Sedona Asset Disposal

Here are my notes from the inspector's meeting on May 30th.

First of all total of accepted bids: $CAN 1.44 M!
This is great news as is pays off Fleet, will pay off the secured creditors (e.g. first $2K of vacation pay) and will leave about a million for the unsecured creditors.
There are a couple of tax credit claims which could total another million (still dicey) which would get us close to 100 cents on the dollar!

Fleet is all paid off and Catena has taken over the building (as of June 1st).  With luck checks may be sent out late in June!

Summary of who got what:
Parcel Company Price Paid
1A1 (MCP750 boards) Some US company eventually $1,500
1A2 (Baja) No one
1A3 (Viper) No one
1A4 (DS3 daughtercards) No one
1A5 (parts) Catena 34,618
1B (used cPCI cards) Esion 20,000
2 (Furniture) Catena 160,000
3 (PBX & phones) Momentus 42,000
4 (Suns, PCs, Notebooks) March Networks 164,036
5 (Network and servers) March Networks 37,140
6A (DSP equipment) Catena 6,901
6B (Data verif equip) Catena 30,000
6C (Voice verif equip) Catena 181,142
6D (Network equip) Catena 172,516
6E (Lab infra) Catena 51,755
6F (Cisco) Applion 12,278
6G (Schlumberger) Catena 232,897
7A (H/W test equip) Catena 224,271
7B (48V power) Catena 16,900
7C (S/W dev  equip [IXP]) Sibercore 1,500
8 (Sedona Networks 1000's H/W & IP) Galazar 15,000
9 (Sedona Networks 8000's H/W & IP) Kestrel 10,700
10 (vxWorks licenses) No one
11A (test automation) Rodrigo Geve 1,500
11B (problem tracking) No one
11C (NG IOP design) No one
12A (Patents) Tropic 27,000
12B (Trademarks) No one
13 (Lease) Catena 0


The package from Ernst & Young is here.

Here are HTML versions of the documents: