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The Scuttlebutt - December, 2002          Return To Newsletters

Volume XLIX, Issue 2

Commodore Report

I’m happy to report that the November MCC Princess Party was an unqualified success. We started the evening with a turn out of 52 members.

After an adult beverage or two, the social hour ended. We proceeded to have a delicious meal followed by a short business meeting. I/P/C Angela Krzystan, Chairperson for the MCC Christmas party, discussed the Friday December 20th event. She encouraged everyone to bring a gift and participate in its exchange. She reminded everyone to bring his or her Christmas cards.

Santa will make his appearance and spread the Christmas spirit. Brush up on the words to your Christmas carols.

Our Treasurer, Pat Alpaugh, presented the 2002-2003 MCC budget to the membership. It was quickly approved. It was noted that we hope to conduct a special fund raising event to feed the kitty. It was acknowledged that our Immediate Past Treasurer, Shirley Poling managed last year’s budget to within an eyelash of a breakeven year. Hats off to Shirley for a job well done.

Our V/C Dottie Murray reminded us of the MCC motto: “Meeting and Cruising Frequently in an Atmosphere of Sociability and Good Fellowship.” I hope our folks will keep it in mind. I have learned that life is very short and I better enjoy it while I can. I come to the club affairs to have a pleasant time. I make an effort to come with a smile on my face. If I happen to have an unpleasant encounter, I try to find the compassion in my heart to set it aside and let it pass. Remember, you can control how you feel.

V/C Murray planned the evening honoring our 2002-2003 Princess, Laura Kaelber. We are delighted to have Laura back for a second year. Laura will give up a lot of her free time to serve as the MCC Princess. When you see her, give her your thanks. I had the tough job of crowning Princess Laura with her tiara, after which she had the pleasure of opening several gifts that she received.

The MCC is very fortunate to have a V/C with the experience and know how that Dottie Murray possesses.

A sign up sheet was passed around the room with the result that 32 people made a dinner reservation for the Friday, December 20th Christmas Party. This will certainly lighten the telephone contact load for the Events Committee. I thank all the folks who signed up.

By the way, P/C Brian Hunt has volunteered to be Chairman of the Events committee. If the need arises, you can cancel a dinner reservation, but it has to be done no later than the last Monday prior to the Friday meeting.

We have agreed to advise the Sparrows Point banquet manager of our needs on Tuesday mornings at 9 o’clock. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. From now on contact P/C Brian Hunt to make a dinner reservation.

I hope each and everyone had a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving.

- Commodore Don Antos

Vice Commodore Report

It was great to see the fine turn out for the Princess Installation Party. Maryland Cruising Club is honored to have Princess Laura Kaelber represent us again this year. Last year Laura spent a lot of her free time as Princess attending Commodore’s Balls, Opening Day Ceremonies, participating in the Queen of the Chesapeake Contest and attending many MCC club functions and functions of our sister clubs. We are looking forward to another great year escorting Princess Laura around the bay.

The MCC Annual Christmas Party on December 20th is our next big event and is being planned by IPC Angela so if she calls you to help, please say yes. Don’t forget your gifts and your cards that evening. This is a great evening for fun and fellowship.

The Members Appreciation Party, another party opportunity, will be the 4th Friday in January. The date is January 24th so please mark this date on your calendar. This is a change from our normal schedule of the 3rd Friday in the month, and the change is due to a prior booking by Sparrows Point Country Club.

We will be having a short business meeting first @ 7:30 PM (another change) and dinner will be served at 8:00 PM. This will be a mystery dinner but I guarantee that you will enjoy it. We will be having music and entertainment following dinner, so please come and let your officers show their appreciation.

We are looking for new members who like to have fun. So if you know anyone who would like to join, now is an excellent time. The initiation fee on Membership Applications has been waved for new members. Spread the word. Let everyone know that we are a great club. You can find an application for membership on the MCC website, http://www.oocities.org/mdcruising. Please call me if you have any questions.

Please keep in mind all of the upcoming events. We will need your help to successfully execute them in the manner that is expected of Maryland Cruising Club. We will be asking you to solicit pledges for the Walk-A-Thon for Parkinson’s disease, sell tickets for the Bull Roast, donate items for the auction and sell ads for our Opening Day program.

All of these events require the memberships help. A club is only as good as their members, so please help us to continue to have the best club on the bay.

- V/C Dottie Murray

December Calendar

Schedule of Events

12/04—Board Meeting, 7:30 PM at Maryland Yacht Club

12/16—Deadline to call for Dinner Meeting Reservations. Contact E/C P/C Brian Hunt For dinner reservations

12/20—December General Membership Meeting—7:00 PM. Contact E/C P/C Brian Hunt For dinner reservations


12/31—New Year’s Eve

December, 2002











4Board Meeting












16Call For Dinner Reservations




20General Membership Meeting











31New Year’s Eve

Access The CBYCA Web Site for Sister Club Activities: http://www.cbyca.org

Fleet Captain Report

I booked a cruise at castle Harbor Marina on Kent Island for 26-27 July 2003. There is a nice pool at the marina and a new picnic pavilion will be built by spring of 2003; therefore, we should be able to have a Sunday brunch—Bloody Marys and Mimosas! And there is no specific check-in or out time. There is also a water taxi available to take us to any of several restaurants or the Kent Island Yacht Club for dinner at a cost of $6 or $7 each round trip. I will check with the yacht club to see if they have anything interesting going on that weekend.

Several people have expressed an interest in a week’s cruise to Cape May. I have several concerns—cost of insurance (some policies need a rider to go into the Delaware Bay) and also the conditions in the Delaware Bay for smaller boats. If we go to Cape May, I was thinking of the first part of June or July. Those who expressed interest in the trip said they were going to go even if it is not a “club” cruise.

Another option for a week-long cruise would be the week of July 4th. The weekend before is Amber Lighthouse Opening and Shrimp Feast—Saturday the 28th. We could start our trip there and continue cruising to different clubs around the middle bay area for fireworks, cookouts, and parties.

Please e-mail either Fleet Captain Joanie at jridnour@comdt.uscg.mil or Captain Duane at duane_skinner@hotmail.com if you have any interest in a week’s cruise and if so which one.

I will be booking our other cruises for the summer in January and February so keep your eyes on the Scuttlebutt. I am also checking on land cruises over the winter, and I am making calls trying to find a good price for either a cruise, a week in Hawaii, or an all-inclusive trip anywhere as long as the price is right for those of us who are adventurous.

Here is a sample of a week in Honolulu October 8-16:


Aston Aloha Surf – 3 blocks from beach, continental breakfast served in lobby. Total for 2 - $1813 includes taxes.

Aston Coral Reef – 1 block from beach, jr. suite. Total for 2 - $1876 includes taxes.


Waikiki Beachcomber – across the street from beach, partial ocean view. Total for 2 - $2159 includes taxes and R/T airport transfers.

Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel (new hotel—excellent buy, great location), across the street from beach, partial ocean view, full buffet breakfast. Daily/2 for 1 luau certificate. Total for 2 - $2496 includes R/T airport transfers.


Outrigger Reef on the Beach – ocean view. Total for 2 - $2630 includes taxes, R/T airport transfers, and $50 Big Kahuna bucks.


2 BR/1 bath for 2 couples (condos in Honolulu have one bathroom). Total for 4 - $4482 or $1120.50 per person includes R/T airport transfers.

The flight would be on American Airlines and if you belong to the frequent flyer program you would get mileage credit. The flight leaves out of BWI with a stop in Chicago. The deposit would be $100 per person with the final payment due 45 days prior to departure date. I have been talking to Ms. Cathie Sheldon in California. Her e-mail address is: ccssheldon@hotmailcom. The prices will keep going up for the flights so if anyone is interested, please let me know or send e-mail to Cathie.

That’s all for now! I hope to see you at the MCC Christmas Party on December 20th. I wish you and your family a Safe and Happy Holiday Season.

- Fleet Captain Joanie Ridnour-Skinner

Fleet Chaplain Report

An MCC Thought For The Holiday Season

Thank Heaven for those special people whose friendship warms sunny days.

Thank Heaven for those special people who always bring encouragement.

Thank Heaven for those special people who always see the “good” in us.

Thank Heaven for those special people who brighten lives in wonderful ways.

Thank Heaven for you, our Maryland Cruising Club Members and Volunteers.

May the special joy you bring to others return to you during this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

Coming together is the beginning.

Keeping together is progress.

Working together is success.

Let’s have a wonderfully, successful year!


- Fleet Chaplain Fred Levitan

Fleet Surgeon Report

Tips to Prevent Cold and Flu the "Natural" Way

There are no known cures for colds and flu, prevention must be your goal. A proactive approach to warding off colds and flu is apt to make your whole life healthier. The best way to prevent flu is to get the flu shot. It works better than anything else. But there are other strategies you might want to try:

Wash Your Hands - Cold and flu viruses are spread by direct contact. Someone who has the flu sneezes onto their hand, and then touches the telephone, the keyboard, a kitchen glass. The germs can live for hours—in some cases weeks—only to be picked up by the next person who touches the same object. So wash your hands often. If no sink is available, rub your hands together very hard for a minute or so. That also helps break up most of the cold germs.

Don't Cover Your Sneezes and Coughs With Your Hands - Because germs and viruses cling to your bare hands, muffling coughs and sneezes with your hands results in passing along your germs to others. When you feel a sneeze or cough coming, use a tissue, then throw it away immediately. If you don't have a tissue, turn your head away from people near you and cough into the air.

Don't Touch Your Face - Cold and flu viruses enter your body through the eyes, nose, or mouth. Touching their faces is the major way children catch colds, and a key way they pass colds on to their parents.

Drink Plenty of Fluids - Water flushes your system, washing out the poisons as it rehydrates you. A typical, healthy adult needs eight 8-ounce glasses of fluids each day. How can you tell if you're getting enough liquid? If the color of your urine runs close to clear, you're getting enough. If it's deep yellow, you need more fluids.

Do Aerobic Exercise Regularly - Aerobic exercise speeds up the heart to pump larger quantities of blood; makes you breathe faster to help transfer oxygen from your lungs to your blood; and makes you sweat once your body heats up. These exercises help increase the body's natural virus-killing cells.

Eat Foods Containing Phytochemicals - "Phyto" means plants, and the natural chemicals in plants give the vitamins in food a supercharged boost. So put away the vitamin pill, and eat dark green, red, and yellow vegetables and fruits

Relax - If you can teach yourself to relax, you can activate your immune system on demand. There's evidence that when you put your relaxation skills into action, your interleukins -- leaders in the immune system response against cold and flu viruses -- increase in the bloodstream.


Birthdays & Anniversaries


12/19—Marilynn Zullo

12/19—Don Kaelber

12/20—P/C Mike Murray

12/24—Louis Karageorge

12/27—Mary Gunther

12/28—F/C Joanie Ridnour

01/01—F/Chaplain Fred Levitan

01/08—Jean Troy

01/09—P/C Angela Krzystan


12/17—Warren & Libbie Eastburn

12/19—Tommy & Judy Chalk

01/02—Edgar & Betty Mosier

01/10—Ed & Adele Bruette

01/15—V/C Dottie & P/C Mike Murray

Christmas Party--Click Here For Flyer

Please be sure to mark your calendars for the Annual Christmas Party to be held on Friday, December 20 at Sparrows Point Country Club! A festive time is sure to be had by all.

There will be the opportunity for a gift and card exchange. Anyone who brings a gift will be eligible to receive a gift! Please keep the gift range in a reasonable amount, we aren't expecting to get the keys to that new boat!

For those of you who have not been to our Christmas Party in the past, the gifts range from small items of giftware, to boat accessories, to a popular liquor or wine, and there is even usually a whimsical item. You are sure to go home with a special memory from the evening. And, you never know, we may be able to get a visit from the Maryland Cruisettes!

Don't forget - all dinner reservations must be called in to E/C P/C Brian Hunt (410-255-3120) no later than Monday, December 16, 2002.

Dinner will be:

Roast Beef or Roast Turkey

Mashed Potatoes and gravy

House Salad

Chef's vegetable

Rolls and butter

Coffee and tea

Viennese table of desserts. Christmas cookies and mini pastries

- IP/C Angela Krzystan

Member Appreciation Party

The Member Appreciation Party (previously known as the “Officer’s Cocktail Party”) is scheduled for our January meeting to be held on Friday, January 24, 2003.

This event is to toast the members of MCC and thank them for all of their continued support of the club throughout the year.

Lots of fun is planned for this year’s party—including a Mystery Dinner, Music, and Dancing!

Please plan on joining us for our annual Member Appreciation party to be held at Sparrows Point during the normal dinner meeting.

Wear Your Colors

Lets be proud and wear our colors for the good of the club!

Have you got an item with the club logo on it? If not, you can order high quality, extremely attractive shirts, sweaters, jackets, caps, jewelry, and other items. Please contact Chaplain Fred Levitan to order clothes and Vice Commodore Dottie Murray at to order jewelry.

Please wear our colors at all our fabulous MCC events.

- B/M Wayne Cope

CBYCA Delegate Report

The last meeting of the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Club Association (CBYCA) was held at Bush River Yacht Club on Saturday, November 16, 2002.

This meeting was also the change of watch. Newly elected Commodore is Ken Bean, Vice Commodore is our very own P/C Betty Stahler and Rear Commodore is John Garlotta.

Also, our very own Dion Guthrie won the Harford County election for councilman.

Two new clubs were elected into CBYCA. They are: Chesapeake Cruisers Association & Admirals Annapolis Yacht Club.

Charles Tulip has resigned as Maryland Legislative Director (he’s going cruising). Coles Marsh of Admirals Annapolis is taking Charles place.

The following issues were discussed:

A new bill has passed that requires all boats entering U.S. waters to give the Coast Guard 96 hour notice.
The National Boating Federation is in favor of keeping and maintaining Loran-C.
The D.O.T. will make a decision by the end of this year. The new federal law requires anyone under the age of 13 to wear a PFD while on board a boat, making way. If a state has a PFD Law, as does Maryland, the federal law does not apply.
The National Boating Federation is very much in favor of the new type one MSD waste treatment system which treats waste and allows discharge over board. The treated waste water is said to be 100 times cleaner then water treated by public water systems. (I still don’t think I’d drink it).

The next C.B.Y.C.A. meeting will be held at Kent Island Yacht Club February 15, 2003.

- B/M Al Freedman

New Members

The following prople were voted on during the November General Membership Meeting:

Troy Brooks & Carla

George W. McManus, Sr & Ann

Dennis Lunsford

Buzz Wilson & Cindy

Barbara Bishop

Let’s welcome them to MCC!

- V/C Dottie Murray

2003 Roster

First, let me apologize for not having the roster available to you at the November General Membership Meeting.

My brother had broken his leg pretty seriously and was operated on that Friday, November 15. I had fully intended being back from the Frederick Hospital in time to come to the meeting, but, as with many operations, time ran much longer than expected and I didn’t make it home until almost 10 PM.

Therefore, the roster was not available to those attending the meeting.

In order to rectify this situation, I will move printing of the roster back one month and have the draft roster available at the December meeting.

Please plan to attend the meeting on December 20 and see me to review your entry in the roster for accuracy.

The final version of the 2003 Roster will then be available at the January General Membership Meeting scheduled for Friday, January 24, 2003.

Please plan on attending both of these fun events to first review, and then pick up your copy of the 2003 Roster.

By picking the copy up yourself, you eliminate the need to mail a copy, saving the club hundreds of $$$ in mailing costs.

Remember, the costs that we save will allow us to spend more money on fun events for you and your family.

- P/C Pamela Hunt

2002 Commodore Ball

First, on behalf of Rosalie and myself and the Officers and Board Members of MCC, thank you for attending the Commodore’s Ball on November 2ndat Martins East Wind. It was a pleasure to spend an evening with you. We will treasure the videotape from that evening.

We opened the Ball with a cheese and vegetable table, butlered hors d’oeuvres and an “out of this world” crab dip. The bar service was the top of the line. When it came time to start the program, I sent P/C Betty Stahler up to the podium and next thing I knew she wasn’t there. This happened about four times. Finally, she introduced Mistress of Ceremonies P/C Pamela Hunt and we got things rolling.

Thanks to Pam, we were able to present each representative from a visiting organization a framed replica of the flag of their office. In all, we handed out 33 of these keepsakes. Pam did a great job of moving the program along. We completed the ceremonial activities in exactly one hour which put us on schedule. The dinner service of prime rib/sautéed chicken and the background music by “Robin & the Rhythmix” were great.

We danced and acted crazy for the next three hours and at midnight we still had a full dance floor. That was a good indication that the guests were enjoying their night out. Everyone took home a souvenir MCC engraved glass. The lucky ones took home an electrified lighthouse that was the guest table centerpiece.

Rosalie and I attempted to plan a Commodore’s Ball that would be satisfying for our guests. At the end of the evening on November 2, we thought we had achieved our goal. We were even more pleased by the comments we received from people over the next week.

I think P/C Betty Stahler’s comment sums it up: “I wouldn’t have changed a thing.”

- Commodore Don Antos

Scuttlebutt On The Web

The Scuttlebutt can now be viewed on the web. Each month, once the newsletter is complete, it is passed to the printer for printing and mailing to our members.

Last month, I took the Scuttlebutt to the post office to mail. Since V/C Dottie had taken the copies for the officers at the Board Meeting, I was able to remove those people from the mailing list. Therefore, I mailed 54 copies of the Scuttlebutt at $.60 each. I also mailed 2 copies to our Club Historian Bob Grepps at a cost of $1.06. Therefore, the cost to mail the Scuttlebutt ended up being $33.46 for just one month. That means that we spend over $400 for Scuttlebutt mailing each year.

In an effort to reduce these costs, we are asking people with access to the web to obtain their copies of the Scuttlebutt online and eliminate the mailing.

The savings that the club can realize will provide us with additional funds to spend on cruises and other events.

If you would like to assist in reducing these costs, please email me at oliviakay@cablespeed.com and let me know that you no longer need a mailed copy of the Scuttlebutt. Your efforts will go a long way to reducing the mailing expenses.

If you would like to view the newsletter information on the web, follow the steps below:

Access the MCC web site at http://www.oocities.org/mdcruising
Select and click on the option that says “Newsletters”
Select and click on the Scuttlebutt month that you are interested in viewing

If you would like to print a copy of the Scuttlebutt for reading at a different location or time, continue the steps below:

Select and click on the “Printer Friendly Version”
Select and click “Print” from your browser.
Enjoy your Scuttlebutt!

You will find that you will be able to read the fun, informative and entertaining articles in the Scuttlebutt much earlier than the mailing is sent.

I have taken everyone’s email address that is listed in the roster and I have begun sending out a message indicating that the Scuttlebutt is available for viewing on the web. If you have not received this notice, then I don’t have your most current email address.

Please send me an email indicating your new address and that you want to be added to the list.

If you have feedback for the web site, please contact P/C Pamela Hunt at the following email address:


Happy Reading!

- P/C Pamela Hunt

Sick & Welfare

Join us in wishing a continued speedy recovery to Kent Alpaugh and Warren & Libbie Eastburn!

If you know of anyone who has been ill, please contact Fleet Surgeon Sharon Rebbel on rebsraft@comcast.net so she can send a card and we can post the information in the Scuttlebutt!

Bull & Oyster Roast

The MCC Annual Bull & Oyster Roast will be held on April 4, 2003. I know it’s early, but we need to begin planning efforts right away in order to have a successful and profitable Bull Roast.

Remember, the Bull Roast supports the cruising events that we have scheduled for next season so it needs to turn a tidy profit.

Lacking a Rear Commodore this year, I have agreed to chair this event and I would like all of us to have the best Bull Roast ever!

We are asking every member to assist in selling Bull Roast and Raffle tickets. It is important for every member to participate in the success of the Bull roast!

With your support and participation, we can turn this event into the Bull Roast of the season!

Tickets will be available at the December meeting! Please plan on bringing a table of people to this fun event! Do your part to support our club—and have fun in the meantime!

We have lots of surprises and fun ideas planned for that night, so please put this date on your calendar now! Bring your friends and help us to make this a special night in MCC History!

- P/C Pamela Hunt

Officer Highlight - B/M Wayne Cope

Editor's Note: In an effort to familiarize members with each other, each month, the Scuttlebutt will highlight and profile either a member or an officer of the club. Be sure to say hello to them when you see them on a cruise!

Wayne Cope grew up in Watkins Glen, N.Y. and served in the U.S. Navy from 1961 to 1967. In 1974, he graduated from Elmira College, then went on to a graduate degree in Human Development and Family Relations at the University of Kansas School of Psychology.

His work experience includes; Sales Rep, District Sales Manager, Director of Training, Regional and Division Sales Manager, and General Manager of a Red Sox Farm team.

Wayne has also owned a grocery store and subshop, and he currently works for Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in the Community Psychology department as a Senior Rehabilitation Therapist.

Wayne married Cathy Maletz in 1998 after meeting in a bereavement group shortly after their respective spouses died in 1995. Wayne has 6 children, and Cathy has a son, Dan, and a step-daughter. They live in Columbia, MD.

Sports have been a big part of Wayne’s life as a player and coach. He has worked with players from little league to college in both baseball and basketball.

Wayne has given up coaching and all other sports to pursue his love of boating. He and Cathy are also resident members of Maryland Yacht Club where they keep their 24’ Crownline.

Wayne & Cathy joined Maryland Cruising Club in 2000 and Wayne volunteered to take on a Board position for the 2003-2005 Cruising Seasons.

He has served on many boards from non-profits to businesses, and is looking forward to serving the members of Maryland Cruising Club as an active board member.

Silent Auction, Raffles, Prize Wheel, Door Prizes

I know it’s a long time until the Bull Roast in April, but if you’re a crafter and have a job and know the holidays are in there somewhere, it’s really not that long. Before you know it you will be very busy. That’s why it’s important to start working on your contributions today.

For those of you who are new to the club we do fund raisers every year to build a budget large enough to conduct club business, put on charitable fundraisers and have FUN.

Without your support both by selling tickets and donating items and time we cannot meet our goals. Every club member needs to be involved at the highest level they can in order to reach success. The Bull Roast in April is our biggest fundraiser; the Silent Auction, prize wheel and raffle are some of our moneymakers at our Bull Roast.

For the Silent Auction, club members, businesses, etc. donate items to be auctioned off. The process is to write your name and the amount you bid on the paper beside an item (thus silent so as not to distract from the festivities). Then all evening long you get to watch your items to be sure no one has outbid you. At the appointed hour, if you are the high bidder you will get to purchase the item for your bid.

Items donated can be crafts, services, gift baskets, single items, cars, gift certificates, alcohol, trips, clothing, CD’s (either kind), electronic equipment, boating stuff, etc. Anything you want to donate is appropriate!!

The committee will decide if an item will bring the highest price by placing it in the Silent Auction, on the gift wheel, in the raffle basket, or as a door prize, so donate away. And don’t forget all those Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa gifts from Aunt Millie you don’t know what to do with. Remember someone else may not have an Aunt Millie.

To donate items or to volunteer your time, contact Pat Brettschneider or P/C Pam Hunt.

- Pat Brettschneider

The Choking Gourmet

Last weekend after attending the CBYCA Board & Delegate meeting at Bush River Yacht Club, where our very own P/C Betty Stahler was installed as Vice Commodore, and Ken Bean was installed as Commodore , we drove to Philadelphia to attended Riverside Yacht Club of Pennsylvania’s Ball which was held at West End Yacht Club, in Essington, Pa.

Prior to the Ball we all met at Riverside’s bar for a few drinks. The ball cost $40.00 each, and included an open bar, music and a fantastic meal; salad, appetizer, filet mignon and desert. Needless to say most of us got “wasted” (except Betty, who doesn’t like to lose control).

It was a good idea that we stayed overnight. The next morning we met for breakfast, Butch Gricco (President of Harbor View Yacht Club), and his wife Barbara, their daughter, Barbara (Past Queen of the Delaware Yachtsman’s League), and Rex Beers (Commodore of the Delaware River Rats Yacht Club) and his wife Shelly.

Betty and I have made so many great friends in the Philadelphia area, we feel like they are our extended family.

* * * * *

The reason a dog has so many friends is because he wags his tail instead of his tongue.
If your dog is fat, you ain’t getting enough exercise.
“Every once in a while, I think about going on a diet. Then I remember all the people who must have passed up the desert cart on the Titanic.....”

- B/M Al Freedman

2003 Roster

‘Twas the night of Thanksgiving, but I just couldn’t sleep

I tried counting backwards, I tried counting sheep.

The leftovers beckoned, the dark meat and white, but I fought the temptation with all of my might.

Tossing and turning with anticipation, the thought of a snack became an infatuation.

So I raced to the kitchen, flung open the door, and gazed at the fridge, full of goodies galore.

I gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes, pickles and carrots, beans and tomatoes.

I felt myself swelling so plump and so round, ‘til all of a sudden, I rose off the ground.

I crashed through the ceiling, floating into the sky, with a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie.

But, I managed to yell as I soared past the trees,

Happy Eating to all, pass the cranberries, please!

* * * * *

May your stuffing be tasty, may your turkey be plump, may your potatoes ‘n gravy have nary a lump.

May your yams be delicious, may your pies take the prize, may your Thanksgiving Dinner stay off of your thighs!

- Author Unknown

A Trip South

Frank Donaldson is a 2000 P/C from Kent Island Yacht Club. We thought you would enjoy hearing about his journey south to his Florida home. The story continues next month!

OCTOBER 25, 2002

We left Coinjock yesterday the 25th of October, entered the North River and on to Albemarle Sound where we set a course to Roanoke Island and Pirates Cove Marina. We had about 20 miles of NE winds of 20 Knots on our beam, but the boat handled it very well.

The sky was overcast, making the markers difficult to see (radar would not pick up the markers until we were almost there). We rounded Roanoke and picked up the markers into Manteo and on to Pirates Cove Marina where we spent the night. Barrowed the courtesy car and went to a restaurant recommended by the Dock master, called “Bassnights Lone Cedar”.

Would you believe we ran into our friend Sena and enjoyed a chatful evening with her and her friend. Got the radar fixed and now waiting for the fog to clear so that we may start our course South over Pamlico Sound to the Neuse River and Adams Creek and on to Moorhead City (about 100 miles).

OCTOBER 26, 2002

Left Pirates Cove Marina Oct. 26 after a delightful stay with friendly people. We took the Old House channel southeast of Roanoke Island through some hairy areas where the markers were precariously close to land with shallow water on each side of the channel. On our left, Oregon Inlet bridge and channel that takes you to the ocean and straight ahead is Pamlico Sound, which we took.

Years ago I fished out of Pirates Cove when the channels were not so well marked and the area not so developed. Now it is another Ocean City MD.

We continued our course over Pamlico Sound going by Brant and other Shoals along the way but all marked well. Left Pamlico Sound and entered the Neuse River then passed Oriental on the right and New Bern straight ahead. Then south, entered Adams Creek.

Adams Creek has developed with waterfront homes almost all the way to Beaufort, NC., meaning 6 Knots for 10 miles. The Channel splits: left to Beaufort and right to Moorhead City. We took the left into Town Creek Marina and Beaufort. When we arrived at the fuel dock we had to wait for 45 min. while tournament fishing boats took on fuel. Most were Contenders (big center consoles with 3 not 2 but 3 huge outboard motors). They took on 3 and 4 hundred gallons each of gas at $1.70 per gallon. Oil extra cost. After fueling our tanks at $1.19 per gallon diesel, we put the boat in a slip for the night and took advantage of the fine facilities of Town Creek.

Tomorrow the weather is promising to be sunny and warm with the temps in the high seventies, just what we are looking for.

- KIYC P/C Frank Donaldson


General Membership Meeting

Member Appreciation Party



JANUARY 24, 2003

Mystery Dinner




$20 per person

Contact E/C P/C Brian Hunt



Boating Tip Of The Month

Editor’s Note:

If you have a great boating tip that you would like to share with the rest of the club, please submit it for publication to V/C Dottie Murray at dmurrayqm@hotmail.com

Over the years, I have heard many people making hesitant or negative comments about teak decks, some who refuse to buy a boat with them because they are continuous and difficult maintenance.

This is definitely not the case. In addition to looking great, teak decks are essentially rot-proof, very stable, and teak is the finest non-skid product available.

If you follow these few recommendations, your teak decks will look outstanding and will add very little time to your yacht maintenance routine.

You will need TSP (tri sodium phosphate, a powdered cleaning product) and a coarse cleaning pad, 3M or other brand (like you would use to clean a grill), with a random pattern of fibers (brushes will scour out the soft wood and leave ridges and valleys in your teak). Both of these items can be found at a hardware store or a home improvement center.

Mix 1 cup of TSP with a gallon of hot water.
After wetting your deck with a hose, spread about 100 square feet with the TSP solution and let it stand for a few minutes.
Dip your scrub pad in the solution and start scrubbing the wood fore, aft and across the grain.
If the decks are particularly dirty, you can sprinkle some extra TSP onto the working area.
Rinse thoroughly and go on to the next section.

If you do this once a month in addition to just washing them every time you wash the boat, your decks will stay bright.

For extra beautiful decks, once every six months use a product called Tip Top Teak Brightener. It’s about the same procedure as the TSP and will greatly enhance your decks and the value of your boat.

- Credit to: Marlow Marine

Whose Boat Is This??

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Thanks to V/C Dottie Murray and Captain Jim Carr who provided the photographs for this issue!

This page was last updated on 06/05/03.

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Captain Siegfried Gerstung & Lady Sandi

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