Charisma Carpenter Gallery Index
Disclaimer - All images, information, lyrics, etc. found throughout this website do not belong to me in any way. I do not personally know any of the celebrities or know how to contact them. I do not claim ownership of these images or any other material found on this website. Pictures that I have scanned have my website tag: but is not sign of ownership, simply a statement that I personally scanned the pictures myself, and is a form of “advertising” my website for those who view them or wish use them on their own. If the material is taken from a website, I give credit to the website that I acquired it from; if that website acquired them from someone else, check with that website to see where they originally acquired the material from. The images themselves do not belong to me, and I try tremendously to give credit to the sources from whence they came. I do not own copyrights to any of the material and do not wish to sell or make profit off of any material. This is strictly a fansite of various celebrities whom I admire with great intensity, and wish to share with the public. No profit or false claims come out of this website. If there are any questions, contact me at
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**Galleries in yellow had new pictures added the last time pictures were updated**
Gallery 1

Gallery 2

Gallery 3

Gallery 4

Gallery 5

Gallery 6

Gallery 7

Gallery 8

Gallery 9