"The war is popular beyond belief"
Queen Victoria to the King of the Belgians

"I believe that if this barbarous nation(Russia) the enemy of all progress......
should once succeed in establishing itself in the heart of Europe,
it would be the greatest calamity which could befall the human race
Lord Lyndhurst in a speech to the House of Lords

"We shall have to shift those fellows with the bayonet, old boy!"
a Royal Fusilier to his comrade at the crossing of the Alma

"C'est magnifique, mais ce nes pas la guerre"
General Canrobert on watching the Charge of the Light Brigade

"I'll have your arm off before you know where you are"
Surgeon to Evelyn Wood, shot in the elbow

"He wasn't a very great general,
but he was a very good man
Florence Nightingale writing about Lord Raglan, British C-in-C

Like the siegeworks in front of Sevastopol,
this page is taking a long time to be completed.
At present there are only four articles to choose from

The Crimean War: Overview

The Battle of the Alma

The Battle of Balaklava

The Kerry Recruit

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