Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Surgery

Surgery MCQ site

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Q1. All investigations are done to differentiate non cardiac chest pain from cardiac chest pain?

a)24 hr ph monitoring

b)Bernstein test


d)Balloon distension


Q2) Treatment of choice for gastric volvulus

a)Ant Gastropexy

b)Posterior Gastropexy



Q3) Esophagomyotomy  is indicated in all except

a)Zenker Diverticulum

b) Epiphrenic diverticulum

c) Diffuse esophageal spasm

d) Nutcracker esophagus


Q4) All arteries supply thoracic esophagus except?

a)Superior thyroid artery

b) Bronchial artery

c) Descending thoracic artery

d) Inferior phrenic artery

Q5) In Achlasia all are present except

a) Aperistaltic esophagus

b) Failure of LES relaxation

c) Elevated LES pressure

d) Increased esophageal pressure than gastric pressure


1) c

All of these can be used in someway to distinguish non cardiac chest pain from cardiac but given the choices c is correct

24 hr ph test--measures exposure of esophagus to gastric juice, probe placed 5cm LES.

It tells time the esophageal mucosa is exposed to acid, ability of esophagus to clear refluxed acid and correlates acid exposure to pt's symptoms. The units to express esophageal exposure to gastric juice are ,(i) cumulative time esophageal ph is below a chosen threshold (ii) frequency of reflux episodes below a certain threshold (iii) duration of episodes longer than 5mins

Bernstein test measures whether the symptoms can be reproduced by infusion of acid, if positive esophagus is sensitive to acid.

Balloon distension--- If by distension of balloon symptoms are reproduced test is positive. this test was designed to distinguish cardiac pain from non cardiac.

Manometry - used to examine motor function of esophagus and its sphincters.

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Organoaxial rotation is more common than mesenterioaxial and anterior is more common than posterior.

Management is laparotomy, hiatal hernia repair and fixing the antrum to ant abd wall, fundoplication may or may not be done, gastrectomy done if necrosis is present.

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For both diverticula this is the treatment of choice, for DES no definite  treatment is there and esophagomyotomy relieves dysphagia but not chest pain. in nutcracker eso indicated if no response tonifedipine.

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4) d

sup thyroid, inferor thyroid, tracheobronchial, thoracic aorta,left gastric  splenic

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may or may not be elevated