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Ally's Journal

September 26th 2002
I'm back and I've added a chatroom!! WOOOHOO I have no idea weather it's gonna work or what but it's something new try it out and have fun!

May 24th 200
hey hey!!! I'm still alive!! I finally have internet again so I should be able to start updating the page again..I wanna buy a scanner soon... well once I have money...then I'll be bale to put more shot up..but for the time being be patient I promis I'll get my ass in gear soon...I wanna try and make the page cooler somehow too...so if ya have any ideas email me...now that anyone beside me nat and kristen ever come here...i guess that's why I wanna make it better eh..ok well I gotta go steal lilacs from the neighbours tree..talk to ya laters!!!!

December 27th 20
Well We have a new look for the page! Something new atleast! Hope y'all like it.  There should be some new pics up soon aswell.  Besides what's new on the page umm...there isn't really any new's x-mas was great...going home rocks....Hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did...and hope santa was good to everyone!!  Man I write as if people actually come to the page but I think the only people who do are me, nat and Kristen! heh oh well..onthat note I must be on my way..laters\
*Ally Gu
   Allison and Nat's Page
"Rock and Roll is the only way to go"
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