A. Circle the Noun and Adjective that go together.


            1. Multam agricolae sunt insulis bona Sicilias viam.


            2. Multae feminarum portatis bonis insula non est agricolis.


            3. Multam spectas non bonas silva in Sicilia sunt insulas.


            4. Parant puellis longa silvae portas via agricolarum bonas.


            5. Viis non specto duram bonis agricolam et puellae sunt terra non bonas novae.


B. Tell which noun the Latin adjective goes with in the English sentence.

1. The farmer killed the magna rabit.


2. Marcus kicked a ball longam.


3. Minerva threw dura a spear.


4. The monkey crushed bonas the banana and the grapes.


5. Parvae a girl left, but the farmers burned the woods.


C. Translate the Latin sentence correctly.

            1. Agricola portat bonam nova fortunam.


            2. Longas portamus terram parvam et puellas.


            3. Fortuna bonas parat vitas dura.


            4. Agricolam portat fama magnam bona.