Life and Times of a Harry Potter Message Board Board Animation

The Board

Daily Prophet

--The Place--

History Book

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Email Addresses
Anita Skeeter
Andrew Sprout
Alex Granger
Alicia Spinnet
Darwin Diggory
Draconita Riddle
Jack Flash
Jeremy Weasley
Lady Verilidaine
Megora McGonagall
Princess Hermione19
Shadow LeBlade
Trisana M. Granger

First of all, Welcome!
Welcome to The HP4 Board That Lived, also known as The Secret Adobe, the MB, the Message Board, or simply as The Board.

I am Moony, Royal Historian & Poet Laureate. (and a handful of other titles that I am being to lazy to write)
I am the webmistress (yes, I am a girl) of this website, which is dedicated to our little world.

First of all, there are a few rules that all must follow here. They are:
1) Please refrain from posting any messages containing any of the following: obscene language, obscene references, inappropriate conduct, or unsightly behavior. All messages containing any of those things, regardless of context, will be deleted. No swear words will be tolerated and all will be deleted. You are more than welcome to post your own opinion so long as you do so in a dignified and respectful manner. Remember, there are children present.

2) Please stick to the topic at hand. That topic being: The theoretical and fanciful discussion of the latest developments in the Harry Potter books. Please, post any thoughts, ideas, and/or theories you may have regarding this topic. We would also like to invite you to read the past two or three pages of posts before posting your toughts, so as to familiarize yourself with the conversation. All thoughts are welcome and all will be appreciated, so long as they abide by the standards listed above in paragraph one. All messages that are blatantly off-topic will be deleted. Postings such as "Hi! I'm bored, talk to me." are irrelevant, a waste of space, and will be deleted. If you're bored  and want to talk to someone, may we suggest the Daily Prophet Chat Room or one of the other message boards.

3) Please keep all discussions regarding the fourth Harry Potter book to this board. There are some fans out there who have not yet had the opportunity to read the book and we would like to save them from the agony of having surprises spoiled.

4) If you have not read the fourth book, turn back now! Many plot twists, characters, and so on will be discussed on the board! Don't let it spoil the surprise, cause we won't be held accountable for any lost shocks.

5) Please, if you stick by these terms of use you will be doing our moderators a great favor. The schedule of two very powerful, popular wizards is quite busy and it can get very tedious and time-consuming to have to go through the board, page by page, and delete any objectionable posts. So, if you see any posts that need to be deleted, please alert our moderators by e-owling them at or Thank you!

6) The simplest of them all: Have fun!!

Agree to those? Good! They are there for your safety, you know.

Next: This board has been a private board for over half a year. It was, at one time, public; but because of certain complications, it was made private.
So saying, we all know each other pretty well. We have our own customs, our own way of doing things, and, quite frankly, we can get a bit off-topic.

What is this all coming down to? Have fun here! We love newbies! It's always nice to have fresh blood around here. It prevents us from bickering. ;)

Wander around this little History Page I've set up. It's full of interesting facts about us, how we live, etc. Trust me, it will help you in the long run.

Enjoy your stay! :-D