Visits Since June 19, 2001
Written Sometime in 1983
By John Michael Mahoney
Sometimes I wonder why
men and women - Christians all
hold hatred in their hearts, not love.
The Black Christ-son of Hatred
not God's son - owns their souls.
So following his gospel they join
the Triple K, Neo-Nazi, IRA or
any other Hell spawned cause.
and praise themselves for their godliness.

And I wonder how
the god fearing majority (?)
follow one man - whether Jones
or Falwell
piously eating their words like
consecrated hosts.
Hate your neighbor if he's not
our kind!
Kill him if he goes too far!
So sayeth the Lord and I

Sometimes I wonder when
These new "Christians" will turn
the other cheek, not
turn against their fellow man.
When misdirrected men will leave
the seats of power.
If not - and this be the new

I'd rather be Pagan.
In cherished memory of
  John Michael Mahoney
August 25, 1959 - August 13, 1987