Memory    machine       assembly                comments
location  language      language
21AA:0100 B409          MOV     AH,09           ;display string of characters
21AA:0102 BA1701        MOV     DX,0117         ;point to string                
21AA:0105 CD21          INT     21              ;do it                  
21AA:0107 B401          MOV     AH,01           ;keyboard input function        
21AA:0109 CD21          INT     21              ;do it                          
21AA:010B B44C          MOV     AH,4C           ;exit function                  
21AA:010D 2C30          SUB     AL,30           ;convert to number
21AA:010F 7EF6          JLE     0107            ;jump to 107 if < "1"        
21AA:0111 3C09          CMP     AL,09           ;compare to "9"                 
21AA:0113 7FF2          JG      0107            ;jump to 107 if greater     
21AA:0115 CD21          INT     21              ;do exit                        
                            Memory dump
Location        HEX                                          Ascii
21AA:0100  B4 09 BA 17 01 CD 21 B4-01 CD 21 B4 4C 2C 30 7E   ......!...!.L,0~   
21AA:0110  F6 3C 09 7F F2 CD 21 45-6E 74 65 72 20 6F 70 74   .<....!Enter opt   
21AA:0120  69 6F 6E 3A 20 24 C1 C4-B4 00 B3 20 20 20 20 20   ion: $.....        
        Above is a example of an assembly language program to get a 
        keypress from 1 to 9 from the keyboard.  The program is written 
        by the programmer as shown under the columns "assembly language" 
        and "comments".  He then has an assembler read and assemble the 
        program into machine language.  An assembler is a computer 
        program which can interpret an assembly language file and 
        convert it to machine language complete with memory locations.  
        Usually the assembly language program would be named something 
        like OPT1TO9.ASM and the output from the assembler would be a 
        file like OPT1TO9.COM or OPT1TO9.EXE.  When the program is 
        loaded into memory the data in memory would be as shown in the 
        following table labeled "memory dump". 
        The memory location 21AA:0100 is actually determined by 
        multiplying the number 21AA (HEX) by 16 (decimal) and adding 100 
        (HEX).  That's because that the chip used in IBM-PC compatible 
        computers loads programs at the beginning of 16 byte paragraphs 
        of memory.  Memory locations are referred to as the offset in 
        bytes from the beginning of the paragraph.  Programs generally 
        begin at offset 100 because the first 100H bytes (256 in 
        decimal) are reserved for information needed by the computer and 
        are called the Program Segment Prefix (PSP).  The assembler 
        actually only determines the offset memory locations and the 
        segment (paragraph) location is determined by the DOS (Disk 
        Operating System) as the program is loaded from disk.
        To write an assembly language program the programmer must know 
        the mnemonics for the particular chip and assembler he is using. 
        Mnemonics are the language understood by the assembler like the 
        mnemonic, "MOV   AH,09", which means to move the Hexidecimal 
        number 9 into the AH register of the chip.  The comments in a 
        program are for the programmer's own use and are ignored by the 
                            BIOS, DOS, and Interrupts
        Because computers manufactured by different companies and the 
        components they are made from may vary, each PC compatible has a 
        series of machine language mini programs built into its ROM, 
        (Read Only Memory).  These programs, actually subroutines, are 
        called the BIOS, (Basic Input/Output System).  They handle all 
        interaction between the ALU and the IO devices built into the 
        These routines are used by setting certain memory registers in 
        the ALU chip and calling an Interrupt.  The memory registers 
        include AX, BX, CX, and DX and well as others.  Each memory 
        register is a set of two byte wide locations within the ALU 
        chip.  The AX register, for example, is made up of the AL, (Low 
        order) byte and the AH, (High order) byte.  
        There can be as many as 256 interrupts available to carry out 
        various functions. For instance interrupt 10H (16 decimal) 
        provides functions to control the video display, interrupt 16H 
        provides keyboard access functions, and interrupt 21H provides a 
        plethora of MS-DOS functions.  AH is set with the function 
        number before calling the interrupt.  For instance function 9 in 
        interrupt 21H is a function to display a string of characters on 
        the video.  If this function is called, it is assumed that the 
        DX register will point to the memory location where the string 
        of characters begins and that the string will be terminated by a 
        24H character which is a $.  This is illustrated in the first 
        three instructions in the assembly language program above. 
        The disk operating system is the computer program which is 
        loaded into memory upon initial startup of the system and which 
        remains in memory, at least in part, during the entire time the 
        system is powered up.  It provides access through the BIOS to a 
        number of commands to load programs from disk, execute programs, 
        and provide various disk management and other I/O functions.
        The DOS internal commands include:
        DIR     CLS     TYPE    COPY    COPY +  DATE    TIME    DEL
        ERASE   REN     VER     VOL     RMDIR   CHDIR   MKDIR   CTTY
        GOTO    IF      PAUSE   REM     SHIFT      
        Besides these the DOS can execute any other EXE, COM, or BAT 
        program if the program's name is entered at the DOS prompt.
                             Higher Level Languages
        Although assembly language provides the most speed and the most 
        efficient use of memory of any programming language, it is also 
        the most difficult in which to program.  This is because it is 
        the most primitive language next to the manual system of simply 
        calculating the bytes to put into memory for a program and 
        setting the memory locations.  For speed and ease of programming 
        a number of higher level languages have been developed over the 
        years.  These include BASIC, C, and Pascal. 
        Although higher level languages are easier to understand and use 
        they result in larger and slower programs than does assembly 
        language.  The most efficient higher level language in these 
        terms is C, but it is also more difficult to use than some other 
        Let us discuss BASIC as a commonly available example of higher 
        level languages.  Source code written in the BASIC language for 
        the above program might look like this:
        10 PRINT "Enter option:  ";
        20 INPUT X$
        30 IF X$<"1" OR X$>"9" THEN GOTO 20
        40 END
        This very small program takes up 74 bytes in interpreted BASIC, 
        but only 38 bytes in machine language and will operate much 
        faster in machine language.  Since BASIC can be used as an 
        interpreted program or BASIC source code can be compiled into 
        machine language, this program could be used in either of two 
        ways.  If it were compiled by a basic compiler the output would 
        be a machine language EXE program which would take more memory 
        space, 2400 bytes, but would run much faster than if 
        interpreted.  To use an interpreter the BASIC language 
        interpreter would have to be loaded into memory as a program to 
        be run.  It would then load, interpret and execute the above 
        program from the source code. 
        Another type of program which can be executed by the DOS is a 
        batch program.  This is simply a series of DOS internal commands 
        and EXE, COM, or BAT files which can be listed and run in 
        An example batch program would be:
             @ECHO OFF
             SCREEN cyan black
             ECHO      ³                                          ³
             ECHO      ³        [1] - Interest calculations       ³
             ECHO      ³        [2] - Play Chess                  ³
             ECHO      ³        [3] - Return to DOS               ³
             ECHO      ³                                          ³
             ECHO              Key Accepted - One moment please ...
             IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO B
             IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO A
             BASIC INTEREST
             GOTO END
             GOTO END
        In the MS-DOS world some of the extensions at the end of file 
        names have standardized meanings as follows:
        EXE    - An execute program which can be executed from DOS
        COM    - A command program which can be executed from DOS
        BAT    - A batch file of DOS commands which can be executed in 
                 sequence from DOS.
        BAS    - A BASIC program which can be compiled or interpreted.
        ASM    - An assembly language program which can be assembled.
        C      - Source code for a C program which can be compiled.
        PAS    - Source code for a Pascal program which can be compiled.
        TXT    - An ASCII file
        DOC    - An ASCII file
        So all that is necessary to make a computer do whatever you want 
        is to know the syntax and language of one or several of the 
        above languages and plan, write, and debug the program.