631 (PCC 107 St. John). Brother of Ferdinando Nicholls. New College, Oxford. Rector of Mells, Somerset, installed 4 Jan. 1619. Minister of God's Word at Plymouth, Devon 1630 ' Witnessed will of John White's father. In March 1630 he greeted passengers of the "Mary & John" in the New Hospital just before they set sail.

FERDINANDO NICHOLLS - Of Sherborn (Yeovil), Somerset. Extreme Puritan. New College, Oxford. He and White tried to speak to Denzil Holles beneath his cell in the Tower of London but were driven away.

EDWARD PELE - Of Compton Valence. B.a. 1582, d. 6 May 1643. Will proved by reliet Alice, Aug. 1643 (PCC Fairfax). Queens College, Oxford, from Cumberland. Rector of Fordington, 1617, Rector of Compton Valence, installed 28 Jun. 1629. An Edward Peale married Elizabeth Pelham, 9 May 1624, dau. of Thomas Pelham and Blanche Ayre of Compton Valence, Dorset (Ref: Dorset Visitations'1677, p. 54).

THOMAS PELHAM, Esq. - Of Compton Valence (10 m. B of Dorchester) Bpt. 23 Jan. 1597 Chichester, son of Herbert Pelham and Elizabeth West. Married Blanche Ayre, 3 Sept. 1621, dau. of Robert Ayre. Thomas Pelham's sisters married Edward Clark and John Humphrey. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1677, p. 54) His Aunt Lettice West married Henry Ludlow, son of Sir Edmund Ludlow and Bridget Coker, cousin of Roger Ludlow.

JOHN PITT - Merchant. Alderman of Melcombe Regis, Dorset, 1623. Will proved 1616 (PCC 22 Hele). (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 2)

MATHEW PITT son of Richard Pitt of Crickett Malherbe, Somerset, and Margaret Bailey. D. 18 Apr. 1624, London. Married (1) Christian Barnard, dau. of John Barnard of Shepton Mallet, and (2) Phillips Welsteed, dau. of Robert Welsteed. Alderman of Melcombe Regis, 1623. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 2). Will dated 10 Oct. 1623, proved 19 Nov. 1624 (PCC 97 Byrde).

NICHOLAS POLDEN - Of Caundle (Purse, Dorset?).

ELIZABETH POOLE of Seaton Devon (B m. W of Lyme Regis). Bpt. 25 Aug. 1588, d. 21 May 1654, dau. of Sir William Poole. Elizabeth came on the ship "Speedwell" with Walter Deane, brother-in-law of Elder John Strong, Henry Cogan brother-in-law of John Whetcombe. (See John Poole, below).

JOHN POOLE - Baronett of Colcomb, Devon. B.a. 1586, d. 16 April 1658, son of Sir William Poole. Married (1) Elizabeth How, dau. of Roger How and Jane Symes, his stepsister. (2) Mary widow of John Lechland M.P. for Devon, 1626. Created Baronet 12 Sept. 1628. Sir John Poole, Baronet and his brother, Perian (below), were brothers of Elizabeth Poole and William Poole. William was in Dorchester, MA and moved to Taunton about 1637. (Ref: See Vivian's Visitations of Devon, p. 603) .

PERIAM POOLE, Gentleman - Of High Haine near Moreton Hampstead, bpt. 16 Apr. 1592. Buried 29 Aug. 1642, son of Sir William Poole, brother of Sir John Poole, Elizabeth Poole, and William Poole. Married Dorothy Hippesley. Matriculated Exeter College, Oxford 3 Nov. 1609, BA, 12 Dec. 1609, Student Inner Temple 1612. Will proved 21 Oct. 1642.

AOUILA PURCHASE - Dorchester school master, Free School at Trinity Church 1625-1632. Married Ann Squire, 28 Jan. 1613. Aquila died on the voyage to New England in 1633. Brother of Joan Purchase, wife of Bernard Capen, Thomas Purchase, Sarah Purchase wife of George Way. Bernard Capen called George Dyer, brother in his will (Ref: Search Series Vol. 12, p. 31). He came in 1633.

THOMAS PURCHASE - Of Dorchester. B. 1577, d. 11 May 1678, age 101, Lynn, MA. Married (1) Mary Grove, cousin of Sir Christopher Gardiner and (2) Elizabeth Andrews Pike, 1657, b. 1633, dau. of Samuel Andrews and Jane of Saco, ME, widow of Richard Pike of Falmouth, ME. His widow married John Blaney. Between 1625 and 1629 he settled in Maine and engaged in the fur trade. He was the partner [and brother-in-law] of George Way in the Pegyscott grant in 1632. In 1635 he was one of Gorges' Council, (see John Humphrey). Held the office of Assistant to the Colony Commissioners. Justice in 1664. In 1675 his house was attacked by Indians and he removed to Lynn, MA.

In his will he called Oliver Purchase and Edward Allen, cousin[meaning nephews][Edward Allen married a daughter of George Way]. George Way called him brother. In 1639 Rev. Robert Jordain joined him in Brunswick, MA, who was called his kinsman. (Ref: Trelwany Papers, p. 237).

He is the brother of Aquila Purchase and Joan Purchase of Dorchester (b. 1578), wife of Bernard Capen, dau. of Oliver Purchase and Thomasine Harris. They were the parents of Susan--Capen (wife of William Rockwell) and Dorothy Capen (wife of Nicholas Upsall), "Mary & John" passengers. Joan and Bernard Capen came to Dorchester, MA about 1633.

ROBERT RAW - Of Bettiscombe (8 m. NW of Bridport). Gentleman. Bu. 19 May 1646, Bridport. Married Elizabeth Hardy, dau. of Francis Hardy of Up Sydling, Dorset (8 m. NW of Dorchester). Agnis Ray, dau. of John Raw of Bettiscombe married Robert Morgan,, son of Henry Morgan and Catherine Strobridge. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 73).


SIR HENRY ROSENELL - Lord Lieutenant of Devon and Ford Abbey. High Sheriff of Devon.

WILLIAM ROYDON - Of Fordington, Dorset. Mrs. Rodden bu. at Fordington, 18 Apr. 1638; Christina Rowden and Ambrose Way married 18 Apr. 1631, Fordington.

JOHN SACHEVERELL, Clerk - Of Stoke, son of John Sacheverell of Buckland, Dorset. Rector of East Stoke.


RICHARD SAVAGE - Of Dorchester. Woolen draper, bu. 2 Aug. 1669, St. Peter's Church, Dorchester. Mr. Richard Savage magistrate.

SIR ARTHUR SMYTHES, Knight - Came to Dorchester to dwell with his family 8 Mar. 1623/4 with his household.

HENRY SMITH - Went to Dorchester, MA in 1630. His mother,Frances, married Dr. Tobiah Sanford She married, as her third husband, William Pynchon and Henry removed to Springfield with them. Henry came (second crossing?) on the "Speedwell" in 1637. William Pynchon and Henry Smith returned to England.

WILLIAM SMITH - Of Winterbourne, St. Martyn.

JOHN SNOOKE Of Temple Combe (12 m. E of Yeovil). A James Snooke came to Weymouth, MA.

JOHN SNOOKE. Of Temple Combe - May be the same as above or he may be the John Snook of St. Clements Danes, London. Citizen and merchant tailor whose will is dated 17 Aug. 1665, he had lands in Virginia and mentions a cousin Robert Snook of Salisbury.

THOMAS SOUTHCOTT, Esq. - Of Mohunt Ottery, Devon (not found).Possibly son of George Southcott of Bovery Tracy and Elizabeth Seymour, dau. of Sir Henry Seymour. Married Katherine Pole, dau. of Sir William Pole and Mary Periam, bpt. 20 Aug. 1587. (Ref: Devon Visitations 1620, p. 60c).  

WILLIAM SPERING - Gentleman. B.a. 1580, bu. I Sept. 1654, St. Peter's Church, Dorchester. Son of Thomas Spering.

GILES STOODLY, the younger - Gentleman. Of Broadwindsor (B m. N of Bridport).

REV. JOHN STOUGHTON - Son of Rev. Thomas Stoughton and brother of Thomas Stoughton, who came in 1630. Married (1) Jane Browne, dau. of John Brown and Elizabeth Trenchard. Jane was the widow of Walter Newburg. He married (2 Marchell Cudworth, widow of Rev. Ralph Cudworth, dau. of John Marchell and Jane Woodroffe. His step-son, James Cudworth was Deputy Governor of Massachusetts. James Cudworth's dau. Mary married Robert Whetcomb, son of John Whetcombe and Francis Cogan.

SIR RICHARD STRODE, Knight - Of Charlmington, Dorset (8 m. NW of Dorchester) near Maiden Newton Bpt. 1 July 1584. Bu. 9 Oct. 1669. Will dated 20 July 1669, proved 17 July 1670 (PCC Penn). He married Elizabeth Erle, dau. of Thomas Earle and Dorothy Poole, dau. of Sir William Poole. Her brothers were Sir Walter Erle and Christopher Erle. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623,, p. 37). M.P. for Beer Alston, for Bridport, and for Plympton. Sir Richard Strode descended from the family of Strode of Newnham, Devon. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1677, p. 96).

WILLIAM STRODE - Son of Sir Richard Strode. Married Elizabeth Courtney. His daughter Julian married Sir John Davie, son of, John Davie and Margaret Southcott.

JOHN TERRY - B.a. 1555. Rector of Stockton, Whiltshire 1589. Married Mary White. Father of Josiah and Stephen Terry, and brother-in-law of Rev. John White.

JOSIAH TERRY - Son of Rev. John Terry and Mary White of Stockton, Whiltshire, bpt. 25 May 1597. Bu. 25 Oct. 1667, Trinity Church, Dorchester. Brother of Stephen Terry,and nephew of Rev. John White.

WILLIAM TILLEY - B.a. 1563. D. 18 Aug. 1634. He was of Broadgates Hall, Oxon of Devon, and rector of Broadwinsor, Dorset 1598.

BERNARD TROUP - Of Chaldon (now East Chalddn), Dorset. Married Hannah Hardy,dau.of George Hardy of Compton Abbas.

WILLIAM TUCKER - Of Beaminster (5 miles N of Bridport). Mercer. Will 8 Mar. 1654.

JOSEPH UNDERWOOD - Grocer. Son of John Underwood, bpt. 25 Mar. 1586, Trinity Church, Dorchester. Married 25 Apr. 1607, Rachel Edwards, bu. 19 Apr. 1631. A Joseph Underwood and a brother Thomas Underwood appeared in Hingham, MA in 1637 and later settled in Watertown.

ROBERT VEARE - Sometimes of Fordington, Dorchester, Dorset. Bu. 26 Sept. 1669, Fordington. Married Agnes Bezant, 23 Jan. 1625, Winterborne Kingston.

JOHN VINCENT - John Vincent of Porrington disclaimed in the Dorset Visitation of 1623, p. 4. Two John Vincents appeared in New England. In Sandwich, MA (1636) and New Haven (1639).


HENRY WALROND, Esq. - Bpt. 18 July 1584. Bu. 30 Apr. 1650, son of William Walrond and Mary Sanford Warre. Married Penelope Sydenham, dau. of Humphrey Sydenham of Bradfield. Will dated 7 Feb. 1649, proved 11 July 1650 (PCC 124 Pembroke). (Ref: Devon Visitation 1620).

RICHARD WATTS - Mason. A Richard Watts settled in Hartford, CT before 1640.

GEORGE WAY - Glover. Married Sarah Purchase Will dated I Oct.1641,proved 3 Dec. 1641 (PCC 155 Evelyn). A merchant adventurer sending ships to New E"gland. He was probably the George Way mentioned in the records of Dorchester, MA, 2 Jan. 1637/8, as having previously had a land grant. "Widow Way" is mentioned in the list of proprietors of the to great lots" in Dorchester, MA, 23 Feb. 1646/7, and perhaps she is the widow of this George Way who was the partner with his brother-in-law, Thomas Purchase in the Pegypscott, Maine grant in 1632, and whose son, Eleazer Way, settled in Hartford, CT. According to Savage 4:439, the Eleazer had a suit in Massachusetts early in 1637, against Thomas Purchase of Kennebeck. Henry Way of the "Mary & John" and Robert Way were undoubtedly related to this George Way. Robert Way was an apprentice in 1634, with Deputy-Governor (MA), Roger Ludlow, of the "Mary & John".

ROBERT WELSTEED - Of Bloxworth (15 m. B of Dorchester). B.a. 1570. Bu. 14 Nov. 1651, age 79. Will proved 12 Feb. 1651/2. Rector of Bloxworth, installed 1 Sept. 1597. His dau. Phillips Welsteed married Matthew Pitt. Petronell Welsted, dau. of Robert Welsted of Wymborne Minster, Dorset married William Savage of Bloxworth, son of Richard Savage of Bloxworth. (Ref: Dorset Visitation 1677, p. 61).

ROBERT WHETCOMBE - Of Sherborne (3 m. B of Yeovil). Merchant, Gentleman. Married Mary Allen, dau. of John Allen and Dorothy Smithes (Ref: Somerset Visitation 1623). Son of John Whetcombe and a brother of Simon Whetcombe. First cousins of John Whetcombe (Whitcomb) and his wife Francis Cogan who came to New England on the ship "Hopewell", with Elder John Strong.

SIMON WHETCOMBE - Of Sherborne, Dorset (3 m. E of Yeovil). Woolen merchant. Brother of Robert Whetcombe. Married Mary _. Will dated 5 Mar. 1630, proved 7 Feb. 1637. Whitcomb

JOHN WHITE - No doubt Rev. John White of Dorchester, Dorset.

JOHN WHITE, Esq. - Of London. Barrister, "Century White".

STEVEN WHITE - Brother of Rev. John White. Married Mary Waterhouse. His will is dated 7Nov. 1629, proved 15 Feb. 1629/30, witnessed by Stephen Terry, the planter.

WILLIAM WHITEWAY, the elder - Merchant. B.a. 1570. D. 1639. Will proved 6 May 1640 (PCC 60 Coventry). Burgess of the town and Borough of Dorchester, 1623 (Ref: Dorset Visitation 1623, p. 3). Married Elizabeth Gould, dau. of John Gould of Traverton, Devon, sister of Edward Gould. See Gould. He had a son John Whiteway, Mayor of Dorchester. Married Mary White, dau. of Steven White and Mary Waterhouse, niece of Rev. John White, bu. 24 July 1658.

WILLIAM WHITEWAY, the younger - Merchant. B.a. 1599. D. 1635. Son of William Whiteway. Will proved 7 Sept. 1635 (PCC 94 Sadlier). He kept a diary from 1620-1630.

ANTHONY WILKINS - Ambrose Wilkins and Alice Goddard married 23 June 1606, Trinity Church, Dorchester.

WILLIAM WILLES - Of Puddletowne, Dorset (5 m. NE of Dorchester), and Wimborne Minster, Dorset. Yeoman. Will 1636.

WALTER YOUNG, Esq. (Yonge) - Of Colyton, Devon. Bu. 26 Dec. 1649, son of John Yonge of Colliton, Devon. Will dated 14 Mar. 1645 (PCC 29 Pembroke). Married Jane Periam, dau. of John Periam of Exeter. Their son Sir John Younge married Elizabeth Strode, dau. of William Strode of Newnham, Devon. Walter was the brother-in-law of William Fry of Yarby, Richard Mallock, Humphrey Cockeram, Robert Hill of Taunton, and William Hill of Poundsford. His son Walter married Isabel Davie, dau. of Sir John Davie and Isabel Hele. (Ref: Devon Visitation 1623, p. 53). 


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