Marina Burns
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Hello, my name is Marina Burns. This is a picture of me with my husband Carl and my son Mark. In the bottom right hand corner of the picture you can see the back of my puppy, Joey.

We live in a small village on the east coast of Canada.

I am currently an Office Manager for a branch of a large national company.

Although I love my job, you will have noticed I mentioned 'I currently', let me explain.

Over the years I have involved myself in various MLM and sales programs. Until now, all of these have been either a waste of time or a burden on my finances.

Until now....

In June 2002. I received an e-mail which I now know will prove to be life changing for me, my family and hopefully my friends.

The e-mail in question introduced me to the DHS Club (Discount Home Shopping Club). As most people are, I was pretty skeptical at first,until I found that I could join for free and check it out before making any decisions. The previous ventures I had tried all had an initial sign up cost, but not this one.

It did not take me long to understand what I was being offered and that there was money to be made, simply by spending a few hours a week using my computer.On August 31st I upgraded to VIP and by the middle of October I had been to promoted to Team Leader!

If you are thinking about starting your own business, there is no better opportunity than this. You will receive the guidance and training to make your business a success.

No, this is not a "GET RICH QUICK" scheme - any business that tells you about making millions next month should be avoided, that generally only happens if you win the LOTTERY - and what are the odds there.

The DHS Club is a way to build up a steady, residual income - meaning you do the work now and start receiving a paycheck monthly. If you can send e-mail, you can do this business.

My main goal is to provide a better lifestyle for my family and to retire from my "current" job, in order to spend more quality time with them.

My purpose for putting this page on-line is to let you see that like you, I am a REAL person with REAL goals.

If I can do this, so can you and I can assure you that I will help you to the best of my ability and give you honesty at all times.

So what's stopping you ??

Do as I did and Join For Free, with no obligation and I can send you more details by e-mail.