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The androgen receptors were prepared using the prostate glands of male Sprague-Dawley rats. steroid statistics Dealing with steroid side effects. Transcriptional activation was measured using transfected CV-1 cells. In order to assess the binding affinity of these compounds, they were incubated in a medium containing androgen receptors. Each compound was tested in increasing concentrations until the minimum concentration that resulted in maximum receptor saturation was attained. steroid statistics Anabolic steroids chemistry. Then the experiment was repeated using the high affinity ligand, 3H-MIB. The concentration of each compound needed to completely saturate the androgen receptors was then compared to the amount of 3H-MIB needed to do the same. The efficacy (i. steroid statistics Anabolic steroid cycle. e. maximal degree of AR-mediated transcriptional activity observed) and potency (i. e. the lowest concentration of ligand able to induce maximal transcriptional activity) were determined by comparing the transcriptional activity induced by various concentrations of each compound to that of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The efficacy of individual compounds compared to DHT was calculated by dividing the maximal transcriptional activation observed for each compound by the maximal transcriptional activation observed for DHT. All experiments were performed in triplicate. Potency was reported as the lowest concentration of the ligand used during transfection experiments capable of producing maximal androgen receptor-mediated transcriptional activity. Discussion:First a few words about the study design. The methods used in this study are common when testing new drugs that bind with receptors. The easiest thing to do is simply put the drug in a medium containing the receptors and see how well they bind to them. Does this mimic an in vivo environment? Not exactly.

Steroid statistics

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