The Isle of One-Eyed Joe: REVAMPED
Welcome to the new headquarters of the Isle of One-Eyed Joe. After the Yeerks(AKA Geocities) managed to destroy all the hard work the Animorphs and I have done over the past 3 years, we decided we would not be intimidated. We are currently rebuilding the Animorphs Retreat from scratch, and we hope you enjoy some of the new features we hope to incorporate.
Incorporate? I didn't know your vocabulary contained words that big, Fluffer.
Thanks, Marco.
The Yeerks are here.
How to Tell Which Animorph is Talking:
Shades of Red: Jake
Shades of Blue: Rachel
Shades of Green: Tobias
Shades of Purple: Cassie

Shades of Orange: Marco
Shades of Yellow: Ax
White or Black: Fluffer McKitty
Email me!
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