Amanda Update
(Last Updated: March 9th, 2002)
Hi Everyone!  Sorry we haven't had a chance to write an update, but we've been VERY busy.  Now that Amanda has moved to the special care nursery, there is a lot to do.  Kim and I have quite a bit to learn before we take her home.  We're involved in a structured training program that teaches us everything from how to use syringes when preparing her medicine to bathing & feeding techniques.  Mandy's doctors think she'll be ready to go home in the early part of April.  As a result, we are also frantically trying to get the house ready. 

Amanda's health is progressing nicely.  She's grown so much that she's almost five pounds.  We're gonna have to put her on a diet soon.  She's also getting much better at taking her bottles.  Aside from a small Thrush infection, she's impressing everyone.  Almost every feeding is now by mouth instead of gavage tube.  She also decides when to eat and how much.  Now that she is packing on the pounds, she can hold her body temperature better.  They decided to move her to a big girl crib a few days ago and she's doing fine.    

Her biggest challenges remain her ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) and BPD (broncho pulmonary dysplasia).  The laser surgery seems to have stopped the progression of the ROP, although there is still a little hemmoraging in her left eye.  Her doctor isn't too concerned, but he will keep a close eye on her.  Originally we thought that her BPD was rather mild, but as time has gone by it's become evident that this is not the case.  A recent X-Ray and examination by a pulmonologist showed her to have more moderate lung disease.  This is due to the high levels of respiratory support she needed in the beginning.  Mandy still should be able to heal herself with time, but it will take her a little longer than we first expected.  In the meantime, we'll have to take many precautions to keep her from getting sick.   Something as little as a common cold could put her back in the hospital.

Kim was surprised by two enormous Baby Showers.  Our second bedroom is now overflowing with gifts.  Kim and I were overwhelmed by everyone's generosity.  We're going to need to hire a scribe to help us with the Thank You cards.  We really do appreciate the gifts, but more importantly, we appreciate the support you've given us.  You helped us stay positive during an extremely difficult time.

Thanks again for your prayers and support. We plan to update this site regularly so save it in your "favorite places" and come back often.  Also, feel free to leave a message in Amanda's guest book on the
main page.

Kim and John