David Boreanaz
Articles & Interviews
Seventeen May 2003
When I was 17...david boreanaz
As a teenager, David was a good kid on the brink of being bad-much like his vampire-with-a-soul character, Angel. But now...   text Melissa Daly

When I was 17, my friends and I hung out at the park and drank beer. Once I got arrested for drinking on a beach in New Jersey. My parents had to drive all the way from Philadelphia, where we lived, to pick me up form jail at 3 A.M. They were really upset. I think my dad wanted to keep me in jail to teach me a lesson, but my mom said no.

Now I just gather a bunch of good people around, have parties at my house, and listen to music. Sometimes we'll jam. I'll play drums or pick up the guitar and throw down some chords. We just play the blues as bad as we can.

When I was 17
, my hero was my dad. My transition from high school to college was difficult--the process of finding out where I wanted to go to school and taking all the tests was hard. His encouragement was very important to me.

my hero is still my dad! He's always been there for me as a friend. I can talk to him about anything. When it's time for my son [1-year-old Jaden] to make those transitions, hopefully I'll be as good a teacher as my father was.
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