This is Chuck's hobby. He's restoring this 1976 Dodge Adventurer Sport, Camper edition. It's in really good shape, but we're missing some chrome. It does need a little body work, but nothing major. We're having a hard time finding chrome for this baby, so if you happen to know where we can find some, please let us know. As you can see in the picture it's missing the chrome around the rear wheel well. Hope to hear from you.
This is my new hobby. I got bored one day and took a log, and started to play and before long it started to look like a bird. I wasn't sure exactly how to do this, but it was passing the time away.
I wasn't sure on how to make it's feet, so I gave it a nest. Then someone told me that feathers are burnt in, so out came the woodburning kit and what you see is how it came out.  I think it turned out pretty good, for someone who had no clue as to how to carve.
This was my second attempt at carving. She's my new garden gnome, she started as an old fisherman, but I couldn't get his rain hat right so it became his wife. My next project is going to try the sailer again. Hopefully he'll turn out alot better then she did. It's really amazing though, when I'm carving, the world could stop and I wouldn't even know about it. It's so relaxing.
I've got a small racoon and a loon on the go, but it too cold to work outside and it tends to get alot of sawdust in the house, so I'm on hold for winter.
This is a ship I built. I guess you can say this is what really turned me on to carving. I bought this kit and when I got done, I thought , "ok this is fun but I feel like I'm just finishing off someone else's project".
I know I'm not that good at carving but hopefully someday, who knows. It passes the time away and relaxes me. Well I don't think I'll be making anymore ships though. By the way, the rack behind it, was built by my brother and painted by me.
I must have been ignoring my husband when I was almost done  carving the owl. Chuck informed me that he too had carved something, and it only took him a couple of hours, unlike mine. I was so happy that we could finally enjoy the same hobby. I asked him what he carved and if I could see it. He told me he carved a woodpecker, and brought it out for me to see. Well have a look at it. Need I say more????
This is the lastest of my creations. It's a jewelry box that I made for Aaron to give to my nephew's daughter for her baptism. It was made in 3 days. It turned out not too bad for rushing through it