Free puppy training

It's wiser to take them some place. free puppy training Dog training. Let the introduction be done on leash (with prong collars) so there is the possibility of control if need be. In extreme cases where you are not sure of what may happen, both dogs should have a muzzle on. We offer inexpensive plastic Jafco muzzles which work just fine. free puppy training Electronic dog training collars. That way if there is a fight the dogs will not injure one another and you can step in and break up the fight (NEVER STEP IN AND TRY TO BREAK UP A FIGHT BY YOURSELF IF THE DOGS DON"T HAVE MUZZLES). When I introduce 2 adult dogs I do not allow any posturing. This means one dog trying to show dominance over the other. free puppy training Dog breed pictures. You will see one dog "T" off to the other. It will put it's head over the top shoulder of the other dog and press down. This is the beginning of showing dominance. (see the photo below)If there are concerns at this point I will continue the exposure to one another away from the house for a few days and then move it into the back yard. It's important to use muzzles if there is the slightest question of possible aggression. At the first sign of posturing you should be giving firm verbal warnings. If that does not work, then a very firm correction is required to show the dog that "he must listen to you". When the back yard is working, then you can allow the dogs to be loose together in the house. Again, use a muzzle if there is question. If you have two potential problem dogs, never feed them at the same time, and never leave food down where they can both have access at the same time. Fighting over food and toys is one of the most common causes of dogfights in homes. The bottom line on this process is that owners should always error on the side of caution. Go slow and don't try and take big steps.

Free puppy training

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